Controversial What the hell happened to the art in the manga? (Chapter 1118 and beyond)

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Wano is one of the most thought-out arc of the entire Manga from characterization and characters stories, through the hidden stories, to symbolism and milking or art. Its not perfect, but its a masterfull work of storytelling and a masterfull work of art.

@Owl Ki you can’t make this shit up if you tried lmfao. It just goes to show you that there are people on earth who love the taste of dogshit lol.

Apparently Oda is a literary genius because he draws a panel of characters who are about to fight before they fight, truly no other mangaka of all time has done this GODA WILL BE TAUGHT IN UNIVERSITIES!!!
Logiko the One Piece analysis authority strikes again

I would love to take some days off, but the more I look at this forum, the more I find nonsensical analysis and nonsensical takes.

How could I understand my own opinions and feelings without you telling me the truth about them?
I'm not denying your opinion, I'm just explaining you that if you have a hard time reading One Piece, it must be hard to read some manga today.

@Owl Ki you can’t make this shit up if you tried lmfao. It just goes to show you that there are people on earth who love the taste of dogshit lol.
The irony:shocking:

Apparently Oda is a literary genius because he draws a panel of characters who are about to fight before they fight, truly no other mangaka of all time has done this GODA WILL BE TAUGHT IN UNIVERSITIES!!!


@Owl Ki you can’t make this shit up if you tried lmfao. It just goes to show you that there are people on earth who love the taste of dogshit lol.

Apparently Oda is a literary genius because he draws a panel of characters who are about to fight before they fight, truly no other mangaka of all time has done this GODA WILL BE TAUGHT IN UNIVERSITIES!!!
Why are you arguing over a kids manga? Go back to the Kingdom section.
Why are you arguing over a kids manga? Go back to the Kingdom section.
I did not read Kingdom, did this grown up Manga explained in detailed how the reactance in front of Systemic Racism can be passed down through the generations and be transformed in pure baseless hatred and authoritarism if nobody tries to stops or break the circle of vengeance ?
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Robin panels look so much cleaner, and easy to follow. And it was drawn 20 years ago. Im afraid for the fights, because we are getting closer to the end and there will be a lot of fights, i just hope it doesn't become a cluster fuck & disappoint.
Most probably because the Robin example is a cleaned scan and not this new chapter. The lines in the clean scan are usually cleaner and thiner which helps the readability.

But I don't think you have to worry about the ending of One Piece. In fact, since we are arriving at the end, we also entering a realm that Oda had in mind since the very beginning of the Manga. This means that we MIGHT see reappear big breathing moment such as this one:

It's crazy because usually the drawing of a manga gets better and better.
For One Piece its been a downgrade and a trully tremendous one. Now sometimes it gets hard to even understand what is going on on the panels.
However you don't really see such long mangas as One Piece, so I don't think it's fair to judge One Piece art falling off like that.
One Piece has has been getting better and better to and peaked around Fishman Island, Punk Hazard. That's already many many years into the series.
Find me another manga where that's 20+ years long and keeps the same drawing quality.
When you write a story like Oda, meaning when you write a story like an architect, you do it through an outline. This outline is a skeleton of the story that will allow you to know how your story will developp from beginning to end. Writers like Oda who work like screenwriters have all the big elements of the story already planned out before starting the first lines. Meaning that they will also know exactly how they will end it. Not only in the very last moments, but also how the characters will evolve, transform, what will be the big messages, the forces in presence, the philosophical conflict etc.

My point is that each time we are close to those big moments, we are also close to the way Oda viewed his story at the beginning.

For example, Wano, felt very different from the new world mainly because it was a big arc Oda had in mind very early on. Just like we can say that Gear 5 or Roger's laugh were most probably very early foundamental gears of the outline of the story. Those moments are so impactfull because they are also breathing moments, they are moment where Oda takes times to describe or show the revelation. And most of the time, less with Gear 5 but more with Roger's laugh, Oda create big beautiful and clean double pages. Those double pages are something that Oda does not use as often as he did at the very beginning of the story.

So I believe that the closer we get to the big ending outline "gears" and big ending revelations of the story, we will have a taste of the very early One Piece with big beautiful Cover Pages. Hence why I say that we will have more "breathing moments" toward the end of the manga.
It's crazy because usually the drawing of a manga gets better and better.
For One Piece its been a downgrade and a trully tremendous one. Now sometimes it gets hard to even understand what is going on on the panels.
And It got better Compared chapter 1 to 400 but it only gets better till a point.But yeah Oda has himself to blame for prolonging it
When you write a story like Oda, meaning when you write a story like an architect, you do it through an outline. This outline is a skeleton of the story that will allow you to know how your story will developp from beginning to end. Writers like Oda who work like screenwriters have all the big elements of the story already planned out before starting the first lines. Meaning that they will also know exactly how they will end it. Not only in the very last moments, but also how the characters will evolve, transform, what will be the big messages, the forces in presence, the philosophical conflict etc.

My point is that each time we are close to those big moments, we are also close to the way Oda viewed his story at the beginning.

For example, Wano, felt very different from the new world mainly because it was a big arc Oda had in mind very early on. Just like we can say that Gear 5 or Roger's laugh were most probably very early foundamental gears of the outline of the story. Those moments are so impactfull because they are also breathing moments, they are moment where Oda takes times to describe or show the revelation. And most of the time, less with Gear 5 but more with Roger's laugh, Oda create big beautiful and clean double pages. Those double pages are something that Oda does not use as often as he did at the very beginning of the story.

So I believe that the closer we get to the big ending outline "gears" and big ending revelations of the story, we will have a taste of the very early One Piece with big beautiful Cover Pages. Hence why I say that we will have more "breathing moments" toward the end of the manga.
Oh i want to believe you, but it is hard... i feel that Oda is tired and nothing can change that.
When you write a story like Oda, meaning when you write a story like an architect, you do it through an outline. This outline is a skeleton of the story that will allow you to know how your story will developp from beginning to end. Writers like Oda who work like screenwriters have all the big elements of the story already planned out before starting the first lines. Meaning that they will also know exactly how they will end it. Not only in the very last moments, but also how the characters will evolve, transform, what will be the big messages, the forces in presence, the philosophical conflict etc.

My point is that each time we are close to those big moments, we are also close to the way Oda viewed his story at the beginning.

For example, Wano, felt very different from the new world mainly because it was a big arc Oda had in mind very early on. Just like we can say that Gear 5 or Roger's laugh were most probably very early foundamental gears of the outline of the story. Those moments are so impactfull because they are also breathing moments, they are moment where Oda takes times to describe or show the revelation. And most of the time, less with Gear 5 but more with Roger's laugh, Oda create big beautiful and clean double pages. Those double pages are something that Oda does not use as often as he did at the very beginning of the story.

So I believe that the closer we get to the big ending outline "gears" and big ending revelations of the story, we will have a taste of the very early One Piece with big beautiful Cover Pages. Hence why I say that we will have more "breathing moments" toward the end of the manga.
I understood architects and skeletons. But skeletons don't breathe. I don't understand anything.