you are trying to sell this scripture as gods word, so this "2000 years ago" crap is irrelevant. either its objective and valid for all times, or it isnt. cant have your cake and eat it too
The word used for slave can mean servant. These translations are skewed. You are making it as if it was clear cut.
nah bro, you made a generalyzing statement lmfao. you said its "ingrained in your genes". and its not for all people, cry me a river.
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also what happened to this :usoprice:
These fucking show ignored posts buttons are too tempting.
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nah bro, you made a generalyzing statement lmfao. you said its "ingrained in your genes". and its not for all people, cry me a river.
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also what happened to this :usoprice:
Yes,i told Uncle that hating evil shit is the norm for 99.9% of human beings and that it was possible it was ingrained in people genes. You are cherry piciking shit to seem smart. The genes are there, psychopathy has to do with low activity in the pre frontal cortex. Evidence suggests its a NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEM and not a genetic one.
See how retarded your logic is. You have reading comprehension problems, son.
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The word used for slave can mean servant. These translations are skewed. You are making it as if it was clear cut.

These fucking show ignored posts is too tempting.
well, couldnt care less if jews were allowed to beat their "servants" as long as they survived the injuries, its fucked up nonetheless.

and indentured servitude isnt the only form in the bible, you can also be a war captive or be born into slavery.
well, couldnt care less if jews were allowed to beat their "servants" as long as they survived the injuries, its fucked up nonetheless.

and indentured servitude isnt the only form in the bible, you can also be a war captive or be born into slavery.
Yes and where did Jesus explicit say:" Hey,guys just let some random bozo shackle you,comply and behave". If you actually analyze the Christian moral, it is very clearly anti-slavery,but... 2000 years ago slavery was an institution. Civilization has evolved past the need of it. Its the same reason people don't kill crippled babies anymore,we evolved past it. Jesus would probably get speared to death immediately if he openly condemned slavery.
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Just like Eurabia will be a thing and Europe will barely resemble what it once was in the past.
What past are you talking about? 500 years ago? 1000 years? 5000?
Modern day Brazil barely resembles what it once was.
You mean compared to the time when the Amazon rainforest was home to multiple civilisations numbering millions of citizens?
You murder someone from a different tribe you are getting yourself and your tribe into a conflict with a nearby tribe. It wasn't okay, but it happened.
Yesterday you said that tribes used to eat each other on a regular basis. Be consistent fluffy.

religions" are extremely diverse and usually mutually exclusive.
Actually no. That's more of an abrahamic thing and even there syncretism is basically everywhere.
What past are you talking about? 500 years ago? 1000 years? 5000?

You mean compared to the time when the Amazon rainforest was home to multiple civilisations numbering millions of citizens?

Yesterday you said that tribes used to eat each other on a regular basis. Be consistent fluffy.

Actually no. That's more of an abrahamic thing and even there syncretism is basically everywhere.
Bad faith argument, bro. You will never get laid behaving like this.
you are trying to sell this scripture as gods word, so this "2000 years ago" crap is irrelevant. either its objective and valid for all times, or it isnt. cant have your cake and eat it too
Nameless is the textbook definition of cherry picking.
Empathy is intrinsic to the human experience. You are taking exceptions(neurologically divergent people) as the standard to make a point. Its not my fault you suck at logical reasoning and reading comprehension.
Don't worry nobody takes you as the standard for human nature.

Its the same reason people don't kill crippled babies anymore,we evolved past it.
There's no need. We have abortion today:kayneshrug:
well, couldnt care less if jews were allowed to beat their "servants" as long as they survived the injuries, its fucked up nonetheless.

and indentured servitude isnt the only form in the bible, you can also be a war captive or be born into slavery.
But of course, slavery is mentioned multiple times in the old testament because it was a social institution at that time(and after it too for quite a while). Christians did practice slavery,but it was despite of religion and not because of it. If all things are to be considered, slavery is a no no nowadays thanks to the British Empire and Christian Protestants. So using slavery as an attack to christianity is retarded.
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Nameless is the textbook definition of cherry picking.

Don't worry nobody takes you as the standard for human nature.

There's no need. We have abortion today:kayneshrug:
* legalized child murder.
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Nameless is the textbook definition of cherry picking.

Don't worry nobody takes you as the standard for human nature.

There's no need. We have abortion today:kayneshrug:
shut up, mohamed.
@Zenos7 "slavery was abolished in despite of religion"
"Despite its brutality and inhumanity, the slave system aroused little protest until the 18th century when rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment began to criticize it. They argued that certain rights, including liberty, belonged to all individuals. Quaker and other evangelical religious groups also condemned slavery for its un-Christian qualities."
Yeah, Christianity has nothing to do with the abolition of slavery.
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I'm not Muslim if that's what you're implying.
You are all soon to be Mohameds. I'm pretty sure you said you had muslim roots too. Probably just another one of your lies too. It doesn't matter.
We did, but the degeneracy is strong nowadays. Hunting to feed your kids is a no no in some places, but you can murder them before they are born.
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Yesterday you said that tribes used to eat each other on a regular basis. Be consistent fluffy.

You are too dumb to realize it,but this reinforces my point. That is not the proper way to troll:suresure:

Next time you decide to cherry pick from your sources better not quote the parts you choose to ignore.
Quaker and other evangelical religious groups also condemned slavery for its un-Christian qualities."
You think the average joe was a philosopher back in the day? See how dumb you guys are. The new education systems you guys adopted in Germany is showing its effect already. The two Germans guys that decided to troll me today are definitely dumber than old school Germans.
@Zenos7 "slavery was abolished in despite of religion"
interesting way of putting me on ignore, spamming me with posts lmao.

the new testament isnt doing anything to go against what the old establishes for slavery. no matter how much you cry
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"Despite its brutality and inhumanity, the slave system aroused little protest until the 18th century when rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment began to criticize it. They argued that certain rights, including liberty, belonged to all individuals. Quaker and other evangelical religious groups also condemned slavery for its un-Christian qualities."
Yeah, Christianity has nothing to do with the abolition of slavery.
"some christians said it was un-christian".

your copy-paste here literally states that enlightenment thinkers were the key reason, because christianity and other abrahamic religions were fine with this shit for centuries
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Next time you decide to cherry pick from your sources better not quote the parts you choose to ignore.
interesting way of putting me on ignore, spamming me with posts lmao.

the new testament isnt doing anything to go against what the old establishes for slavery. no matter how much you cry
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"some christians said it was un-christian".

your copy-paste here literally states that enlightenment thinkers were the key reason, because christianity and other abrahamic religions were fine with this shit for centuries
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lmao the average joe was a philosopher? Popular pressure had nothing to do with it? Are you sure the slave owners(which were the people that had money and time to study philosophy) would just let their slave trading empires die because they decided it was a good thing. This is either naivety or straight up dishonesty. The Brazilian Monarchy literally suffered a military coup because they outlawed slavery.
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He is part German and there's nothing wrong with being German.
Don't take it personally. I'm just baiting him in the most effective way.