You're just wrong lol. You literally claimed political violence isn't attempted murder which goes against the definition of violence in general.
Like I said. I'm agreeing with you that technically, attempted murder is a form of political violence.


We must make the distinction between the two. Its a political necessity.

If you don't understand why, you will not be ready for what will happen if your country falls into fascism.
Its beyond political violence. Its attempted murder. Plain and simple.

GRANTED, you could say that it is ALSO political violence, but its important to distinguish the two.

Why ? Because equating the two as political violence renders real political violence as illegitimate when they are, in reality, perfectly legitimate in particular contexts.

Its the same process as calling both "terrorist" a movement of resistance and a terrorist organization. Equating two form of violence as something horrible renders the action of resistance illegitimate.

It only allows authoritarian and fascists rethorics to grow and it render the possibility of opposition against those rethoric, inaccessible.
Muh fascism

If you think Trump is a fascist then every administration since the inception of the U.S. has been "fascist" given the Overton window.

Trump's positions more or less align with your average democrat 20 years ago. The average republican politician today would probably be called a socialist fruitcake by the average politician even 50 years ago.

So at what historical period do you consider the U.S., or most other democratic countries for that matter, not basically illegitimate? Because aside from some small blips in the political climate politically we're at the most progressive point in our history

Commies love throwing around the term "fascism" but they live in some alternative psuedo reality as if 99% of human history people haven't been vastly more reactionary than people are now
Sorry if that doesn't scare you. Me and my coutnry just avoided it by a hair. So lets tone done the cynicism. Ok ?

If you think Trump is a fascist then every administration since the inception of the U.S. has been "fascist" given the Overton window.
I don't think Trump is a fascist. I think Trump is a cryptofascist.

And no, Trump is far more dangerous than the rest. Its not even a challenge.

Trump's positions more or less align with your average democrat 20 years ago. The average republican politician today would probably be called a socialist fruitcake by the average politician even 50 years ago.
I don't think so no.

So at what historical period do you consider the U.S., or any other democratic country for that matter, not basically illegitimate? Because aside from some small blips in the political climate politically we're at the most progressive point in our history
Fascism does not come through revolution but through the votes. Its considered legitimate at first. The USA never faced fascism. Trump would be an open door for it.

Commies love throwing around the term "fascism"
Not me. I'm always very serious when I use this term.

but they live in some alternative psuedo reality as if 99% of human history people haven't been vastly more reactionary than people are now
Mate, you don't understand that fascism is not scaled on the amount of reactionnary positions a party has. Its a specific social movement with specific characteristics.

Its a movement that will make democracy fall without a possibility of return. Without even you noticing it.

bro idgaf what happens to this country it's cooked either way I'm bout to just start sailing the seas and eating fish to survive
Take some tangerines ;)
It's absolute american-centric nonsense, a second us-american civil war would be caused at absolute worst.
lol a genuine civil war event would cause an obvious domino effect for every single country that has any stake in American geopolitical hegemony though (AKA, basically all of the relevant ones)

Does that mean WW3? Probably not, but it would probably be an escalating event towards an eventual geopolitical conflict, as there's 0% chance of Russia, EU, etc. being devoutly neutral about the whole affair

Trump's assassination would probably rival something like 9/11 in terms of rebound and scale (strictly comparing the reaction and fallout to such an event, not the damage done) that kicks off other very serious events. Most likely you'd get something like January 6 x100 as an immediate reaction, and some guerilla level conflict and possible balkanization as eventual consequences
Dude just shut the fuck up, We all know you don't want to be wrong, it's hard for you to admit it. It's time to grow up and accept that you are wrong.
I love to be wrong. I'm simply not wrong here


When I'm wrong you will see me say "you are right". Something that - I think - I have done much more than most people here Tiger.
Sorry if that doesn't scare you. Me and my coutnry just avoided it by a hair. So lets tone done the cynicism. Ok ?

I don't think Trump is a fascist. I think Trump is a cryptofascist.

And no, Trump is far more dangerous than the rest. Its not even a challenge.

I don't think so no.

Fascism does not come through revolution but through the votes. Its considered legitimate at first. The USA never faced fascism. Trump would be an open door for it.

Not me. I'm always very serious when I use this term.

Mate, you don't understand that fascism is not scaled on the amount of reactionnary positions a party has. Its a specific social movement with specific characteristics.

Its a movement that will make democracy fall without a possibility of return. Without even you noticing it.

Take some tangerines ;)
Define those specific characteristics because I don't really believe you believe this.

Like just for perspective - the leading republican candidate widely decried as "fascist" is a vocal supporter of equal rights for all people, all races, LBTQ rights, etc etc.

The U.S. has been a country for 250 years, and for about 75% of that Black people didn't have equal rights. If you think Trump is a fascist by definition you'd probably think about 90% of all administrations historically were fascists, if we're talking strictly on the level of his political positions.

If you're talking specifically about his inclination towards going above and beyond the democratic process or something, well why didn't we have the 4th Reich or whatever when he was actually in office you silly broad

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
You're just wrong lol. You literally claimed political violence isn't attempted murder which goes against the definition of violence in general.
In his mind, political violence is ok if a right winger is being targeted or a left winger is committing the act. The left is never wrong and always in the right to him.
Absolufuckingley not

They aren't even properly coping over the fact the "kid" was a registered Republican lmao. This won't sway shit for anyone :suresure:
I wouldn't look into the voter registration or whatever of an assassin as an indicator of what they believe, to attempt something like this you gotta be so far off the grid of normal that little details like that don't really mean anything.

