General & Others Zoro s confirmed to be the deuteragonist.

ZKKclowns are dumb as usual for thinking just because someone has someone's bloodline, they can be just like them.

Is Koshiro similar to Ryuma now?

Which BM pirate can be like Linlin?

Ace is a different person than Roger. Dragon is different than Garp.

Zolo is a different personality than Ryuma.

Oda confirmed nothing. Zolo's purpose is to serve Luffy.

Deuteragonists like Vegeta or Sasuke are not underlings to Goku and Naruto.

Definition: ''second most important character of a narrative''

Zolo has no ambition to be Pirate King or defeat Emperors. Oda said the story is for defeating Emperors.

Oda: ''It was supposed to be a story to fight against pirates called Yonkou. However, I came up with the idea of Shichibukai... I just thought, it would be badass if these characters showed up, then as you can see, it caused this long serialization!!''

Zolo's goal is to be WGS and help Luffy to be PK, Zolo is not fighting against Emperors to be PK. Zolo isn't important to the narrative.

Definition: ''deuteragonist may switch between supporting and opposing the protagonist, depending on their own conflict or plot''

Zolo is never going to switch and oppose Luffy, due to their own conflict or plot.

Vegeta and Sasuke does that.

If Law shows up again, he is more suitable for that role since he can oppose Luffy as a rival Pirate captain and has the ambition to fight against Emperors.

Who cares tho ?as long as oda think he is ,he is :kobeha:
Zolo and and Ryuma have different personality. You got debunked, keep crying.
Author states a fact about his character [...]
Where were your superior narrative and story telling skills when Oda completely ignored the bunny and didn’t even let her say goodbye
Fuckin imbecile lmaaao
What Oda said does not contradict what I said. He imagined Zoro as a potential second main protagonist. But this is not what happened in the story. In reality Zoro is falling under the category of main allies among which are the strawhats.

Also you guys need to remember that fact:

The reality of the narration of a story > The author's words on said story.

For example if Oda were to say that blackbeard is not an antagonist, it would not make it true as blackbeard is actually written as an antagonist.

Hence why this rule prevails : The reality of the narration of the story will ALWAYS be superior in term of value to what Oda thinks about his story.

Some deuteragonist in Shonen :

- Vegeta
- Sasuke
- Kilua
- Bakugo
- Megumi
- Louis
- Armin
- Sei
- Suzaku

etc etc

Good luck if you think Zoro is even remotely close in importance and developed as much as them in their story
Again no. There is no such thing as deuteragonist nowadays. Deuteragonist were a reality simply because of the SUPPORT of the story of anciant time (there were only three characters in the plays), this is completely different now.

Those characters are either antagonists or allies.
I would say because I know a little bit more about narration that the average poster here. But you don't have to believe me, you just have to do the maths.
LMAO, you have some serious Main Character syndrome.

I've been studying storytelling for more than a decades now and I've explained exactly why Zoro can't be the most important character after Luffy.
So you have been following, watching and reading stories like everyone else on this forum and somehow you believe you're more qualified because you're writing nonsensical wall of texts, pretending to act like you completely understood Oda's story? Damn, must have sucked when bunny girl didn't join the crew...:shocked:
ZKKclowns are dumb as usual for thinking just because someone has someone's bloodline, they can be just like them.

Is Koshiro similar to Ryuma now?

Which BM pirate can be like Linlin?

Ace is a different person than Roger. Dragon is different than Garp.

Zolo is a different personality than Ryuma.

Oda confirmed nothing. Zolo's purpose is to serve Luffy.

Deuteragonists like Vegeta or Sasuke are not underlings to Goku and Naruto.

Definition: ''second most important character of a narrative''

Zolo has no ambition to be Pirate King or defeat Emperors. Oda said the story is for defeating Emperors.

Oda: ''It was supposed to be a story to fight against pirates called Yonkou. However, I came up with the idea of Shichibukai... I just thought, it would be badass if these characters showed up, then as you can see, it caused this long serialization!!''

