One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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From Shuhui:
According to news reports, in the God Valley incident 38 years ago, the Rocks Pirates was destroyed by Marine Vice Admiral Garp.
Which is why he’s called the “Hero of Marine”, though he himself doesn’t like that title.
What really happened was: in order to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves, Garp and Roger worked together to defeat the Rocks Pirates.
One of the reasons Garp refuse to be promoted to admiral is that admirals are direct subordinates of the Celestial Dragons.
That does sound like Garp. Marines gave all the credit to him, bt it was Rodger n him that did it together.

Was sayin the last part in last chapter thread, when people were questioning Garp silence against the WG injustice.
:gokulaugh: how can you say Mihawk = shanks
when he never fought yonko shanks
He was matched by shanks 12+ years ago

Mihawk is waiting for someone to surpass shanksnhe fought back then!!! So it means
Shanks 12yrd ago >Vista .

Warlords didn't grow!
The original warlord are written to be stagnant
They stay the same...they lost the will to grow stronger

So Mihawk currently >=Mihawk back then
While Yonko shanks >Shanks back then

Shanks was fighting Emperors and admirals
While Mihawk fighting fodders since then
Absolute 0 proof on your talking ..

Such phrase (looking for someone ....) can only be used with current data ( strength) .

You must check yourself when you try to throw shade on one of the world title holders.
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—Next, we have him who’s been call an Emperor for 6 years, the youngest of the four and he’s trusted by his subordinates.
Beckman, Roo, and Yasopp...his commanders make a name for themselves one after another. Known for having a high average bounty among the members, the crew with the best balance, a impregnable crew.

strongets crew
Crew with the best balance doesn't mean "strongest crew". It just means that they are better balanced aka the difference from his strongest crewmember to the weakest one isn't that big. We've known that for a long time, since his crew is way smaller than the crews from the other emperors.
From Shuhui:
According to news reports, in the God Valley incident 38 years ago, the Rocks Pirates was destroyed by Marine Vice Admiral Garp.
Which is why he’s called the “Hero of Marine”, though he himself doesn’t like that title.
What really happened was: in order to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves, Garp and Roger worked together to defeat the Rocks Pirates.
One of the reasons Garp refuse to be promoted to admiral is that admirals are direct subordinates of the Celestial Dragons.
Wait, what? protecting celestial dragons???
I hope their main reason for doing that is protecting the slaves themselves who were caught up in the fire at least
irnically, two Ds protecting celestial dragons from another D.
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