And since I'm talking about the moderation. The moderation refused me to create a thread to share this, so I'm putting it here:
Conversion Practices are interventions aimed at changing, repressing or suppressing the sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression of LGBTQ+ persons.
Such practices, due to their discriminatory, degrading, harmful and fraudulent nature have been qualified as torture by the United Nations, and are currently being banned in a growing number of States."
Please, if you are in the E.U sign and share this petition to BAN those practices in the union.
>>> <<<
Because I care too much about people to mislead them to poverty and misery aka leftism
Remind me of something : In your perfect system, are workers owning their means of production, meaning that they decide how they can and when they can work or do their working conditions are decided by someone else ?
Yeah numerous times he said I'm lying only to say that say he doesn't remember whenever I prove it.
You proved nothing mate. Each time I had to actually debunk each one of your lies with the actual quotes and context behind them.
When I say "white" you say "he said that he didn't like colors". And I have to actually search for the actual quote to debunk you lie that will most likely stay invisible.
That's the kind of BS I have been dealing with you and a few other posters here since the very start.
He switches back n 'forth from justifying said actions or flat out denying them
Again, no
Like with him complaining about being censored yet happily tries to censor others.
Oh look at that...
Did I ever said that "I want to censor others" or that "I'm being censored" ?
In fact...
*drum rolls...*
Here is the very post where I CLEARLY MENTION THE FACT that me being threadbanned by moderators in the Nakama thread is...
OH ? Do you felt like I feel censored ? Did I ever said that I felt censored ? Dude... You are really underestimating me right now...
Until now,
I've been able to say exactly what I wanted to say on this forum, no matter how many ban I faced
I understand perfectly the rules of this forum and I understand exactly why I'm banned when its happens, even if I consider those ban unjust on an ethical plan. I sometimes disagree with the sanctions, I can find the rules unjust, in fact I fight those sanction on an ethical plan (by trying to make mods understand why they are noethical), I can ask for a clarification on the sanction, but I take responsibility when they are applied mate, I don't cry because I'm being rejected from a space.
When I break a rule, I don't expect mods not to follow them since we discuss under a power that doesn't question its own rules. This is the difference between me and you. I don't feel censored at all
To the question: Did I say that I'm being censored ? NEVER. First lie.
Now, Van is saying that I'm trying "to censor others" :
So for that, I would need to actually have the power to censor and then try to use this power to actually censor people.... Right ?
But.. I don't have this power.. right ?
So.. how I can I try to censor others without having the power to actually do so ? It should be impossible, right ?
UNLESS, Van is trying to say here that, through reports, I'm actually trying to stop people from having an opinion ? Would that be logical ?
So lets look at the things I'm actually reporting :
- Transphobia
- Insults
- Apology of genocide
- Genocide denial
- Racism
- Fascism
- Harrasment
- Dehumanization
But wait a minute.. do you guys see ANYTHING here that should be allowed to remain on this server ?
Me neither
So what is Van mentionning as me "trying to censor people" ? Seems weird right ? ... well its because it is..
That's another lie.
So here you have your example. Double in fact. Two lies in one stone. For him, its easy, he just has to lie and he know that I won't let that pass so he keeps doing it to deligitimize my fight, but for me, the
brandolini law applies and I have to row and dig to actually debunk his BS each time.
Am I surprised that someone with power uses this type of tactics to deligitimize someone that is questionning their legitimacy and politics ? No.
That's why I keep saying that this little forum is a mini representation of domination structure in society and people like Van are not special, they are not targetting me because I'm special either or because they have a vendetta. They are simply following a pattern of domination that has been existing for multiple millenia. Its a simple representation and example of a face of power asserting its domination through unethical behavior. You will find that type of delegitimization anywhere and that also why its very interesting to analyse this type of interaction politically.
We might be on a simple forum about One Piece, but the political is very real:
- There is a structure of power that is following a liberalistic and apolitical set of laws
- Said set of laws allows people to be toxic and share harmfull opinions
- People are questionning the policies of the structure that allow said behaviors
- The power sides with toxicity and targets those who are delegitimizing their politicies through unethical practices and toxic behaviors
You could see that through ableism this week, and you can see that through the lies here.
This interaction is amazingly interesting.
So, keep it going mate