
Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Average temperature of summers is rising so rapidly that it's becoming unbearable to go out in summers...

And, it will only get worse as years will pass


Average temperature of summers is rising so rapidly that it's becoming unbearable to go out in summers...

And, it will only get worse as years will pass
I know man, all day today on the news we kept getting "Dangerous" and "Life Threatening" Heat Warning across Ontario.

Do you guys believe that Global Warming/Climate Change is the reason @Herrera95 @Crocks @Toby D. Dog @Zenos7 @Logiko @Etzel Andergast @Uncle Van @NAMELESS @Haoshoku @Bisoromi Bear @Monkey D Theories @Medeia


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I know man, all day today on the news we kept getting "Dangerous" and "Life Threatening" Heat Warning all across Ontario.

Do you guys believe that Global Warming/Climate Change is the reason @Herrera95 @Crocks @Toby D. Dog @Zenos7 @Logiko @Etzel Andergast @Uncle Van @NAMELESS @Haoshoku @Bisoromi Bear @Monkey D Theories @Medeia
In Eastern USA, people might experience 90-degrees (at some places near 100 degrees) this week...

And, something similar is happening across the world...

Some are even calling those who don't believe in CC worse than flat earthers lmao


In Eastern USA, people might experience 90-degrees (at some places near 100 degrees) this week...

And, something similar is happening across the world...

Some are even calling those who don't believe in CC worse than flat earthers lmao
Everyone old person I know says that in the past is wasn't as hot as it is now. So yes I believe it is climate change
Damn I never thought about it like that, but I guess flat earthers and CC deniers seem to have a few things in common :wonderland:

Since you guys agree with me online about this topic, I'm thinking about donating my hard earned money to Al Gore's Climate Reality project...:willsmith:

But I'll wait for the rest of the crew to chime in before making my final decision
not the one who brought paper to it. And I agree that sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect that's why a fucking law can't decide when someone is ready or not. The person itself will. Dude I'm ready to fuck since I was at least 7 years old and had my first erotic dream. Studies says boys with 3 years old can already identify a good looking woman by a split second analizying her features (facial, bust, hips...).
Wtf bro
I love when concern trolls such as yourself decide to make a grandstand and low key engage in good old fence sitting just to feel like they are well educated or whatever. I am well aware of what you’re saying man, everybody is. My great grand parents were cousins ffs. Just because we just recently started prohibiting such practices does it mean we can justify these behaviors are something “natural.”16 year olds are not ready for marriage, let alone to engage in any sexual activities with someone like me (28)

My point is, this is 2024, with the info we have now it is completely inexcusable to try to engage in sexual activities with minors. If you want to justify it cause some non western countries are still accepting of it then I can’t in good faith agree with you. That shit is not right. I don’t care if you hate feminism or the left or western values. If you are a full grown man who’s trying to fuck teenagers, then you belong in jail.
You aren’t aware of much. You’re just parroting the Western narrative, which is fine but it doesn’t speak for the whole world. The holier than thou attitude to go along with it is cringey.

What isn’t right? Women in their late teens getting married isn’t right? You going to condemn your great grand parents for it? If you think responsible 18-19 year olds starting families is somehow bad then you’re very lost in the sauce.
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You aren’t aware of much. You’re just parroting the Western narrative, which is fine but it doesn’t speak for the whole world. The holier than thou attitude to go along with it is cringey.

What isn’t right? Women in their late teens getting married isn’t right? You going to condemn your great grand parents for it? If you think responsible 18-19 year olds starting families is somehow bad then you’re very lost in the sauce.
after they're 18 it is up to them. But go off cringelord, misrepresent what I'm trying to say just because you hate the left.
after they're 18 it is up to them. But go off cringelord, misrepresent what I'm trying to say just because you hate the left.
“After they’re 18 it is up to them” that’s a terrible outlook. If they’re not responsible for example at 17 they aren’t going to make a transformation at 18 lol. That’s why bringing up your in-law for example doesn’t mean much, I imagine she won’t be getting married until her late 20s if not even later. But a girl of a similar age in Africa or South America for example may already be responsible and has the mental capacity to start a family in her late teens that isn’t necessarily bad if the age gap isn’t wide and all other boxes are checked. Culture plays a role and it isn’t inherently bad in of itself. Acting like that’s bad is clownery when that age range are already in relationships or having sex.
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The problem isn't even about wether Climate Change exists but about the cause of it, some people (not just Trumpists in USA) are so anti-science they still bring up the sun as main cause even tho scientific data indicates since decades the planet would traject towards another ice age (in a way slower tempo than the opposite that we have caused) if we weren't emitting ridiculous amounts of carbondioxid and other gases into the stratosphere, or they bring up average temperature increases in pre-historic times even tho our planet hasn't seen such drastic changes in global temperatures and climate for a continued time and in this fast tempo (the asteroid impact that extincted almost all dinosaurs except birds caused a few impact winters), the climate change after huge volcanic eruptions, which created the syberian traps went through 100.000+ years to kill almost all non-microbe life on earth.