Zolo's goal is to be WGS and help Luffy to be PK, Zolo is not fighting against Emperors to be PK. Zolo isn't important to the narrative.

Definition: ''deuteragonist may switch between supporting and opposing the protagonist, depending on their own conflict or plot''

Zolo is never going to switch and oppose Luffy, due to their own conflict or plot.

Vegeta and Sasuke does that.

If Law shows up again, he is more suitable for that role since he can oppose Luffy as a rival Pirate captain and has the ambition to fight against Emperors.

Zolo and and Ryuma have different personality. You got debunked, keep crying.
You dumb or what?
You know something is going wrong when @Erkan12 starts agreeing with you and quotes you @Logiko
You spewed a lot of nonsense like ''stories are written in one way only for centuries except ancient greece'' lol wtf ?
''It doesn't matter what Oda says'' hahah what is this ?
''Blackbeard is more important than Zoro''

A concentrate of bs and cope.
All this because you can't stand a fictional cartoon character being important ? And after all the ''high horse'' attitude ?


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Oda designed Zolo as Buggy's underling:milaugh:

Zolo's Early Design:

So that instead of ''Pirate Hunter'', Oda chose "Marine Hunter'' to be Buggy's new underling.

Logiko is right. If Ryuma bloodline was equally important Imu would cut Luffy and Zolo posters not Luffy and Teach posters.

Nice post.
That was because zoro would be Buggy's Mihawk and luffy rival but Oda was realized than Luffy never could defeat him and he changed for one weaker :suresure::suresure::suresure:
Zoro is the ally. Meaning that in term of importance, he arrives in third place with all the main strawhats.

Worthy to note also that this structure can also be developped for all the arc in a form of sub structure.

In all arcs there is a main protagonist, the Antagonist and Luffy (this is the closest you will get to have a deuteragonist as Luffy literally acts like the "hand" of the protagonists of each of those arcs.

In Arlong Park Nami is the protagonist, Luffy acts as her hands and Arlong is the Antagonist and therefore the most important character after Nami

In Alabasta, Vivi is the protagonist, Luffy acts as her hands and Crocodile is the antagonist

In skypea its interesting because there is not one but multiple protagonist (Conis, Wiper, Montblanc etc.), Luffy takes tge role of their hands and Enel is the antagonist.

Etc. etc.

Luffy retake the lead in term of narration only in the Marineford Saga and loses it after the timeskip.

Hehe, think what you want mate, if you don't want to learn, stay ignorant


I would say because I know a little bit more about narration that the average poster here. But you don't have to believe me, you just have to do the maths.

An ally - in a conventional story - will never be as important as the antagonist of said story. The reason is simple : The story only exist because the antagonist challenges the goal of the protagonist. The ally is always secondary to this dynamic.

I've been studying storytelling for more than a decades now and I've explained exactly why Zoro can't be the most important character after Luffy. So, you make your choice. Either you believe me, or you don't.

"Studying storytelling" = "Reading mangas and comics in my mom's basement for years"
You know something is going wrong when @Erkan12 starts agreeing with you and quotes you @Logiko
You spewed a lot of nonsense like ''stories are written in one way only for centuries except ancient greece'' lol wtf ?
''It doesn't matter what Oda says'' hahah what is this ?
''Blackbeard is more important than Zoro''

A concentrate of bs and cope.
All this because you can't stand a fictional cartoon character being important ? And after all the ''high horse'' attitude ?
Every Emperor is more important than Zolo for the story you dumb clown.

Oda's words:

Oda: ''It was supposed to be a story to fight against pirates called Yonkou. However, I came up with the idea of Shichibukai... I just thought, it would be badass if these characters showed up, then as you can see, it caused this long serialization!!''

Zolo has nothing to do with Emperors. He only fight Emperor underlings because Luffy fights Emperors.

Of course BB is even more special amongst the Emperors, so more important to the story as we know Imu cuts BB's poster not Zolo's poster.