
You are really delulu if you think I'm giving you guys this much importance.

But that's cute. I can see why you would need to seek recognition together when you are talking about me



No. A lot of threads are already political. I'm only turning the light toward their political realities.

One death.

A barricade away from reaching elected officials. But keep thinking that there was nothing.

I'm french. I think I have the perfect perspective to understand the danger of fascism, thank you.


Oh no. Not anymore. I'm not worried about that anymore.

What I'm worried about on the other hand, is about the US constitution.
My lord you are a cartoon character in real life
Once again I'll ask you specifically what do you think his fascist takeover will involve and what that will look like
My bad, I thought I gave you a full explanation three post ago - I had a full paragraph ready - but it seems that I lost that part of the post and I forgot to put it in my post.

Fascism is a political and social phenomenon with very specific characteristics that have been studied and have been very well documented over the years.

You can find a simple list of those characteristics in the easay of Umberto Eco about Ur-fascism (pre-fascism):


Added to that, I made that post, where I explained clearly - with the example of France - how fascism would rise and operate through the far right rise of power:

To create an allegory, this is what putting the far right in FULL power looks like in real life:

Each dominos is ones steps closer to fascism.

- The first domino will be the mastering of the mainstream press. With the far right in power, you can be sure the mainstream owned by billionnaires will align with the interest of the power since liberals won't be affected too much by a far right government.

- The second domino is the devaluation of the truth. We live in a world where information is far harder to fact check than it is to spread. The far right, because of their nature tend to FLOOD the informations and minds of people with so much lies and fake news that it will be impossible to fact check everything. The truth will lose its value. This is something that is already happening today. You just have to look at example like Trump, Macron or the RN in France.

- The third domino is the murder of the public press. With the mainstream media aligning to the POPULAR power. The public press will be pressured by all sides to stop the "liberal propaganda", population included, and because the far right think that the press should not be hold by the power and therefore should not spread information that favors the power, they will privatize of the public press.. Those stations will be bought by billionnaires that will.. logically align themselves with the interest of liberals or the far right power. As you can see, I'm talking about the public press as mainly defending the interest of liberals. A leftist press would be absolutely non existent, so you can expect the radicalization of the press and the public debate toward reactionnary agendas.

- The fourth domino is the radicalization of the rural masses. Yes, I'm talking about the radicalization of everyone who ALREADY voted for the far right in rural zone with little to no big access to internet. The reason behind that is the echo chamber created by the previous dominos. The absence of viable and truthfull informations and the absence of diversities in media, will push the media to radicalize themselves and this will in result push the population who watches those media to radicalizes themselves as well. We will start with journalists saying that migrants could be a potential danger for our villages to end with journalists saying that trans people are pedophiles, that black people who live in "no-go zones" are lazy, that psychically ill people - like me - are mostly faking their illness, that we must force poor people to work etc. andthe population will follow..

- The fifth domino is the radicalization of the politics. Because don't expect political people to be spared by the radicalization. Far right people are not people who follow science. They are mostly climatosceptics and do not accept the entierity of the scientific spectrum as legitimate. So if an echo chamber is created, you can expect far rightist political deputee to be radicalized the same way as other people or their own voters. In short, theirs own ideology will push them to radicalize themself. It literally like a spaceship going faster and faster in space because it has fuel and it is moving without resistance. The fuel of the far right is literally its own ideology and the more they will be in power the more radical and dangerous they will be. So you can expect worst and worst politics in EVERY domain. Politics they didn't even had to begin with.

- The sixth dominois the murder of the institution and the constitution. You guys have to understand that fascism hurt us SO BAD during the war because the constitution was ripped appart that a LOT of countries created a fail safe. They created institution to oppose or discuss any change to constitutionnal rights. Well, guess what. Some far rightist's main goal is to get rid of the institutions that could block them from creating their far right politics (such as the national preference in France for ex.). In France, with a majority or a referundum, the president could delete completely the constitutional counsil and destroy any resistance for their politics. They would have therefore free range to do what they want.

With the assemblee with a radicalized far right, without anyone to stop the far right from changing the constitution or applicate its politics, with a population that radicalize everyday more and more..

I give them less than 3 years to transform any country into a fascist one WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT.

Because as you can see, the only thing that is really intended here, is the ideology. EVERYTHING ELSE is a RESULT of said ideology. The far right in power without counter power would result in a majority completely OUT OF CONTROL from the people and the politic themself since those politics will be forced by their own situation and place to follow the train.

