AL sama

Red Haired
There's a difference between giving your stance on specific matters, and matters as a whole( i.e. speaking of woke leftism in entertainment vs leftism as a whole). There's a also a difference in mentioning your personal feelings/preferences on a matter, and giving general information based on history(i.e. speaking about how I dislike the hypocritical nonsense of the modern left vs the propaganda right wingers spewed throughout recent history).

Politics in general are very complicated and nuisanced, flooded with context. So many try to simplify politics into a black vs white/me vs them narrative. Politics isn't a two man brawl.
he does these things to both of us lol I guess he just enjoys it

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
he does these things to both of us lol I guess he just enjoys it
And usual, using a political term wrong by definition.

A Meritocracy by definition, is the notion of a political system in which economic goods or political power are vested in individual people based on ability and talent, rather than wealth, social class, or race.

The amount of times are I ranted about "self made" billionaires, corruption, lobbying, propaganda, affirmative action and Sleepy Joe Biden etc. means I don't believe in this system by definition lmao
Where is the belief in a pure meritocracy? Where is me saying that people don't need support? Where does it mention mentally ill people? How does saying someone shouldn't be reliant on the approval and acceptance of others reject the idea of support? Do you even know the context? So many assumptions.
Ok. There is a missunderstanding of what I said here, so let's break it down slowly since you are making the effort of replying to me for once:

1. I did not said that you believed in pure meritocracy. I said that...

this type of mindset is a PURE RESULT of capitalism and liberalism
This is absolutely NOT the same thing. In your sentence, I would be explaining that you believe in hardcore meritocracy but that not what I said or meant. I'm only explaining that your mindset is a PRODUCT of pure meritocracy. A SOCIOLOGICAL product of capitalism that everyone under the system has, NOT your specific belief in particular. If you want a example, its like saying that marxism is a product of Materialism.

Where is me saying that people don't need support?
I never said that you meant that people don't need support. I didn't even evocated the glimps of the idea. What I said is that your conception of support is inherently TOXIC. Not because you are toxic per say, but because this beliefs (the belief that we should be able to tell to people in difficulty that they can improve themself and/or how to improve themself) is inherently hurtfull, unproductive and a product of our capitalist society as a whole. A society that is NOT funtionning well, especially because people who are seens as non productive or non active in their own condition are considered not worthy.

This therefore include the third point :

3. I know you didn't mention mentally ill people, but I wanted to make you understand that what you are trying to say to obese people is the SAME things that people are saying to mentally ill people like me or poor people in difficulty.

In ALL cases, the action of the person to better their condition is INVISIBLE and INVISIBILIZED to and by society, so my point is to tell you that (UNLESS THEY ASK FOR IT) those people DON'T NEED other people to tell them that they can improve themself, they are already trying to do it every damn second of their lives. Explaining to them "you can do better, you can improve yourself, you can reach the sky if you believe in yourself", is basically like if you say to those people "I don't know what you are living, I don't understand what you are going through and I don't see that you are making efforts so I'm telling you how to act". This, is not support, its torture !

I explained to you the case of mentally ill people especially because this is what I lived during 10 years of my life by almost EVERYONE.

What I wanted is what all person in my condition or in the condition of fat people want : for my struggle to be recognized. For my war to be understood and for my own self to be legitimized as a worthy individual.

You see.. When the ENTIRE society is showing you that you are not worthy as a member of society because you are unfit, ill or fat, recognition and complete acceptation WITHOUT question or advice is VITAL !

Once again, like I explained to you, the day my father put his hand on my hearth beating at racing speed because of the accumulated stress and anxiety due to those injonctions and voidness and said to me that he now understood that I'm not writing or not working because I don't want to.. it OPENED my world and I was able to go to seek a psychiatrist because of that.

I really want you to understand that Validation is not just a buzzword mate. It's life saving ! For me, for fat people, for LgbtI+, for muslim, for jews, for women, for poor people, for EVERYONE.

And if you want an example of real support: Read One Piece.

