One Piece Chapter 1118 - Be Free

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Bonney looks cool in her Nika form, and it's obviously a really risky decision if Oda's really going to give her the full Nika powers with reality manipulation, haki, etc. I just can't see that happening, which is why I believe some of the negative reactions are jumping the gun. Her form is likely how Nika would appear in a child's imagination, so her power will still be governed by her own limitations. She won't be able to stretch or turn surroundings into rubber like Luffy. I don't think she's broken to the point that she can imagine a Law like future for example, then start doing OP OP techniques lol

You have to remember that her powers will get worse as she grows older and learns about ontological restrictions of the OP world. As a child, her faith in what is ontologically possible is much more expansive than what is actually possible. So, while I obviously see that giving the main character's ultimate awakening to a 12 year old girl is a bad decision, I'm holding judgment until we see the full extent of her abilities. I don't think it'll go beyond looking like Nika and performing a couple of gigantification and stretching moves.

Thematically, I'm really happy with Luffy's continually pulling out the best of up and comers like Bonney, Momo, etc...

Yamato's journey is a nice consolation after she didn't join the crew. This cover story has the potential to tie up a few loose ends that were abandoned at the end of Onigashima.

Glad the Iron Giant's role isn't over yet, and I wonder if we'll get a glimpse into his past with Joy Boy here. I bet it will be saved for the void century flashback along with the rest of Vegapunk's speech.

The Gorosei look mean as hell. I'm really happy with how they've been portrayed in Egghead. An aura of genuine threat, and I'm hoping Luffy gets to properly fight them (Please vs Saturn!)

Overall, this chapter leaves a lot to look forward to next week, and I'm sure as shit happy there isn't a break lol
Luffy said she can keep up with him, it's over.
Really disliked this chapter, hate Bonney and this Nika thing, the whole Nika plot is already kind strange, but as it is with Luffy I can get it, he is the Jesus of the story, but Bonney is just soo random and feels like Yamato all over again, a character no one cares but Oda want to force us to care, while there are already characters we care in the arc.

Hope we go soon to Elbaf.

Next chapter i believe there will be a great Zoro moment, as Venus is attacking the Sunny, he probably will stop him.

Also, don't know if it's just the scan, but the art feels soo strange at this chapter
Ok, I'm giving 4 stars because this time I really didn't like this thing of 2 Nikas. It just doesn't make sense.

For me, this first L Oda took this arc. Amazing arc, but we WILL need more explaining and a good reason for this Bonney Nika form.

Luffy fans seething :milaugh::milaugh: