I'm so happy this didn't cause any physical harm to people or metal health issues to those who experienced and lost property/businesses and their livelihoods to it.

The need to chill should be promoted as a cultural norm in america. I remember dumbass TV reporters asking "who said protesters need to be polite?"

One of these gangs intruded on someone's property and the owner came out with a shotgun telling them to leave. Luckily nobody was shot, but then due to double standards in politics the couple was arrested for defending their property.
More double standards visible when Nancy Pelosi's place ended up visited by one of the crowds. THEN police intervened. Wtf?

Police didn't even prevent some of their own stations from being set on fire. And does anyone remember the CHAZ republic?

Surprisingly this didn't escalate into a civil war when it's easily class as domestic terrorism.

Hope things calm down. Trump as president will prevent WW3 and hopefully he grows a backbone and does something about violent rioters next time, although I was told it has more to do with the governor of the state than the president, in which case I hope people stop voting commie governors.
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What a dumb fucking argument, so just because homeboy is a communist and "woke" in your eyes, does that mean we should assume bro's a vegan? Tf out of here with your retarded logic. If I were to follow your logic I could say you're a German nationalist who glazes Trump to no end, therefore I should assume you're a neonazi given your country's history. Is that a safe bet dumbass?
You have no arguments, you're a mentally deranged commie calling everyone who disagrees a neonazi. Not only that you failed to delivery any counter arguments.

Also stop being racist and xenophobic. I am part German, but I am not a German citizen or a German national. You are discriminating based on race, guess you hate all white people simply for being white. Unbelievable twisted world view you have.
You're the literal embodiment of the meme: "anyone disagreeing with me is Hitler" Chill you moron. You know fuck all about me. Also no I don't agree with Hitler in the slightest, but the authoritarian left you support has far more in common with him.
You likely don't even know the nazis were at one point setting fixed prices for goods, meaning they were anti-capitalist basically, nor do you know about the privatisation of manufacturing. Go learn history then come back crying, you'll see commies had more in common with Hitler.

Please post a video of yourself REEEEing and screaming like the retard that you are, I will listen to that argument, have a good laugh and share it with everyone.

Thank you.
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re a parrot for propaganda, not to mention how fucking cringey you are with your "pathetic cockroach" or whatever you picked up from your favorite anime.
Those are his funniest posts By far
This is me in restaurants :

What about this?
Trigger warnings might be nothing for you, but it can help a person perpare herself or stop to watch a media if they know something will be hard to watch. I know for a fact that some people, for example can't stand animal violence, its too hard for them. Its not a question of mental strenght but empathy, it brings up too many negative emotions. Another example is the case of abuse. When a person lived something dramatic, said content can bring back ptsd. So its important to warn them in advance. Its not an obligation, but its the best thing to do.

As for the safe space. The fact that people tend to speak more in safe space in a documented fact. For example, non mixt reunion can allow the words of victim of racism to speak more, which would not necessarily be the case in reunion with non racialized people. Same for women, they tend to share more in spaces without men. Also, it prevent those people from contradicting the words of the victims which can be problematic of the liberation of the speech.

Leftist concept might seem cringe to you, but they ALL have a real practical and materialist basis.
I too used to think trigger warnings are stupid but I changed my mind, I now see them more like thematic spoilers before a video/article. When im not in the headspace to read about animal/child cruelty or rape I don't read /watch the content or I do it later. Trigger warnings are helpful not only for people with trauma but a general way to avoid shocking people. That's my opinion, people can disagree.
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u have no arguments, you're a mentally deranged commie calling everyone who disagrees a neonazi. Not only that you failed to delivery any counter arguments.

Also stop being racist and xenophobic. I am part German, but I am not a German citizen or a German national. You are discriminating based on race, guess you hate all white people simply for being white. Unbelievable twisted world view you have.
You're the literal embodiment of the meme: "anyone disagreeing with me is Hitler" Chill you moron. You know fuck all about me. Also no I don't agree with Hitler in the slightest, but the authoritarian left you support has far more in common with him.
You likely don't even know the nazis were at one point setting fixed prices for goods, meaning they were anti-capitalist basically, nor do you know about the privatisation of manufacturing. Go learn history then come back crying, you'll see commies had more in common with Hitler.

Please post a video of yourself REEEEing and screaming like the retard that you are, I will listen to that argument, have a good laugh and share it with everyone.

Thank you.
What a brain rot comment.
The need to chill should be promoted as a cultural norm in america. I remember dumbass TV reporters asking "who said protesters need to be polite?"

One of these gangs intruded on someone's property and the owner came out with a shotgun telling them to leave. Luckily nobody was shot, but then due to double standards in politics the couple was arrested for defending their property.
More double standards visible when Nancy Pelosi's place ended up visited by one of the crowds. THEN police intervened. Wtf?

Police didn't even prevent some of their own stations from being set on fire. And does anyone remember the CHAZ republic?

Surprisingly this didn't escalate into a civil war when it's easily class as domestic terrorism.