Understand that you must accept and support people through THEIR actions, through THEIR DREAMS and THEIR fights, NOT your expectations or beliefs.

Politics in general are very complicated and nuisanced, flooded with context.
Not really no. Politics are actually pretty simple. What is nuanced is the context, but the politics, in other word, the conflict here:

... is actually very simple.

What is hard is to uncover the secrets of politics and unlearn what we know as being normal in our society.

Politics IS a Me VS them . Politics is conflict. Its the clash of ideas and values.
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A Meritocracy by definition, is the notion of a political system in which economic goods or political power are vested in individual people based on ability and talent, rather than wealth, social class, or race.
And that the problem. Like Zenos, you are sticking to the definition.

The political sociology and reality of meritocracy is not limited to this definition. Meritocracy, just like Transphobia or Systemic Racism or Patriarchy can be seen in a larger area.

For example:

- Systemic racism can be seen against Asian American in the form of positive discrimination.
- Transphobia can be seen in a feminist calling a Trans women a man
- Patriarchy can be seen through some of the struggles of men in society
- The myth of Meritocracy can be observed in the way towns are constructed and/or abandonned.

he's the caricature of depressed lefty who thinks there's not much we can do to change our conditions or lifting weights is right winged
Dude, if you think that I'm depressed and that I think that there is no much that can be done to better my or our condition, you are delusionnal.

Really... just observe the way i'm acting on this forum. Do you feel like this is the words of a sad and defeated leftist with no will power ?

So instead of sticking to the universal definition, we should instead listen to the made up versions for each individual person. Brilliant!
No. You should listen to this definition, its a good one. Its just not complete. Meritocracy is more than just a political system its a failed social structure in every aspect of society.

if you want a more broad explanation of the concept, you can read this encyclopedic article on wiki about Meritocracy. It much more complete and if you want to really understand why meritocracy is not working again > Leftist library section sociology.

That video is essential (that's why its in Yellow):

What you must understand (and sadly I did not find good content explaining this in English as of today) is that the vision of Kant, Meritocracy, is what gave birth to liberalism and liberalism can be traced back in each and every aspect of our daily life.

For example:

Liberalism and meritocracy are the IDEALIST vision of human nature and the idealistic vision that we are in full control of our action, emotion and situation and that we can therefore better our situation by bettering ourselves. In the majority of the case, this is not how reality works.

We should strive to do our best, but we simply can't become billionaires or CEO with just hard work, there needs to be more. And that's where the notion of capitals is important. (video 1). We might be lucky and get out of our social class one step further, but those cases are rare. Poor will mostly stay poor and rich will always stay rich.

Its important to understand the concept of social mobility.

We can change that. But for that, we must fight together, not alone.
Solis, please refrain from speaking to me. I'm not interested in reading your annoying comments. Nothing about what you write matters in anyway.
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SMH, North Face has a Camp for kids to explore their sexuality.
Tell me your grooming kids without telling me your grooming kids.

They're so targeting kids, It's undeniable at this point.
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And that the problem. Like Zenos, you are sticking to the definition.

The political sociology and reality of meritocracy is not limited to this definition. Meritocracy, just like Transphobia or Systemic Racism or Patriarchy can be seen in a larger area.

For example:

- Systemic racism can be seen against Asian American in the form of positive discrimination.
- Transphobia can be seen in a feminist calling a Trans women a man
- Patriarchy can be seen through some of the struggles of men in society
- The myth of Meritocracy can be observed in the way towns are constructed and/or abandonned.

Dude, if you think that I'm depressed and that I think that there is no much that can be done to better my or our condition, you are delusionnal.

Really... just observe the way i'm acting on this forum. Do you feel like this is the words of a sad and defeated leftist with no will power ?

The whole point of having words and definitions is to have an universal understanding, language it’s pointless without it.

for example, everyone understands hello is a greeting. If you suddenly decide to use hello to dismiss people you’ll just end up confusing every person you talk to.

You’re just confusing everyone when you ignore the commonly understood meaning of words and use your own.

Also yes you do give off that stereotype in that conversation with Van.