What is and isn't a religion is approved by the law, which differs from country to country.
Dude, noooooooooooooo. Religion came first and then civilization. Religion is the unifying factor that eventually translates into a common law.
thats somewhat true, some religions are officially recognized as such by some governments. in germany for example, scientology isnt recognized as a religion.

and since religions, as i stated earlier, are extremely diverse, there really isnt a universal understanding of what consitutes a religion, prime example being buddhism that many people dont consider as a religion because buddha and his teachings arent directly tied to any actual deity.
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You putting all religions in the same basket
doing the opposite though :memehm:
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You putting all religions in the same basket
religions, as i stated earlier, are extremely diverse
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Was talking about today's world, since it's by that standard he was holding the old religions, calling them cults.
you mean like mythologies like from ancient greece or egypt?
thats part of the script
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objective morality where? not here then, which was one of my points earlier on
Objetive morality= Evil and Good are factual.
Subjetive morality= Evil and Good are creations.
As i see it, the subjective morality is definitely wrong, because even if people do have different interpretations and eventual disagreements on minor topics,most people agree on core principles such: don't steal,don't kill and so on. Which is a historical fact. Most religions boil down to love your neighbor and worship God. There are minor differences, but at the core they are pretty similar on their morality.
thats part of the script
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objective morality where? not here then, which was one of my points earlier on
Talking about the exodus stuff. Causing a women to miscarry because of a fight is bad in any timeline, the way people will aproach this problem and apply punishments changes according to time. The principles are always the same, but approach might change. Did i make myself clear now?
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Orthodox Buddhism is an atheist religion, but obviously there are some Buddhist heretics who believe in God 😏
Yep, but even the atheist ones says there is a spiritual world, life after death, consequences in the after life and so on. So they still believe in something beyond this life.
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thats somewhat true, some religions are officially recognized as such by some governments. in germany for example, scientology isnt recognized as a religion.

and since religions, as i stated earlier, are extremely diverse, there really isnt a universal understanding of what consitutes a religion, prime example being buddhism that many people dont consider as a religion because buddha and his teachings arent directly tied to any actual deity.
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doing the opposite though :memehm:
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you mean like mythologies like from ancient greece or egypt?
You did generalize too much on that post. Yes, concept of religion isn't cut and clear either. Governments don't have a final saying in what people believe or not. The Soviet Union tried to outlaw Christianity/Religion and it still survived.
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Its not about feelings. We are debating facts here.
Me too.

Accepting LGBTQI+ people in society is a moral act. So tell me, where is the link with religion when all religious texts are against the acceptation of those people ?

The entire debate towards homosexuality and mental health was destroyed thanks to militants like you.
Yeah, my fellow leftists in the 70' to 90' kinda rocked on that one. Praise to them \o/

Science was censored thanks to people like you.
Actually, Science was liberated from people like you. Don't try to speak about science when you don't understand 10 % of it.

Problem is, any scientist that cooks up an hypothesis that hurt the feelings of people like you gets his career destroyed.
Nah. I think you are confusing the word "scientist" with "complotist" or "jordan Peterson" maybe.

Hunter and gatherers definitely had religious beliefs lol
That much is obvious
Then why do you need to add religion to an already pre existing conclusion ? Ockam's razor, mate. There is no need of religion to explain the present of morality in our societies, the environmental and social pressures are enough.

Religion has being a thing ever since men have being a thing.

Burial rites are a proof of this.
Burial rites are not necessarily the proof of religious beliefs mate.

(you didn't react to what I shared with you)

Wtf are you implying? Do you want to rape me or something?
Nah, I'm saying that you should be careful of what you are saying. because if we look at the pattern here, far rightist are being banned one by one because they couldn't contain their bigoted visions.. so...

What is and isn't a religion is approved by the law, which differs from country to country.
The more you talk, the less I understand you bro

Religion came first and then civilization
And society came before religion


Religion is the unifying factor that eventually translates into a common law.
Lol no
There is no such thing
Me too.

Accepting LGBTQI+ people in society is a moral act. So tell me, where is the link with religion when all religious texts are against the acceptation of those people ?

Yeah, my fellow leftists in the 70' to 90' kinda rocked on that one. Praise to them \o/

Actually, Science was liberated from people like you. Don't try to speak about science when you don't understand 10 % of it.

Nah. I think you are confusing the word "scientist" with "complotist" or "jordan Peterson" maybe.


Then why do you need to add religion to an already pre existing conclusion ? Ockam's razor, mate. There is no need of religion to explain the present of morality in our societies, the environmental and social pressures are enough.


Burial rites are not necessarily the proof of religious beliefs mate.

(you didn't react to what I shared with you)

Nah, I'm saying that you should be careful of what you are saying. because if we look at the pattern here, far rightist are being banned one by one because they couldn't contain their bigoted visions.. so...

The more you talk, the less I understand you bro

And society came before religion


Lol no

There is no such thing
But of course, society came first. Animals have no religion. Only men do, bozo. Pretty sure there were some ancient gods that were you know...GAY. I don't get why you insist on not researching stuff:
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That post is your only semi win in like 24 hours.
Thank u, loli. I appreciate your opinion.
Yep, but even the atheist ones says there is a spiritual world, life after death, consequences in the after life and so on. So they still believe in something beyond this life.
The goal in buddhism is to escape life,escape the cycle of rebirth (and its various realms of existence) by reaching the state of nirvana.

Rebirth cycle isnt really comparable to an afterlife in the sense of hell or heaven
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You did generalize too much on that post. Yes, concept of religion isn't cut and clear either. Governments don't have a final saying in what people believe or not. The Soviet Union tried to outlaw Christianity/Religion and it still survived.
Still did the opposite of generalizing, and the rest isnt really relevant to what was said
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Accepting LGBTQI+ people in society is a moral act. So tell me, where is the link with religion when all religious texts are against the acceptation of those people ?
Just means them queer people are evil immoral motherfuckers my guy
The goal in buddhism is to escape life,escape the cycle of rebirth (and its various realms of existence) by reaching the state of nirvana.

Rebirth cycle isnt really comparable to an afterlife in the sense of hell or heaven
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Still did the opposite of generalizing, and the rest isnt really relevant to what was said
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Just means them queer people are evil immoral motherfuckers my guy
True,but reincarnation still implies your soul is out there waiting to return to the world. Soul=life after death,no? I wasn't really comparing it to Christianity.
Not really, unless their creation story was never understood as an actual description of how the world was created. But god x doing the creation and god y doing the creation arent compatible,unless x=y, for example christianity and judaism..they are mutually exclusive for other reasons though
Creation stories are not about the entire planet only the local culture
True,but reincarnation still implies your soul is out there waiting to return to the world. Soul=life after death,no? I wasn't really comparing it to Christianity.
All 6 realms are "the world". Its not like you die and go to the next stage, you just switch the stage after respawning, and you can be on the same stage multiple times until you reach the state of nirvana
But of course, society came first. Animals have no religion. Only men do, bozo. Pretty sure there were some ancient gods that were you know...GAY. I don't get why you insist on not researching stuff:
I did, that's why I shared with you studies that you didn't read.

The point is that if accepting LGBTQI+ people is morally wrong in regards to religious text, then being moral and accepting them shows that morality is not dependent of religious but our sociological context.

He is going to prove religion is a thing in the animal world and in Alien civilizations.
No I proved to you that this is actually the opposite and that morality can exist without religion. For example it seems that there are moral subjects in the animal realm according to what I just shared with you. And yet, no religion. Meaning that :

Morality came first and religion second.

Which is actually logical since religion is all about the control of morality and not the other way around.

This means that a society without religion can still be a moral society.