Wei Dragons ext diff
How far off is that from your speculation?
I guess it depends on what “diff” means in terms of battle but I would say high diff. Put it this way, I think Ranbihaku vs Kaishibou is either way and Rambihaku is Rei Ou’s inferior.
I know you’re not gonna swallow this point, but note how in each of these scenarios we’re using the only 4 noteworthy Wei Dragons, because wife beater Tairoji and the other two were killed in one swoop by 1 dragon. That’s a scenario impossible to imagine for Qin6/ 3GHs. Assassination maybe but not a full scale war.
We are using the 4 noteworthy dragons because we know nothing about the rest of them. Literally of the other 3 we only know their names and what they looked like. But there is no indication that they were any weaker than the others. Prime Shi Ei killing them was portrayed as Prime Shi Ei being terrifying, not them being weak or fraudulent like, say, the death of Gekishin.
And as for the Qin 6, I don’t think you want to play this game when Kyou and Oukotsu have the showings they do. Again nothing about those three dragons’ deaths was even hinted at them being weak, the whole thing was that prime Shi Ei when enraged by Kika’s death was an unstoppable force for them. You can’t imagine this happening with the Qin 6 or the Zhao 3 because none of them have the exceptional portrayal that prime Shi Ei had.
This is an indictment on the Qin 6, not condemnation of Shi Ei. I’m sorry Hara never gave any of the Qin 6 portrayal over the rest of them, but with prime Shi Ei he stressed how terrifying his spear was when he was rage lusted.
So don’t twist the facts, the only Qin 6 member who had the same unstoppable portrayal as prime Shi Ei was Ouki when enraged by Kyou’s death, but even this Ouki is not clearly above his fellow Qin 6 like prime Shi Ei was above his Fire Dragon peers.