Oda is not drawing Carrot in a suggestive manner for the adults. He's drawing it for the teenagers who salivate over shit like that when reading his manga. A healthy minded adult understands this, and keeps it moving when coming across scenes like that. Just like a healthy minded adult can go to a beach, and not be bothered by dozens of teens running around in two piece bikinis.
Fiction is subjective. So if you look at Hancocks fruit and want to imagine it's some sexualized ability, that only works when people want to fuck you, and reach the conclusion that people want to fuck a child version of Hancock, that's a you problem. The fruit works through any form of attraction, and it's up to the reader to decide what kind of attraction is being used when the fruit takes effect.
Another term for the Pleasure Halls, is the Entertainment district, which is much, much more than just Brothels. It houses theaters, restaurants, gambling dens etc... In fact, when you look at the scene, it immediately transitions into Oden getting banned from the Gambling den. There was no mentions of brothels anywhere. Stephen probably should have used better phrasing for this panel when he translated it. Got dudes thinking about 6 year old's fucking hookers, Lmao....