Clearly all a publicity stunt
Average American fatso elementary kids get 10+ killstreaks in their schools yet this dude can't hit a stationary traget while his security is sleeping:milaugh:
A guy is dead. And one is in critical condition. Bro used an AR 15 from fairly far away. He was just a dumb cunt who thought he’d be a hero.
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Clearly all a publicity stunt
Average American fatso elementary kids get 10+ killstreaks in their schools yet this dude can't hit a stationary traget while his security is sleeping:milaugh:
I think it was said it was a few miles away so makes sense
But yeah that was a dog shit shot who ever did that was an idiot and he had multiple shots too
Though it's good his aim is trash, he'd have taken even more lives if it wasn't. Evil little cretin.
Damn Tik Tok edits and Photoshops is really wilding
Honestly, even I have respect for this fist in the air action. Being shot and immediatly using that to rally his troops and decuplate his aura despite the shock, is really saying about the character of the guy. He knows what he is doing and he is good at it.

And that's why we should not take him for a fool but take EACH ones of his actions with as much seriousness as possible.

This guy is dangerous and knows it, he possess the same power as Luffy to appeal to others and the same machiavelism as Blackbeard.
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@Daniel wait for a credible source to report on these things before actually reposting stuff. This is how misinformation starts spreading.
When they will report?

Information such as this don't just get released to the public on a whim by the mass media until months down the line since it could be something that makes the existing president's party "look bad".

Just another way to phrase "going against the narrative against the big orange bad man".

Giving it a few days for now but the info that exists rn brings about the "conspiracy theories" (which may or may not turn out to be true!)
When they will report?

Information such as this don't just get released to the public on a whim by the mass media until months down the line since it could be something that makes the existing president's party "look bad".

Just another way to phrase "going against the narrative against the big orange bad man".

Giving it a few days for now but the info that exists rn brings about the "conspiracy theories" (which may or may not turn out to be true!)
There’s no that much info. We can do one of two things, report info that actually has a credible source to back it up, or make shit up for the sake of the narrative. I choose the former.
He just invaded a country on false pretenses and gave us the patriot act
9/11 was such a great opportunity for wankers like Dubya.

You would be surprised at how terrible many people actually are at shooting, all we can 100% say is that the shooter was no professional killer.
"Professional killer" :suresure: Learning to shoot doesn't take much time ...
bro, i'm tired of "watching history happen"

this is gonna be such a mess
and the stupid masses dance to his song. Idk if I want to laugh at them or pity them.

why the fuck are there so many pedos in the public eye? it's s wild lmao
The desire for social power comes hand in hand with an affinity for sexual exploitation .has always been this way. The same happens in all bigger organised religions.

a fake shot would be on the shoulder or something, on the ear is a wild

considering the angle
A professional sharpshooter would know exactly how to not kill.

Politics aside, how fucking lucky is Trump? He always finds himself in hot water and ALWAYS manages to come out on top. Who tf is this guy?
Don't fall for it 🙄. The people who believe he is someone with special divine fate are the ones who give him power.
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