News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread


Foul Legacy

Not really, Oden has another Great Grade Blade Mastered.. Ame no Habakiri.. Which we don't know it's powers..

Saying like these aren't the same..

Is like saying that these 2 aren't the same..

All four of them , only three are same.

Top right corner is differrent. That's CoA sparks
Yeah Jinbe intro disturbing lot of shit, somebody already pointed this out
Took over Sanji as 3rd highest bounty
Took over Zoro drinking tolerance
Took over Frankys father figure
Took over Robins heart
Post automatically merged:

I don't know, but he had all his 3 Swords out when he only applied Black Lightning on Sandai so..
So... lets add some headcanon?
Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:


Largest Paragraph in White Text:
ジニーの娘で、くまに育てられたポニー。母の命を蝕んだ"青玉鱗"に翻弄されながらも、完治後の父との旅を夢見た。Dr. ベガパンクの協力により2年半前に病を克服。出航を果たしたボニーは、変わり果てた父を救う為に、聖地マリージョアを経てエッグヘッドへ。そしてべ ガパンクの下、くまの記憶を、そしてその深い愛を知った。

Top Left Box next to Panel:

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:

Middle Caption next to Panel:

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:

Yellow Text:

A girl with a voracious appetite, carrying the fate of searching for her father, sets out to sea!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:
Bonney, the daughter of Ginny and raised by Kuma. Despite being tormented by the "Blue Sapphire Scale" that consumed her mother's life, she dreamed of traveling with her father once she recovered. With the cooperation of Dr. Vegapunk, she overcame her illness two and a half years ago. Bonney set sail and, to save her transformed father, went through the Holy Land of Mary Geoise to Egghead. There, under Vegapunk, she learned about Kuma's memories and his deep love.

Top Left Box next to Panel:
【Actual Age】
Bonney set out to sea at the age of 9. And her current actual age is 12.

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
A technique that embodies future potential. The younger the person, the more limitless the potential. Especially for a 12-year-old like Bonney.

Middle Caption next to Panel:
Using the power of the Toshi Toshi no Mi, she shoots at her target. The attack gradually causes the target to dissolve and turn into a skeleton while still alive, providing a near-death experience.

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
In the laboratory at Egghead, she finally touched her father's "memories."

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:
"Blue Gem Scales" cause the skin to petrify with exposure to natural light or the passage of time. The father called the one that appeared on his daughter's cheek a jewel.

Bonney is a confirmed armament haki user (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

嵐の中も自由自在! 仲間を支える屈強な操舵手!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:

Top Left Box next to Panel:

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
魚人の歴史を侮辱された怒りが放つ奥義! 空気中の水を支配し、衝撃波を生み四皇幹部を撃破!!

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
溺れるルフィ達を得意の泳ぎで迅速に救出! 能力者の多い一味には欠かせない頼れる存在だ。

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:

Yellow Text:

Free and unfazed even in a storm! A sturdy helmsman who supports his comrades!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:
During the raid on Onigashima, he actively supported his comrades with perfect situational awareness and helped Raizo extinguish the fires inside the castle, proving himself to be a crucial behind-the-scenes force. Moreover, he displayed a warm and loyal side, never tolerating insults toward his comrades or race. In the waters near Egghead, he rescued a drowning comrade, acting as a reliable leader and pillar of the crew!!!

Top Left Box next to Panel: 【Subtle Consideration】
He entrusted Bonney, whom he had been carrying until a moment ago, to Chopper, and took on the heavier Atlas. His silent consideration is also one of his charms![/box]

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
An ultimate technique unleashed by the anger of having the history of the Fish-Men insulted! He controls the water in the air to create shockwaves and defeats a Yonko executive!!

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
He swiftly rescues the drowning Luffy and others with his exceptional swimming skills! He is an indispensable and reliable member of the crew, especially with so many Devil Fruit users.

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:
Even when dealing with the Seraphim, he shows a gentle and composed demeanor, expressing his gratitude politely (Vivre Card).

