Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
bro do you notice before Zoro one shotted Lucci, every fucking clown here was saying that Lucci could take all strawhat if not for Luffy

Now all clowns after Zoro one shotted lucci, are saying that even Franky can take Lucci down.

Bro, the agenda most flow right?:suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:

Sanjino aint no way taking down Lucci, hybrid form is enough to finish him off:myman:
That's classic worstgen

If zoro beats someone - then it's not zoro is strong but opponent is mid

If zoro gets stalled - then it's not plot or opponent is strong but zoro is weak

Agenda scaling rotten their brains
The amount of cope in this post is funny.

I stated 3 swords Zoro was too much for Lucci and the manga proved me right. Lucci couldn't touch Zoro even with a name attack. Zoro is too fast for Lucci. Zoro oneshot when he stopped playing around and used a 3 sword style attack. Zoro beat Lucci at low diff.
That was a joke Post that I made to make your Zorofans mad.

This is what I expected from a Yonko Crew, I see even Jimbei able to defeat Lucci.

You have all SH top fighters at minimum damaged, so they will have a shot in the final fight,Possibly against, Goroseis?

This what a expected from a Low top tier when him fights High tiers, a Mid diffs type of fight
He literally used gura to the same effect wb used lol

Retard, its literally what Teach says ''he can't control too well yet'' LMAO.

Burgess is complaining, they could get hurt by it if Teach fights again before learning fully, use your little brain.

You're saying BB was scared of a single fucking ship? The same kind that even pre time skip goofy destroyed?
How is Teach going to fight Red Dog when Red Dog has ship, and Teach doesn't during sea battle? Are you dumb?

If they had no ship, how did they escape? They ran away on sanjuan right? So he could have just simply ran away on his own clown. BB didn't run away cause of his feelings for poor sanjuan. He and his crew ran away cause they were scared shitless of akainu lmao
Again you dumbshit are too stupid and can't read, they were using a broken raft, they needed to carry Sanjuan with a broken raft, and you think they should fight Marines in that situation lmao.

Did BB do anything against old garp and sengoku clown? And marco also fucking survived against BB and his entire army lol. Thats marco's power retard.
Sengoku was covered in bandages, when Lakainu fought Marco, Marco was already Nerfed and Red Dog still couldn't do shit.

But Teach is losing to Lakainu according to this 0 IQ clowns.

idc about mohawk. so go cry somewhere else clown.
You don't know ''Marine Hunter'' (he owes his 3 billion Law level bounty to this) Mihawk left his home island vs Fodder Marines but you run your bitch mouth about Teach? :milaugh:
Yeah we all saw agile beard shittting himself against a nameless slash from s-hawk :crybeard:

''Nameless'', that shows how stupid you are as usual. Luffy's nameless attack vs Hajrudin, and his nameless attack vs Garp and Teach were his strongest attacks dumbass.
Shanks started with FS and an ACoC name attack. Zoro could have done the same but chose not to.
No he waited Lucci to waste his stamina, you think Zolo wasted his stamina and time for a while on purpose? LMAO.
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