You really are dumb Ndule.

Flexing CoC on snails
Why the fuck would they randomly beat on these Snails, when it's more easier to just knock them out with CoC.
Also aren't you the same idiot that was coping about the Gorosei not having CoC.

where in the hell is Jupiter even? Did he die offscreen?
Just because we didn't see him in the chapter doesn't mean he's gone, you fucking peabrain. Also dying off screen? Did you forgot how he regen after getting his head cut off.

outside of being tanky, what exactly has Topman done to Luffy or even the 2 giants?
Lol it seems like you can't read at all, did you miss the part where Luffy's attacks are not working on Topman, did you also miss the part in the latest chapter where Luffy along with both Dorry and Brogy are running away from Topman.
outside of being tanky, what exactly has Topman done to Luffy or even the 2 giants?

Nesujuro is hype, he can cut anything but base Sanji
Yeah let's just ignore the hype moment that Nusjuro got and focus on him not being able to cut Sanji.
Lol fuck off.
In the end,
What did they do ?
They're still struggling to find the source of rhe broadcasting
They haven't beaten any Strawhat nor Bonney or giants.

5 TOP TIERS using AWAKENED MODE and max haki
Will they actually end up doing something huge?
Hey clown, you do fucking realize that this arc isn't about fighting and defeating the Gorosei, everyone is trying to escape from them. Even the most casual One Piece fans knows this.
Also how the fuck would they know where the broadcast is coming from, if they knew they would have stopped it already, that isn't their fault.
Defeat the SHs and Bonney? The SHs and Bonney were never going to get defeated, the SHs getting defeated again will never happen.
Next time I suggest you actual read what's happening, and not get blinded by your dumbass bias agenda.