If you've ever played hitman the first thing you do is blend in, grab an outfit, get into crowds, etc. You also don't just wake up one day and decide "hey I feel like killing Trump lol". He had explosives in his car, and probably scenario planned different things he could have potentially done, where being registered republican could have given him access to certain venues in certain situations. Or he could just tried to primary against Trump. Or he could be a righty and he had an incomprehensible motive.

If alphabet soup agencies do their job properly we'll get an accounting of his internet history and such and have a better idea but good chance a lot of details are kept under tight wrap
well why didn't we have the 4th Reich or whatever when he was actually in office you silly broad
Because luckely, the US have failsafe just like most countries, and Trump had not really the time or freedom to do everything he wanted.

Remember, a lot of things happened. Trump was first most concerned by his image than his job and COVID came along.

You need to understand that what happened on January 6 is not something innocent. This was a REAL testimony that there is a danger.

If there is one thing that this assassination attempt proved, is that Trump is not a fool. He is PERFECTLY AWARE of his impact and his influence.

Like I said, Trump has the power of ralliement of Luffy, and the machiavelism of Blackbeard. Next time in Office, Trump will be legitimated, he will not have to fight for his image now, he will do exactly what he wants. And what he wants, might bring the end of the US democracy as we know it.

Don't think that because you never had fascism, you are immune to it.

Fascism doesn't ring.
Fascism doesn't warn.

Once you notice its presence, its already too late.

There is a reason why this scene exist:

In his mind, political violence is ok if a right winger is being targeted or a left winger is committing the act. The left is never wrong and always in the right to him.
You should read more often what I write instead of lying like you are used to.

Not at all.
If needed, political violence is perfectly legitimate.

So no. its not okay to target a right winger who is doing nothing wrong, the same as it is not okay to target a left winger.

vanny have we been called bullies by him yet??
Not as I remember. I don't really feel bullied on this server.
Because luckely, the US have failsafe just like most countries, and Trump had not really the time or freedom to do everything he wanted.

Remember, a lot of things happened. Trump was first most concerned by his image than his job and COVID came along.

You need to understand that what happened on January 6 is not something innocent. This was a REAL testimony that there is a danger.

If there is one thing that this assassination attempt proved, is that Trump is not a fool. He is PERFECTLY AWARE of his impact and his influence.

Like I said, Trump has the power of ralliement of Luffy, and the machiavelism of Blackbeard. Next time in Office, Trump will be legitimated, he will not have to fight for his image now, he will do exactly what he wants. And what he wants, might bring the end of the US democracy as we know it.

Don't think that because you never had fascism, you are immune to it.

Fascism doesn't ring.
Fascism doesn't warn.

Once you notice its presence, its already too late.

There is a reason why this scene exist:

You should read more often what I write instead of lying like you are used to.

So no. its not okay to target a right winger who is doing nothing wrong, the same as it is not okay to target a left winger.

Not as I remember. I don't really feel bullied on this server.
January 6 was a bunch of boomers who walked in and took pictures in a mostly empty building, then they got blackbagged by 3 letter agencies and got the book thrown at them after all was said and done. It was a nothingburger

Again, you seem to lack vital historical perspective. Lynch mobs were a common thing here. If you're worried that Trump will mobilize a bunch of rednecks and...then what? Form communist execution squads? Take away women's rights? You're not being specific and I imagine that's because stress testing this really shows how ludicrous it is. You can't have a fascist regime fueled by americans who on average are basically just liberal capitalists, which is just about all Trump is.

Modern Americans are hyper progressive in comparison to their ancestors who fought in WW2, let alone the Fascists they fought against. I would say ironically the "threat to democracy" talk has been more of an escalation to this effect in a self fulfilling prophecy sort of way.
ah yes I remember now

I think he also called us bullies when we didn't let him turn that thread into a political thread

You are really delulu if you think I'm giving you guys this much importance.

But that's cute. I can see why you would need to seek recognition together when you are talking about me



He tries to turn every thread into that, iirc
No. A lot of threads are already political. I'm only turning the light toward their political realities.

January 6 was a bunch of boomers who walked in and took pictures in a mostly empty building, then they got blackbagged by 3 letter agencies and got the book thrown at them after all was said and done. It was a nothingburger
One death.

A barricade away from reaching elected officials. But keep thinking that there was nothing.

Again, you seem to lack vital historical perspective
I'm french. I think I have the perfect perspective to understand the danger of fascism, thank you.


If you're worried that Trump will mobilize a bunch of rednecks and...then what?
Oh no. Not anymore. I'm not worried about that anymore.

What I'm worried about on the other hand, is about the US constitution.

You are really delulu if you think I'm giving you guys this much importance.

But that's cute. I can see why you would need to seek recognition together when you are talking about me



No. A lot of threads are already political. I'm only turning the light toward their political realities.

One death.

A barricade away from reaching elected officials. But keep thinking that there was nothing.

I'm french. I think I have the perfect perspective to understand the danger of fascism, thank you.


Oh no. Not anymore. I'm not worried about that anymore.

What I'm worried about on the other hand, is about the US constitution.
Once again I'll ask you specifically what do you think his "fascist takeover" will involve and what that will look like

You're pulling an Oda where you're all like "THEY will do THAT THING and it will be THE END OF THAT MAN" just spill out what you think will happen. Politicians executed? Communists thrown off buildings? Send women back to the kitchen?

If you can't answer convincingly you're full of it