This climate change happens so damn fast and even faster than predicted by scientists that not only animal life, but us humans have too much trouble to adapt fast enough, this is the actual biggest danger and not that climate change happens, that indeed happened throughout the existence of this planet we call earth.
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I know man, all day today on the news we kept getting "Dangerous" and "Life Threatening" Heat Warning across Ontario.

Do you guys believe that Global Warming/Climate Change is the reason @Herrera95 @Crocks @Toby D. Dog @Zenos7 @Logiko @Etzel Andergast @Uncle Van @NAMELESS @Haoshoku @Bisoromi Bear @Monkey D Theories @Medeia
In my view, the climate consequences that are being felt by humans must have a correlation with global warming, but low. This does not mean that we should stop fighting decisively against the mass emission of polluting gases.
The main factor that directly impacts the way man deals with the climate are geographic transformations, the creation of completely paved and cemented cities generating heat islands, canalization and diversion of rivers, creation of dams and now that it is a recent technology, the diversion of the course of rain and hailstorms. All of these activities generate consequences to some extent.
In my view, the climate consequences that are being felt by humans must have a correlation with global warming, but low. This does not mean that we should stop fighting decisively against the mass emission of polluting gases.
The main factor that directly impacts the way man deals with the climate are geographic transformations, the creation of completely paved and cemented cities generating heat islands, canalization and diversion of rivers, creation of dams and now that it is a recent technology, the diversion of the course of rain and hailstorms. All of these activities generate consequences to some extent.

I disagree with the effect of global warming being low, we are getting dangerously fast towards a point where what you mentioned wouldn't even matter much anymore. However, paved and cemented cities, canalization, diverted rivers and dams of course also play a role. That's why in China we already see sponge city experiments, but we certainly need to change how we build cities and live fast since our current urban ways just won't work in a heated earth except near northpole, New Zealand or south argentine & Chile.
I disagree with the effect of global warming being low, we are getting dangerously fast towards a point where what you mentioned wouldn't even matter much anymore. However, paved and cemented cities, canalization, diverted rivers and dams of course also play a role. That's why in China we already see sponge city experiments, but we certainly need to change how we build cities and live fast since our current urban ways just won't work in a heated earth except near northpole, New Zealand or south argentine & Chile.
The issue is that the adoption of measures that combat pollution emissions and drastically transform nature, generating these consequences that in the long term generate damage to humanity as a whole, are measures that generate high costs for states and large companies, ending up limiting your profit potential as well. A company that adopts these measures ends up having a higher cost that is passed on to its product than others in the market that do not adopt these ecologically sustainable measures. And then they end up dying in this market eventually. Currently, the only way I see to impose the adoption of measures is through state intervention in the production of those products that most impact nature. But not all states follow this marketing policy for reasons of competition with other states/nations, and to obtain higher levels of productive growth.
It's that old discussion between short-term benefits for a current government vs permanent benefits for the state in the long term, but which requires a certain initial sacrifice, which politicians in general are not willing to pay.
You aren’t aware of much. You’re just parroting the Western narrative, which is fine but it doesn’t speak for the whole world. The holier than thou attitude to go along with it is cringey.
And you're parroting the narrative of your holy book which is fine but it doesn’t speak for the whole world. The holier than thou attitude to go along with it is ultra cringe.
I'm not the one who brought paper to it. And I agree that sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect that's why a fucking law can't decide when someone is ready or not. The person itself will. Dude I'm ready to fuck since I was at least 7 years old and had my first erotic dream. Studies says boys with 3 years old can already identify a good looking woman by a split second analizying her features (facial, bust, hips...).
Made in Abyss is a good manga for you.