I'm just replying to you mate and you are again trying to twist reality with your wording lol, damn you never stop
Rightists then. Gotcha
And the 1914 pages of this thread just proves how much people are not interested in politic on this forum.
But lets assume that is the case (which is not as if that was the case, we wouldn't be talking about One Piece on this forum) : Those who don't care about oppression when there is oppression are part of the problem. This is a position of priviledge and ignorance. Ergo not a position to be really proud of.
Let's say that slavery is about to be restaured. Well in that case, those saying "I don't care about politic" would simply be deepsh*ts. We are lucky, slavery is not back.. but we have transphobia, fascism rising, autoritarian capitalism, far right bigotry and so on...
So you are lucky that I'm patient with apolitical mate.
Also being moderate does not means you don't care about politics, its just means that you are incapable of owning your own political values.
On the contrary, it has everything to do with it. But I can't ask a apolitical to understand that.
Each crewmates in One Piece is a paragon of a set of value. For Usopp its pride and courage, for Luffy its the importance of freedom, for Nami its the importance of trust, for Zoro its the importance of Honor etc. Which means that each time we have a debate about a strawhat we also have a debate about values that should be put in the strawhat crew.
Sadly, since you guys were too focused in discussing the surface of the characters, you completely missed that point. (which is another reason why most of you don't understand what really makes a strawhat to begin with).
But.. what happens when you put potential strawhats in conflict with each others ? Well, this:
You are completely missing it, but the Nakama thread didn't start to be political because of me. It was ALWAYS political. And that's one of the reason why the Yamato / Carrot conflict created such debate and so many pages.
Behind Yamato VS Carrot, its was a political war. First on the value of the character : Carrot relies on this importance of wonder and growth while Yamato relies also on the importance of growth but also the importance of responsibility. Second on the value of the debaters : Yamato fan were mostly toxic toward Carrot and their fan but also were the representant of what they thought was the importance of having a strong, virilistic and lore related character to join the crew while Carrot fan were MOSTLY the opposite, they liked Carrot because of her story, they didn't necessaraly hated Yamato because of her personnality, some also because she was a furry and not at all because of her strenght.
This double opposition created a clash, on the legitimacy of the characters to join the crew and (when I arrived) on the legitimacy of the debater to have a serious conversation.
This was a CLASSICAL political debate.
What I did was simply explaining why we needed to understand that in order to have a good debate. You guys refused to listen, so I pushed the limits and I showed why the simple way a reader can see a character (in this case Carrot being an "animal" for some) was in fact the revelator of a political value burried deep (systemic racism) that was only freed because the character is "fictionnal".
But what you guys don't realize, is that only the story is fictionnal. What you guys are saying, be it about the characters or anything else, is very real.
So when someone repetitively dehumanize a character in order to attack them, I consider this person to be toxic and problematic.
I know you don't understand that because you brain is wired to ignore the political in every bits of society, but its time to wake the F. up. Rules are not godly bibles. They are here because someone thought they can be relevant. If they are not, there is NO NEED for those rules.
My point is that EVERY STORIES ARE POLITICAL especially One Piece, which means that you can't be a serious and safe One Piece forum without leaving space for the political discussions about the story to emerge.
What you will create instead, is a place were conflict are buried and were people are agressive and toxic to eachothers.
By following this rule, you create a place of negativity, incapable of questionning itself.
Poor them
No. Its not the fault of the posters or right winger if I'm gone from this thread, its simply because a moderator thought that following the rule was more important than doing the right thing.
Nothing more.
Oh.. you cheeky tanuki, you know full well that you are lying here

In reality this "left space" (that was intended to be indeed a safe space for leftists) was created around 6 month year PRIOR my threadban from the Nakama thread hehehe, and between that I changed my tactics and opinions about politics on this forum at least twice. In fact at the time, I was not so eager to let politic shine everywhere on this forum as I didn't really understand myself the importance of doing that.
I knew talking about certain topic was important but I was not as aware of the political as I'm now.
Yes, and ?
Do you need to be reminded of the history of racism to understand that racism is bad ?