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Disagree on this one.
Ask yourself one thing, how would Cracker fare against Luffy + Law and how would Luffy + Nami do against Doffy ?
To help you make your decision, you can give nami the power to weaken Doffy's threads and leave Law and Luffy as is.
Well Law is the outlier. Cause his powers instantly negate Cracker's biscuits. But Doffy's powers not so much.

Doffy doesn't have that luxury of negating Cracker's biscuits tho. So he gets overwhelmed.

Match ups matter.
Well Law is the outlier. Cause his powers instantly negate Cracker's biscuits. But Doffy's powers not so much.

Doffy doesn't have that luxury of negating Cracker's biscuits tho. So he gets overwhelmed.

Match ups matter.
Doffy has the power to ''parasite'' Jozu, I would be surprised if he couldn't do the same to Cracker or to the very least, his biscuit soldiers.
Matchups indeed matter but there is nothing in Cracker's Arsenal that would be a threat to Doflamingo whereas the opposite is true.
Disagree on this one.
Ask yourself one thing, how would Cracker fare against Luffy + Law and how would Luffy + Nami do against Doffy ?
To help you make your decision, you can give nami the power to weaken Doffy's threads and leave Law and Luffy as is.
Fuck me
Cracker was getting hard countered by Nami
Law was not part of the main fight against Doffy, he landed GK and then was finished.

No point in swapping the support chars when Nami does not hard counter Doffy like she did against Cracker.

I don't even remember thr Cracker fight but Luffy did not land a single blow on Cracker until the final attack which itself was a counter to Crackers drill attack etc. Whereas against Doffy Luffy was ragdolling the fuck out of him.
Doffy's Awakening treats biscuits like fodder.
That is headcanon bro. We have no idea how the two paramecia would interact. As for haki Cracker has stronger haki than Doffy so in head yo head clash of paramecia powers Cracker should have the edge. In terms of CQC, IIRC Luffy was not able to land a single blow on Cracker in 11 hours whereas in Doffy fight he landed quite a lot of shots in that 30-60 min period. Not to mention that Luffy against Cracker is stronger due to haki bloom and battle experience.
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