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

嵐の中も自由自在! 仲間を支える屈強な操舵手!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:

Top Left Box next to Panel:

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
魚人の歴史を侮辱された怒りが放つ奥義! 空気中の水を支配し、衝撃波を生み四皇幹部を撃破!!

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
溺れるルフィ達を得意の泳ぎで迅速に救出! 能力者の多い一味には欠かせない頼れる存在だ。

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:

Yellow Text:

Free and unfazed even in a storm! A sturdy helmsman who supports his comrades!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:
During the raid on Onigashima, he actively supported his comrades with perfect situational awareness and helped Raizo extinguish the fires inside the castle, proving himself to be a crucial behind-the-scenes force. Moreover, he displayed a warm and loyal side, never tolerating insults toward his comrades or race. In the waters near Egghead, he rescued a drowning comrade, acting as a reliable leader and pillar of the crew!!!

Top Left Box next to Panel: 【Subtle Consideration】
He entrusted Bonney, whom he had been carrying until a moment ago, to Chopper, and took on the heavier Atlas. His silent consideration is also one of his charms![/box]

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
An ultimate technique unleashed by the anger of having the history of the Fish-Men insulted! He controls the water in the air to create shockwaves and defeats a Yonko executive!!

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
He swiftly rescues the drowning Luffy and others with his exceptional swimming skills! He is an indispensable and reliable member of the crew, especially with so many Devil Fruit users.

Bottom Left Caption next to Panel:
Even when dealing with the Seraphim, he shows a gentle and composed demeanor, expressing his gratitude politely (Vivre Card).
We need base Luffy

Foul Legacy

Your argument, is crap.. It's all the same..
It's not.
You show me any CoA coating making that huge Lightening. I'll wait.

Rather I can provide you with All the CoA coating Lightening being Small and Sort of straight trails.

Whereas CoC coating are long and twisted trails.

It's common everywhere.
It's not.
You show me any CoA coating making that huge Lightening. I'll wait.

Rather I can provide you with All the CoA coating Lightening being Small and Sort of straight trails.

Whereas CoC coating are long and twisted trails.

It's common everywhere.
While you are completely right didnt you laugh when I said Garp and Kuzan should get confirmed CoC in their VCs for that same reason?

Raw Japanese Kanji-
Yellow Text:

好きなものはお金と子供とみかん! 強力な"相棒"と戦う航海士!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:

Top Left Box next to Panel:
仲間を苦しめた敵には容赦なし! 負傷したルッチ達に怒りの制裁を試みる。

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:

Yellow Text:

Loves money, children, and tangerines! The navigator who fights alongside her powerful "partners"!!

Largest Paragraph in White Text:
Nami, enraged by Ulti for hurting Otama, faced her with the "Clima-Tact" enhanced by Zeus, achieving victory in Wano Country and gaining a valuable "partner." Though filled with compassion for children, this sometimes worked against her, as seen when she couldn't bring herself to fully fight S-Shark at Egghead, leading to a dangerous situation. Her unending love for treasure hunting remains as strong as ever, even more so under Vegapunk's influence.

Top Left Box next to Panel:
【Avenging Robin!?】
No mercy for enemies who torment her comrades! She attempts to deliver a furious punishment to the injured Lucci and his team.

Middle Left Caption next to Panel:
With a soul infused, the "Clima-Tact" can change shape at Zeus' will. It can alter the path of lightning, enhancing its attack power.

Middle Right Caption next to Panel:
Facing enemies who appear as young comrades, she struggles with inner conflict. Despite trying to convince herself to attack, she cannot fully dispel her hesitation (Vivre Card).
It's not.
You show me any CoA coating making that huge Lightening. I'll wait.

Rather I can provide you with All the CoA coating Lightening being Small and Sort of straight trails.

Whereas CoC coating are long and twisted trails.

It's common everywhere.
It's either all CoA lightning or all CoC lightning.. There's no ah but this one no because this and that, because i don't like that Zoro used KoH against Lucci, it makes me feel uncomfortable..