Speculations Tashigi is getting her right hand man moment against Kuzan or Teach

man, generally speaking, predicting things doesn't work like that, if A & B did something doesn't mean C will always do it, I mean u could say there's possibility, but u can't be 100% sure. u need proofs to prove your point.

however in this case we are not even sure that Smoker will fight Kuzan or BB, let alone Tashigi, & if she tries to do something, she'll probably be one shotted by either of them.
Zori destroyed her mentally.
And given she has a sword and haki.
It's almost as if slicing a human only. So it really wasn't that difficult.
Tashigi already had the attack power to 1 shot Monet because she didn't get any power up in the battle. That what made it impressive.
Gotta give props even if it's a tiny bone to give..
And Califa too, so?

What Bepo did puts him leagues above her, not to mention his role.
What feats bepo has in pre skip?

Since when tashigi has enhanced drug or mode like sulong?
Im saying if you just compare their pre egghead feats, Tashigi looks better.

Bepo did get better feats fighting Teach. But Tashigi hasn’t had a proper role since PH.

When Smoker comes back into the story, then Tashigi will have a spotlight again. Given how Oda highlighted Bepo’s strength why should we believe he won’t do the same for Tashigi?
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The idea that tashigi having feats against a top tier is so ridiculous that it borders on a troll post is retarded.

Characters who are traditionally on par or weaker than Tashigi, like Usopp or Nami, have had moments against top tiers in recent arcs. Nami and Chopper fought Big Mom and Saturn.

The idea that Bepo, Usopp, and Nami are all worthy to have moments against top tiers but Tashigi can’t is stupid. It just shows how closed minded some of y’all .
Im saying if you just compare their pre egghead feats, Tashigi looks better.

Bepo did get better feats fighting Teach. But Tashigi hasn’t had a proper role since PH.

When Smoker comes back into the story, then Tashigi will have a spotlight again. Given how Oda highlighted Bepo’s strength why should we believe he won’t do the same for Tashigi?
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The idea that tashigi having feats against a top tier is so ridiculous that it borders on a troll post is retarded.

Characters who are traditionally on par or weaker than Tashigi, like Usopp or Nami, have had moments against top tiers in recent arcs. Nami and Chopper fought Big Mom and Saturn.

The idea that Bepo, Usopp, and Nami are all worthy to have moments against top tiers but Tashigi can’t is stupid. It just shows how closed minded some of y’all .
Nah. Tashigi had her chance is PH and she couldn't even beat monet lol. She is not even a VA. Franky in base can neg VA on average mind you. She is too weak and irrelevant in power scaling.
Im saying if you just compare their pre egghead feats, Tashigi looks better.
Bepo had basically no feats pre-Egg head. Also, he has had a vastly important role than Tashigi.

When Smoker comes back into the story, then Tashigi will have a spotlight again. Given how Oda highlighted Bepo’s strength why should we believe he won’t do the same for Tashigi?
Because as of now, Law >>> Smoker in every way, and the same goes fo Bepo regarding Tashigi.

And even Bepo in Sulong mabaged just to hit Teach and flee.
this is like your 3rd tashigi thread, is she your new pet project? Why are you projecting all these insane expectations not even her most die hard fans have lmao
Bepo had basically no feats pre-Egg head. Also, he has had a vastly important role than Tashigi.
Tashigi is intimately connected to Zoro’s storyline

She has the face and personality of Kuina, Zoro’s best friend.

Bepo has no relevance outside being Law’s right hand.
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We had an entire arc showing us how powerful the minks were. Meanwhile this is like expecting killer to block the giants or be competent in the fight with shanks.
But Killer did get his moment against the yonko in wano where he damaged Kaido and disarmed Big Mom.

Given Tashigi’s connection to Kuina, she’s more important than Killer.
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Why are you projecting all these insane expectations not even her most die hard fans have lmao
Tashigi barely has fans on this site. How many people actually talk about the character?

the narrative seems to be that she is an irrelevant fodder and can never be more than that because reasons.

Smoker is Luffy’s rival. He existed long before Kid and Law and unlike those two, he was actually a legitimate threat to Luffy. Tashigi is Smoker’s right hand.

Killer and even Bepo can have moments against the top tier defending their captains, but Tashigi can’t?
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