One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

Not open for further replies. a speculation gold mine! What could "best balance, impregnable crew" mean here?

Shanks may have the lowest old era Yonkou bounty, but the highest bounty crew. So the strongest or most dangerous crew?

And they're all swordsmen or shooters with no DFs, is that really the best balance? Maybe the ability to swim or fight without DFs makes them very balanced as opposed to BM/Beast/BB pirate crews because they can battle at sea as well as land.

Maybe best balance is referring to the structure of Shank's crew. 10/11 highly capable fighters, and they don't rely on mass armies of fodder. Just like the Strawhats, which Oda may think of as a balanced pirate crew.
What if all those RH pirate dudes we saw at MF are top 3 yc lvl, except for Beckman who is low top tier? That would be brutal.


Bald Spoiler Provider
this chapter just shit all over zoro fans and give sanji fans the best news ever haha

Shanks have the most balanced crew and Luffy is basically Shanks 2.0 Sanji = Zoro confirmed

Mihawk fought a Yonko commander level Shanks not a yonko lol

Ben beckman and Lucky roo > Mihawk in bounty and strength


Can't wait for Sanji and Zoro's bounty to be balanced
From Shuhui:
According to news reports, in the God Valley incident 38 years ago, the Rocks Pirates was destroyed by Marine Vice Admiral Garp.
Which is why he’s called the “Hero of Marine”, though he himself doesn’t like that title.
What really happened was: in order to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves, Garp and Roger worked together to defeat the Rocks Pirates.
One of the reasons Garp refuse to be promoted to admiral is that admirals are direct subordinates of the Celestial Dragons.
Roger protected Celestial Dragons.... smh


I told ya!!!
Shanks is stronger than he was back then
He was still a high tier when he equalled muhawk 12 yeats ago
He became a yonko 6 yeats ago

Mihawk fans are sad now.

I like it
Kaido was just an apprentice in Rox
Even Sengoku says it
Current strenght of BM and kaido is beyond what they were back then.
So shanks has indeed the strongest core. His core is balanced . No wonder why he is a yonko.
Benn >katakuri/Marco>Yassop> Other YC2>Roo>Other YC3

Enough with Mihawk=Shanks
Mihawk >shanks is dead finally
BM is described as natural monster once again and her leadership.
Kaido mainly strength is hyped
Shanks loyalty and his comamnders hyped
Teach and his growth.
this chapter just shit all over zoro fans and give sanji fans the best news ever haha

Shanks have the most balanced crew and Luffy is basically Shanks 2.0 Sanji = Zoro confirmed

Mihawk fought a Yonko commander level Shanks not a yonko lol

Ben beckman and Lucky roo > Mihawk in bounty and strength


Can't wait for Sanji and Zoro's bounty to be balanced
I told ya!!!
Shanks is stronger than he was back then
He was still a high tier when he equalled muhawk 12 yeats ago
He became a yonko 6 yeats ago

Mihawk fans are sad now.

I like it
Kaido was just an apprentice in Rox
Even Sengoku says it
Current strenght of BM and kaido is beyond what they were back then.
So shanks has indeed the strongest core. His core is balanced . No wonder why he is a yonko.
Benn >katakuri/Marco>Yassop> Other YC2>Roo>Other YC3

Enough with Mihawk=Shanks
Mihawk >shanks is dead finally
BM is described as natural monster once again and her leadership.
Kaido mainly strength is hyped
Shanks loyalty and his comamnders hyped
Teach and his growth.
but isn t mihawk stronger than was back then:tchpepe:


Heavy Metal
this chapter just shit all over zoro fans and give sanji fans the best news ever haha

Shanks have the most balanced crew and Luffy is basically Shanks 2.0 Sanji = Zoro confirmed

Mihawk fought a Yonko commander level Shanks not a yonko lol

Ben beckman and Lucky roo > Mihawk in bounty and strength


Can't wait for Sanji and Zoro's bounty to be balanced
It is not everything about Sanji and Zoro. How about you guys create a "zoro vs sanji" thread and Keep your harassement and sstuff about them right there? It is really way to much lately. Please calm it down.
this chapter just shit all over zoro fans and give sanji fans the best news ever haha

Shanks have the most balanced crew and Luffy is basically Shanks 2.0 Sanji = Zoro confirmed

Mihawk fought a Yonko commander level Shanks not a yonko lol

Ben beckman and Lucky roo > Mihawk in bounty and strength


Can't wait for Sanji and Zoro's bounty to be balanced
Sanji fans still find sanji everywhere smh lol


Vivrecard says he looks for a day someone surpasses his rival Shanks.

Oda takes their current strength.
The databook calls shanks ex rival of Mihawk
Also Mihawk only knows shanks strength from 12 yets ago
He didnt fight yonko shanks.

Shanks databook says " he grew to even clash evenly with wb"
It was obvious

We have been telling you!!
Mihawk is not top tier lol
He matched by High high tier shanks 12 + years ago and rivaled by Vista YC2 lol
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