The ones who will resists even a little will be annihilated and will be left all the others who are not realizing that they are radicalizing themself more and more.

80 years ago, fascism did not appear because people wanted fascism. Fascism appeared because people didn't think about the consequences of their actions !

For far rightist, I hope you will find the strenght to resist your biases before its too late.
For the others, you should be afraid of what is coming.

My lord you are a cartoon character in real life
I'll take that as a win too
My bad, I thought I gave you a full explanation three post ago - I had a full paragraph ready - but it seems that I lost that part of the post and I forgot to put it in my post.

Fascism is a political and social phenomenon with very specific characteristics that have been studied and have been very well documented over the years.

You can find a simple list of those characteristics in the easay of Umberto Eco about Ur-fascism (pre-fascism):


Added to that, I made that post, where I explained clearly - with the example of France - how fascism would rise and operate through the far right rise of power:

I'll take that as a win too
You've declined to actually give examples so concession accepted
It's absolute american-centric nonsense, a second us-american civil war would be caused at absolute worst.
LOL. Really then there is a war in Ukraine that can't be ignored. Trump was smart enough to not support any escalation for any dumb reason. That war was already there since 2014 btw.
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He probably thinks Trump is the only guy keeping foreign leaders in line, and that if Trump died, they would think it's free real estate.
You got no counterarguments. Biden veggie brain made things worse that's clear.
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January 6 was a bunch of boomers who walked in and took pictures in a mostly empty building, then they got blackbagged by 3 letter agencies and got the book thrown at them after all was said and done. It was a nothingburger

Again, you seem to lack vital historical perspective. Lynch mobs were a common thing here. If you're worried that Trump will mobilize a bunch of rednecks and...then what? Form communist execution squads? Take away women's rights? You're not being specific and I imagine that's because stress testing this really shows how ludicrous it is. You can't have a fascist regime fueled by americans who on average are basically just liberal capitalists, which is just about all Trump is.

Modern Americans are hyper progressive in comparison to their ancestors who fought in WW2, let alone the Fascists they fought against. I would say ironically the "threat to democracy" talk has been more of an escalation to this effect in a self fulfilling prophecy sort of way.
Insurrection grandma was the most dangerous individual on the planet.

On a serious note, it seems majority didn't bother to look up all the J6 videos and realise that something doesn't add up. I didn't even see basic questions such as what happened to Nancy Pelosi's laptop.

That aside, why did they open the magnetic door?
Why were antifa cucks in the building doing live stream, why didn't police lock them up for life? All one sided political bullshit as per usual.

But damn that GRANDMA!! she's dangerous, watch your back if she gets out!! /s
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You think and know little. You are absolutely wrong, but I can't expect somebody like you to understand.
Ok mate

Don't recall that one. I just know he kept calling people bullies towards him and Carrot in the nakama thread and claimed I was just like them for taking their side.
You want to keep the hostilities going ? Ok, let's dance:

@TheAncientCenturion , what I will say here might be important for you to know or at least understand.

I'll talk about what happened in the Nakama thread first, then extend the vision:

First .. no. I kept calling toxic people toxic. Not bullies or very rarely, not really the same thing. Although there was a time, where I believe I used that term since I was facing insults everyday coming from sometimes 5 or 10 persons at a time while going through a literal depression IRL. That was the one time where I got a bit tired of the situation and I took a big break. So I called for the moderation to do something. Which took its Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

While I didn't felt bullied 99 % of the time (and I still don't, sometime I actually pity those who have a discussion with me..) because I have a strong skin, while I did replied sometime with passive agressiveness (due to the environment) and while I retrospectively think that I was a bit cherry picky on some toxic behavior (I accept things now that I would have absolutely not accepted when I first arrived - WHICH IS NOT a good thing)... I was mostly alone for months debating against 5, 10 sometimes 15 people at once. And everyday, I was facing insults, disrespect insidious remarks about my life, my mind or my skills.

So I stand by it. You guys accepted things and insults that should not be acceptable. And you inverted the responsibility on me who was denouncing said behaviors while giving absolutely no insult or actual toxic behavior. (and no, not even that "pigeon incident", for more information about that go check this post (that is interesting to understand how Van works when he tries to delegitimize someone and how other people follow him))

I was literally threadbanned one month out of the first nakama thread on the motive that I was calling out the toxic behavior of others. You guys literally acted like those people who blame victim of rape for calling out those who do the crime. (careful, I'm not saying that this is the same gravity, I'm ONLY making a comparison of principle)

This was not normal. And this should have been moderated properly. You guys completely failed.

