Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
First of all those laws were made because it is already inherint to human behaviour to act like that as society. This is pretty simple to think of.

Second you can see everyday specially in poorer countries how those laws means barely nothing as people get away with crime everyday.

And yes you can have freendom without chaos. You can't have freedom with a state.

And what about if majority investors are corporate and governament entities? Even them knows how bitcoin is strong and will be the main currency in a not so long future.
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Depends on which side you are when the revolution comes. When everything is already a disaster it can't be worse.
You keep calling yourself libertarian when your posts scream communist rhetoric. Sounds cringe when you say it out loud

Libertarians aren't anti-government but instead, wants a limited Government that can't regulate the private sector lol.
Yeah,many old school anarchists became commies back in the day. Herrera doesn't know shit about ideology. Anarcho-communism is a thing.
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Libertarians aren't anti-government but instead, wants a limited Government that can't regulate the private sector lol.
Libertarians don't want to change culture either.
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"Let people be free and do what they want". Yeah no. We have laws and punishments for breaking laws for a reason. You cannot have true freedom without chaos. You don't have the freedom to beat anyone up whenever you feel like it without consequence(unless you don't get caught, flithy rich etc. whatever).

And Bitcoin??? Majority of investors are corporate and government entities lol.
The elites know the power of bitcoin. Its money that can't traced,confiscated or destroyed with inflation. Bitcoin is the new shit.
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Revolution is going against the current system and status quo. Essentially what libertarians do.
Libertarian are not against the status co, they are aiming to increase the impact of the status co.

If you want to go against the status co, aim to fight capitalism not to increase its impact.

I want to change everything.
No lol. You want to to INCREASE THE IMPACT of everything. Capitalism and liberalism are already here, you simply want to increase their impact.

Just let people be free and do what they want. Is not about politics.
Then become anarchist not liberatarian you ignorant. Liberatarianism is literally a system that will prevent people to do what they want as it will increase the power of the rich and lessen the power of the poor.

And yes you can have freendom without chaos.
Yes indeed, but for that you need to understand how society works and not expect that your freedom has 0 impact on the freedom of others.

When everything is already a disaster it can't be worse.
You reallty have no idea just how worse the current situation can actually get. Once you create your liberatarian system and that everyone will be starving and angry and uneducated because you consider that science or education is not important, to who do you think people will turn to ?

Little help:

Your toxic ideology is a simple door toward fascism you piece of work.

You keep calling yourself libertarian when your posts scream communist rhetoric.
Dude.. there is absolutely NOTHING communist about what the guy is saying. WTF are you talking about ?

At the worse, its close to anarchism, but even then the guy is completely obvious to a materialist vision of society and don't understand what is wrong with meritocracy or the notion of freedom without consequence.

Libertarians are not revolutionnist, they simply want to extend the impact and concept of capitalist that already exist.

Anarcho-communism is a thing.
That's something Herrera could actually become if he took the time to actually learn a bit about materialism, science or even social structures. He has a long way to go.


Libertarian are not against the status co, they are aiming to increase the impact of the status co.

If you want to go against the status co, aim to fight capitalism not to increase its impact.

No lol. You want to to INCREASE THE IMPACT of everything. Capitalism and liberalism are already here, you simply want to increase their impact.

Then become anarchist not liberatarian you ignorant. Liberatarianism is literally a system that will prevent people to do what they want as it will increase the power of the rich and lessen the power of the poor.

Yes indeed, but for that you need to understand how society works and not expect that your freedom has 0 impact on the freedom of others.

You reallty have no idea just how worse the current situation can actually get. Once you create your liberatarian system and that everyone will be starving and angry and uneducated because you consider that science or education is not important, to who do you think people will turn to ?

Little help:

Your toxic ideology is a simple door toward fascism you piece of work.

Dude.. there is absolutely NOTHING communist about what the guy is saying. WTF are you talking about ?

At the worse, its close to anarchism, but even then the guy is completely obvious to a materialist vision of society and don't understand what is wrong with meritocracy or the notion of freedom without consequence.

Libertarians are not revolutionnist, they simply want to extend the impact and concept of capitalist that already exist.

That's something Herrera could actually become if he took the time to actually learn a bit about materialism, science or even social structures. He has a long way to go.
Like always. You need to study. You have no idea of what you are talking about. And that's goes for every topic discussed here.
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It's all the freedom, anti-govenment, and anti-state talk. Communist rhetoric depending on context. Nothing libertarian about it though.
People and ideologies are much more alike than you may think. It is said that the extreme right and extreme left are much more close and have much more in common to each other than the center. There is Libertarians who comes by the right and others who comes by the left (see the famous politic spectrum of 4 squares). Libertarians are totally against governament/state that obligated you to do anything. Communists wants the working class to take control of it (which is illogical)
If you guys want to help Palestinians here is a sheet with all the verified Funds:


It's all the freedom, anti-govenment, and anti-state talk. Communist rhetoric depending on context.
Communism is pro state not anti state (Edit, yes it can be). You are confusing that with anarchism. (which he is not close to)

Like always. You need to study. You have no idea of what you are talking about. And that's goes for every topic discussed here.
Too bad for you, in this case, I know what I'm talking about and you don't. The day you will start to lecture me on materialism and the impact of is not happening soon mate.

It is said that the extreme right and extreme left are much more close and have much more in common to each other than the center
This is completely wrong. Those are literal opposites.

which is illogical
Not really no and stop listening to bad diagrams
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so I posted a video related to the meme loosely, which is on an interesting topic, and all you gotta say is insult me.
My guy, at least have the guts to own up to what you’re trying to do, which is to steelman the “gay in Gaza” argument in order to justify genocide. Believe you me, if the shoe was on the other foot I’d be saying the same things, it’s called having deeply held principles regardless of external factors.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
The original form of Communism that was pushed by Karl Marx, though incomplete, was one that was stateless, moneyless, and most importantly classless. Because dude died before his work was finished, others used variations of communism and Marxism. There's like 4 types if Marxism and 3 types of communism.
The original form of Communism that was pushed by Karl Marx, though incomplete, was one that was stateless, moneyless, and most importantly classless. Because dude died before his work was finished, others used variations of communism and Marxism. There's like 4 types if Marxism and 3 types of communism.
You are right, it can indeed also be stateless (with anarcho-communism) but then I wonder:

What would be the differences between anarcho-communism and simple anarchism ?

I'm not documented enough on those subject, I need to do more researchs.
So...bird flu is trending on twitter. Are we getting another plandemic?
We got a new case?
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"is a rapid, fundamental transformation of a society's state, class, ethnic or religious structures"
Its a fast and radical change in society"s core values and adminstrative system. You are talking only about politics. If you don't want to change peoples religion and other cultural aspects,you are not a revolutionary. Communists are revolutionaires.
Key word "or"
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