General & Others Zoro s confirmed to be the deuteragonist.


Kitetsu Wanker
Yes it matters because oda talked about characters in the spread.

You are inserting Mihawk out of nowhere to make a case which is irrelevant.

And, this spread belongs to chapter 1031.

And, oda clearly said - Bepo is second strongest combat wise and he's number 2 like others in the spread.

Combat wise means strength and not prominence.

You can see anything you want but I will take author's words over yours.
And the reason why he talked about certain characters in that spread is because people asked about Bepo/Penguin/Shachi.
The man never addressed Zoro vs Luffy. It is your headcanon.

I am inserting Mihawk to show you that #2 of the organization isn't necessarily 2nd strongest of the same organization.
Bepo being 2nd strongest and being number 2 are two different things. You still haven't separated this in your mind.
Maybe because you want Luffy to be stronger than Zoro? That's just agenda... Oda doesn't share that agenda.

Oda didn't select those guys based on combat, except for Bepo, #2s of the organization are always based on prominence.
I will take the author's drawings over what you think he implied.
Nah you are disturbed individual mods should ban your ass if your cross the line. I usually never report anyone but i will if i see any more degenerate stuff from you
Find a tissue, I'm sure you keep them near.

The disturbed individuals are you grown ass adults obsessed with a fictional character. You're more annoying than K-Pop stans, at least they're into real people. You weirdos don't even like One Piece, you're obscenely invested in Zoro. I suspect that's because you lot are the biggest losers in life and project your power fantasies on him.
I don't know what to say. On one hand his idea worked because Zoro is exactly what he should be, on the other hand Oda doesn't really give a shit about Zoro outside of that. That's the generous way to describe it, at least.