In reality, the moderation I faced since then is saying a lot about the state of the forum. I was banned 4 times in total. Want to know why ?

1. 1 month month threadbanned from the nakama thread because I was calling out the toxicity of people. Its seems that its not okay to call out toxic behaviors in insults outside of the political thread on worstgen.
2. ? month threadbanned from the Nakama thread because I thought it would be pertinent to talk about the link between the concept of racism and the treatment of fictionnal races by fans since, at the time, people were using the fact that Carrot was a Mink as a way to delegitimize and dehumanize her.
3. x week threadbanned from this very thread because I refused to let Seth and multiple other users spit out literal despicable transphobia for 2 days straight because I explained in a very positive and pedagogic thread why before buying Hogward legacy, you should be aware that it would finance a very hardcore anti-trans activist (you can check back, this is what made this thread popular in the first place)
4. PERMABANNED from the Nakama thread because I said that political discussions should be given more freedom and have more place in discussion about political subject related to the story (which is literally what the Nakama thread is when you take the time to understand the purpose and core principles of the thread) and that I would not hesitate to continue to discuss about those subjects if I were to return in the thread.

Meanwhile, I can still see unmoderated transphobia, racist rethoric, sexism and many other toxic behaviors all over the place. This is actually ridiculous


And no, for those asking. I still don't think I'm being censored.

And I don't think those "ban" were dramatic for me. Its okay, I'm not dead. But it is important to remind them. for the understanding of the underlying problem. I know the rules, and I'm going against the rules when I talk about politic in the Nakama thread. The problem is that those guys don't understand that political discussions are EVERYWHERE since One Piece is literally a POLITICAL STORY. Those are not specific to this section. Nakama thread included.

Let's take that discussion from a week or two ago about Sanji and sex workers. The OP of said thread literally titled it "Sanji support prostitution according to his latest vivre card info" you can't make something more political.. But nooo. There was Sanji is the title and its was talking about an sbs, so mods didn't get that it is an highly political subject and the fact that it was literally inciting hatred/intolerance toward sex workers.

That's what depolitization does to your brain. You don't see the political and therefore you can't see the problems.

So what did I say ?

I said "please, respect sex workers, for more, I'll be talking in the political thread", which OF COURSE raised the red little flags of every reactionnaries in town passing by and I had to literally explained for multiple pages why we should always respect sex workers in front of incels... without ANY MODS just backing me up for once and saying... "yes, please, respect sex workers and bye bye the thread".

But why would this happen ? Since those guys don't understand the problem in legitimizing the hatred against sex workers through the story to begin with... No instead, all the discussions where I interacted have been moved in the political thread and the thread taking a shot at sex workers is still active.


And nothing is changing since the mods I'm interacting with are still failing to understand the basic moderation principle and are even participating in the problem as I literally had to ask Van not to spread racist rethoric a few weeks ago.

So Van, AL,

No, you two are not bullies. I faced multiple bullies in my life and those guys had an actual power over me. That's not the case here.

You mates are simply the product of our time. A part of the toxic generation created by internet and 4chan, the result of depolitization and the absence of care.

But you are mods and that will stay a problem as long as you don't take what I have to say seriously. Yes.. you might be doing a good job at sending away those very toxic people.. but look at the state of the forum...

Are you happy with the current negativity ?

I have been warning you for MONTH about that. And I even remember being told that you guys had ideas to take care of the problem (I won't say the names). And yet look at the state of the One Piece main discussion section..

You guys are not realizing that you can have an impact on the overall fanbase !

If you don't take care of Worstgen, the circle of hate and the echo chamber of negativity will only amplify and I know for a FACT that it will not be Oda's fault since I've been warning people about those negative phenomenon multiple years BEFORE EVEN JOINING WORSTGEN.

This will result, if enough people are present in the spreading of negativity in the entire fanbase and since influencers are not really that conscientious either, the circle of hatred will continue to grow and we will face a BIG division in the fanbase between toxic fans who love One Piece, and toxic people who trash One Piece while reading it. This will result in insults, sexism, transphobia, racism etc from everypart. like any mob phenomenon of big scale and the One Piece fanbase will forever be compared to the worst fanbases on the planet.

Sorry, but this is not acceptable.

You guys have the power to bring back positivity here.

So please, do something. Because there are solutions.
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