You know, it's completely hilarious when me, a girl, stands by Oda making jokes with his characters in his story because it's his characters and his story (despite IRL not approving of sex work.)

But you, a man, is rallying to educate Oda on feminism (...when it's the feminists that approve of sex work) and change his story. I the only one that sees the complete hypocrisy in that?
There are women that are perfectly fine with sexism mate. It doesn't mean that they are right.

In this case, Sanji is sexist and depict very problematic behaviors (cf wano). Those behavior are not needed in the story and could be perfectly tone down.

You being a woman doesn't mean that you are necessarily right to think that we must not expect Sanji or Oda to evolve.

There are women that are perfectly fine with sexism mate. It doesn't mean that they are right.

In this case, Sanji is sexist and depict very problematic behaviors (cf wano). Those behavior are not needed in the story and could be perfectly tone down.

You being a woman doesn't mean that you are necessarily right to think that we must not expect Sanji or Oda to evolve.

Patriarchal women are a thing
You know, it's completely hilarious when me, a girl, stands by Oda making jokes with his characters in his story because it's his characters and his story (despite IRL not approving of sex work.)

But you, a man, is rallying to educate Oda on feminism (...when it's the feminists that approve of sex work) and change his story. I the only one that sees the complete hypocrisy in that?
Nobody here takes him seriously if it helps.

I mean, he's confessed he doesn't have a job (nor is he able to keep one), which means he basically lives off someone's handouts (not sure if it's family, or the government) to post politics on fucking WG of all places. Yet he's the most self-righteous person here.

He'll tell you you're a sexist if you don't agree with what he thinks women should be.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he told a black person how being black actually is.

Let him wail into the wind. It's the only way anyone can retain their sanity around him.
Nobody here takes him seriously if it helps.

I mean, he's confessed he doesn't have a job (nor is he able to keep one), which means he basically lives off someone's handouts (not sure if it's family, or the government) to post politics on fucking WG of all places. Yet he's the most self-righteous person here.

He'll tell you you're a sexist if you don't agree with what he thinks women should be.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he told a black person how being black actually is.

Let him wail into the wind. It's the only way anyone can retain their sanity around him.
Attacking the life of a person to try to delegitimize them...

You are such a nice person
Islam is roughly 500 years younger than Christianity. Give them time. It's like expecting Christians from the 1500 to be inclusive.
Islam has been around since the beginning. It's not a new religion. It's just new to you westerners
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My major point @Monkey D Theories was that in the modern day, people have been pushing to make the Christian Church more "inclusive" of all people, regardless of it's compatibility with the scripture. I was speaking as a Westerner who has seen local churches start plastering rainbow flags on their bulletins to appease individuals who have shown them nothing but hate for their own way of life.

I think progress will always happen, but it should never happen at the cost of your own values. Many people rally against Christianity for having a lot of bigots amongst their ranks, but ignore the fact that Islam, Judaism and even Sikhism and Hinduism have their own bigots.

The difference is, whilst people in the West claim that churches -must- allow gay marriage and other things that the bible disagrees with (and lobbies heavily for these changes), you don't see them demanding that Mosques allow it. The reason is because they think only Christianity WILL bend the knee.

I think people demonise Christianity too much but in the same breath say we must respect other cultures that have similar values. It's... bizarre, and unfortunately, weak and ineffectual Popes like the current one think that appeasing these people will be useful. It won't. It's like appeasing feminists regarding game design, all it has done is alienate some people from the medium from what I've seen.
Because Christianity is weak. It's just the truth. Only Christianity followers will be trying to find middle ground so that they can be more acceptable to liberals leftist . There is no middle ground
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She isnt, at least not at the same time. But thats not the point
That's the point dumbass.
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I honestly do not believe Islam's solution to the societal ills effecting women is the right one. I do believe most Western Societies are falling prey to decadence. Porn addiction, video game addiction, drug and alcohol addiction, and a disrespect for basic rights such as freedom of speech are the issue. We have a society that encourages Only Fans, it encourages "sexual liberation", and whilst I do not think the state should ever involve itself in people's personal acts, I cannot help but feel it will make a generation of women who are less secure in their bodies and position than any before it.

Islam would just do a 180 on that. It's not the correct solution. Enforcing modesty does not make one modest, it makes them repressed. Polygamy, present in many Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Syria, Jordan, and Kuwait among many others does not benefit women. It is actually to their detriment.

Both are terrible positions, and I almost fear having a daughter for having to raise her in a world which, quite frankly, tells her to whore herself out in the name of personal liberty which only serves to destroy their inherent sense of value. On the flip-side, if Islam has it's way, she would be forced into antiquated modesty laws and would be at the whim of her husband.
Why do people who doesn't know anything about our religion try to tell us how our religion works?

Go and read how pre Islam Arabia treated women back then. They use to get buried alive until Muhammad SAW came. You westerners promote hook-up culture and everyone sharing stds but you wanna lecture us?
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Listen to the scholars' interpretations of those verses and how they ask Muslims to follow these verses and under what conditions.

If you hate Zakir Naik, pick someone else.

Have you heard of Ahmed Deedat?

Try watching his debates.

The rights of women... how biased can you be?
Read what used to happen to women before Islam.
They were used to be buried alive.
Islam, at that time, provided more relief to women than any other religion. The standards have changed due to Western culture... yes CULTURE, not any religion.
If you want to talk about women's rights in specific CULTURES. Lets debate.
Dont run away from this.

Check and compare divorce rates
Single mothers
Relate crime rates resulting from children who grew up without parents
Percentage of OnlyFans girls from different cultures (western vs Islamic)
And so on.

I will say it again, stop pretending that you know shit.

I offer you again, bring 1 topic at a time and debate with me. Lets go over everything one by one.
This is why I hate arguing with weebs on online forums. They watch anime and think they've been enlightened intellectually and they just spout out utter stupidity against religion especially Islam. This fuckers never even do a single research about anything. Honestly you should spend time arguing with westerners they're blind people
Mass murderers are all shit far-right anyway.

Haha what a load of shit, You delusional fuck.
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I and many people want them Einstein. But we have a vocal minority that is reactionnary like you.

Legal migration is fine Einstein. It's, once again, ILLEGALS. Are you dumb deaf and retarded?
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Nobody here takes him seriously if it helps.

I mean, he's confessed he doesn't have a job (nor is he able to keep one), which means he basically lives off someone's handouts (not sure if it's family, or the government) to post politics on fucking WG of all places. Yet he's the most self-righteous person here.

He'll tell you you're a sexist if you don't agree with what he thinks women should be.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he told a black person how being black actually is.

Let him wail into the wind. It's the only way anyone can retain their sanity around him.
He's a definitely a self-righteous bastard that doesn't deserve anything but scorn.