Anarchism has nothing to do with economical model. Their economic model would be capitalism too.
I wasn't talking only about economy. Capitalism is not only an economic system, its a social one as well.
They are essentially communist
They could call themself communist, but the system wasn't and what they did wasn't.
Genocide denier.
People may call it random but at the end they select specific people that they know will vote as they want.
Random means random. It doesn't mean selected on specific attribute.
Absurd to call it irrelevant the comparison is totally valid. If it doesn't work in a micro situation it would never work in a macro situation. This is simple logic.
You are applying a economic strategy and system that was economicaly quantified and demonstrated (all the economic solutions of LFI) to the situation a house with 3 to 6 people. This is nonsense and this has nothing to do with the subject
If you can't pay someone for less than minimum wage than you can't employee that person meaning more unemployment.
If you can't pay someone the minimum wage, don't start a compagny to begin with. Minimum wage is not an option.
In bad societies yes. Start paying people more and they will be able to pay their taxes correctly and live happily.
If everyone could produce something in society then we wouldn't have unemployment
Unemployement is not here because of the value and producing power of people, its here because of a mad management, the belief in meritocracy and very questionniable economic politics.
Minimum wage doesn't guarantee you a minimum wage
Yes it does. At least in my country, that's the law. If you pay me less... you will have some problems.
And minimum wage could never be enough to live as you want it to be specially when the cost of living increases too much.
Indeed, minimum wage is not enough. That's why we need to raise it, tax rich people more and redistribute the ressources.
First you say that meritocracy doesn't exist than you say that it needs to be crush and calls it a system?
Because meritocracy doesn't exist doesn't mean that the system, that believe meritocracy do exist, does not exist. We need to crush the BELIEF and the system that is perpetuating that belief.
Meritocracy is reality dude you can't crush reality
Actually its not. Sorry. Watch the damn video and EDUCATE yourself.
You can't crush the laws of physics.
Meritocracy is not physics or science, its the opposite, its a myth. A story to keep you believing in the hope that you can become one day a billionaire just because of you efforts and work. If you still believe that after being explained why its a lie and why it does not exist, then you are lost.
Even in communist countries there is Meritocracy.
Again, there is no such things as communist country in the world.
A doctor in Cuba is paid more than a teacher because is a harder job.
Tell that to teachers in high difficulty area. You don't understand what is hard and what is not. Because someone has knowledge doesn't mean its hard.
Following your logic (that you don't understand yourself), people working on construction site, lifting tons of metal pipes concretes should be millionaires.
There you go. Because of leftists.
Liberals believe in meritocracy, just like you. They are therefore rightist, just like you. Once again, you missed your shot.
I care much more than you do
If that was the case, you wouldn't deny a genocide right now. You don't care about people, you only care about your beliefs.
All your economic ideas are tested around the world and proved to only cause poverty.
Actually, its your ideas that are provocking poverty mate. Its capitalism and the belief in merits that are in the systems right now. YOUR ideologies, YOUR poisons. Not mine :)
"reduced their probability of keeping their job by 4.6 percent "
Not the same thing.
In your logic its the minimum wage the problem. In the actual reality of the article, it (WAS) most likely due to the employer.
The reality is that minimum wage has positive effects:
But hey.. keep dreaming of slavery..
Is not about a choice even less political.
Its all about a political choice. If you are not capable of paying your emplyee well, don't create a compagny to begin with. People deserve to be paid and productivity can only SANELY increase by paying people well. PERIOD.
And by the way, the choice you are talking about was already done by Ford when his workers stopped from working around 16h a day to work only 8h and only 5 days and then everybody else started to follow that system because of productivity.
A political choice are most of the time done because it works. And most of the time they are not made not because it doesn't work but because people still believe in BS systems like meritocracy. The choice to change and better the lives of the worker was political and don't worry that a lot of people before Ford talked about that.
Your headcannon is not science.
Science is science. If you don't trust it based on nothing but your beliefs, you are ignorant. Simple as that.
In the domain of meritocracy, you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT.. So start humbling yourself and start listening to actual scientists.
That's when internet comes in to make knowledge accessible to more and more people.
Actually Internet is part of the cultural capital. Not everyone starts with the same capital on this field. For example, an old person will most likely have VERY LITTLE knowledge about internet. So they are by nature defavorized when it comes to technological related work opportunities.
Your cultural and social capitals is only to explain to you that people are different and can never be equal so there will never be equal opportunities equal salary equal way of living etc.
Damn, you really didn't listen or understand at all... This is really demoralizing.
No this is not to explain that people are different. This is made to explains why people will have different chances in life because of their capitals.
The point of this explanation is to explain why our current system doesn't work and why we must CHANGE IT.
If you work harder you are paid more.
Damn, you look like a cultist member, completely matrixed by the lie of the gourou..
Ok. Let's prove it. Working hard pays more, then this means that you can become a millionaire if you work hard. So
Go tell to a factory worker that they can become millionnaire if they work hard.
No, BETTER ! I challenge you to become a Billionnaire before the end of the year! If you are unable to do that, you will have proven that working hard is just not enough and that merit is myth. Deal ? After all, if merit exist, there is no reason that you can prevail, right ?
If you study to learn new skills you will be able to be more productive and will be paid more.
Yes, but what you completely fail to understand, is that working habbit of studying is a social construct and not everyone is armed the same way in front of that. In some social circle, studying is seen as something very bad or time consuming. You also completely ignore that some people just don't have the time to study and have other things to do with their life.
So like always with rightist, your point of view is the one of a priviledge kid that already started with some form of capitals in life. But hey, lets see if you can still become a Billionnaire beacuse of your skill and merit !
hat's merit. If you open a company and succeed you will be paid more. That's merit.
Sure.. I'm sure the construction worker that work 12 hours a day, has 3 kids and no partner has a LOT of time and opportunity to open a company and succeed Einstein..
Again, check your priviledges.
It is absurd the idea of this being a myth to only cross your mind.
That's just science mate. And its sad that you choose to stay ignorant..
This is like saying the flat is earth. The gravity doesn't exist.
Indeed, you are acting like a flat earther right now.. Completely denying scientific researches..
But its not the first time that your are denying obvious sh*ts..
Please explain better. You are saying that in France there is police that are abusers condemned and they still work on those cases?
No. I say that there are abusers that are NOT prosecured because they are PROTECTED by their hierarchy and this happens all over the world (France is actually not the worst example). THere are also example where person who were prosecuted came back in the police and are in charge of file concerning domestic abuse. There is a documentary in French about that:
Sadly, not like it should no.
And there is no way of a beginner to learn how to act in a stressful situation if he doesn't go through one.
That's what training is for dude. You don't throw someone in stressfull situation when they weren'et properly trained, and in most country, taht's what happens.
So the police maintaining order and the civilians going against it.
This is not an excuse. A women shouldn't be shot even if she displays a threatening behavior. This wouldn't was having a mental crisis.
and the riots of France destroying the city just like the riots
We are not talking about riots here. We are talking about peacefull prostest being smacked down by the police force. Don't try to act ignorant here.
When the right protest it is pacific so nothing like that happens. See the difference?
Yeah, you defintely didn't see peacefull protest in France.
Wrong. They are well aware they are under the law. Of course when there is corruption and lack of punishment this doesn't exist. To me the best solution to prevent that is the camera on their uniform. Police will break the law like any citizen will but at least they will pay for it like every citizen.
Power corrupt mate. Your are not a child, I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Police is formed with the notion that they have the ultimate power, they will therefore be corrupted by it. Its simple logic.
Yes. How you will say who is the bad apples in order to remove them.
By investigating the police in detail. Simple.
Read One Piece. Heroes are not created by themselves.
Yes because we live in society. But he is still a hero.
Again, its the system that is heroic in that case. The boy is the result of such system.
You believe in a dream world that can never exist.
Mate.. its you a believe in something that can't happen. You believe in meritocracy. Its your lifeline and its a myth. I'm not the one believing in fairytales, you are.
Bolsonaro shaped the country for far better.
Not really no.
And Trump I can't tell much about the inside but at least outside he didn't initiate any wars like the previous USA presidents. Russia didn't invaded Ukraine under his command. This is already enough to be called a hero.
He helped Russia gained more influence and power.. Good.. Now we are screwed. Good job Trumpy.
If that was the case, you wouldn't fight against minimal wage, you are a hypocrite.
They don't want any right because they make more money without them
You don't even want to listen them.
Sadly for you... I do. You prefer to listen to billionnaire and their myth.. But hey.. maybe they are workers for you.