Hope things calm down. Trump as president will prevent WW3 and hopefully he grows a backbone and does something about violent rioters next time, although I was told it has more to do with the governor of the state than the president, in which case I hope people stop voting commie governors.
The level of disconnection


you're a mentally deranged
Its crazy, its always the same type of person who have this type of speech


You know fuck all about me.
We know that you are a far right ignorant... that's quite enough..

I did not understand the question
You have no arguments, you're a mentally deranged commie calling everyone who disagrees a neonazi. Not only that you failed to delivery any counter arguments.

Also stop being racist and xenophobic. I am part German, but I am not a German citizen or a German national. You are discriminating based on race, guess you hate all white people simply for being white. Unbelievable twisted world view you have.
You're the literal embodiment of the meme: "anyone disagreeing with me is Hitler" Chill you moron. You know fuck all about me. Also no I don't agree with Hitler in the slightest, but the authoritarian left you support has far more in common with him.
You likely don't even know the nazis were at one point setting fixed prices for goods, meaning they were anti-capitalist basically, nor do you know about the privatisation of manufacturing. Go learn history then come back crying, you'll see commies had more in common with Hitler.

Please post a video of yourself REEEEing and screaming like the retard that you are, I will listen to that argument, have a good laugh and share it with everyone.
Do you even understand English my guy? Don’t you see the irony in your own statement? Or in mine? It went right over your head, cuz even though I was just using your own logic against you, you unironically called me a commie and assumed I was seriously calling you a nazi.

You’re beneath arguing with. You’re a full blown culture warrior with a rage boner against anything you perceive to be “left wing.”

You’re such a hypocrite as well, you feel entitled to assume shit about other people based on their “demographics” yet you clutch your pearls like a little bitch when people do the same thing to you.

Keep crying tho, I’m always happy to see retards like you melt down over nothing.


Hustlerversity Graduate
Daily reminder to myself

I don‘t dislike Nick Fuentes and his goofy fanboys enough
This dude is such a weirdo lmfao.

He himself a descendants of Italian and Mexican but larps as pure white breed.
(He even called Poles as barely white and dislike them for not speaking English in America)

Many prominent *White nationalists* / Anti-immigrations like in Twitter for example are themselves immigrants/POC.

If not that, they are very likely married to an Asian or indians like JD Vance.

Why is this such a phenomenon I wonder
No, that's not because of the competition, Elon musk is one of the clear example, completely dumb and yet, completely rich.
Eh, you take one extreme to make a point. Plus, you can think whatever you want about Elon Musk but this guy literally has his own means to be a billionaire. That doesn't seem like he's dumb.
I mean, I even agree with you when it comes to the very rich. They probably do a lot of messed up things behind the scenes to be that filthy rich in the first place.

However, I just have a problem with the generalisation of people who are wealthier than you.
For example: One of my acquaintances had his own business but over the years, he was very depressive and got burnout over it despite living quite wealthy. He was a total mess, barely got sleep and was constantly worried. Ultimately, his company went to bankruptcy. His son made another business and now they are on track again.

Sure, I don't deny that there are filthy rich people who would even sacrifice their own mothers to get more money. But it's not always black and white. After all, company owners also create opportunities for job applications with their business. Both parts are crucial in economy.

This is something that everyone can do with the right education
It isn't that simple though because not many even want to carry the responsibilities as a company owner. I mean, I just talk about very small businesses. Then there are several forms of companies. A department manager also gets lots of money but these people also carry more responsibility with projects.

Thus, some just want to work and be lead on, others want to take things in their own matter. Both sides have pro and cons. I'm the former btw.

There is no need for an alternative concept. We simply need a better system

For that, we must get rid of capitalism and liberalism and the belief in meritocracy
I think capitalism is already a good system with its ups and downs. At least it's better than communism.
It's always easy to say "We need a better system" but people need to come up with such things in the first place.

This is called a fatalism. It means that poverty is just a fact of nature and the social life.. it just HAPPENS.

This denies the reponsibility of the system and our beliefs systems. This denies the fact that powerfull and wealthy people are literally doing EVERYTHING to prevent poverty from disappearing. This puts the responsibility on something we can't control.
It all depends on what you're contributing socially and economically.
You cannot expect a person to life in wealth with two low paying part time jobs. Neither can you expect nearly 6 figures with a nursing job (although such jobs are now being paid far better in Germany due to the inquiry of positions).
It's always fine to seek higher, to fight for your rights, to fight for higher wages but you also need to have realistic standards, possible economically.
It's like female football fans criticising why female footballers don't nearly get paid as much as male footballers. It is not a matter if they are being discriminated or not. It's a matter of attracting customers, merch and many other factors why male footballers gain much more money. On the other hand, female models also get higher wage with similar reasons.

I believe we have a good systems but like everything else, it sure can be criticised. Now I don't have a problem with it. However, this entire conversation started when Solis didn't even try to address the real issues but just wants to point the finger at others more successful than him. Sorry but that's really petty imo.
Now onto the actual topic again.
As much as this system needs to hold responsibility for the citizen, we also need to recognize how much it gives people opportunities to make it big. I mean, you could be a Twitch streamer tomorrow and build your entire career around that. Whether you're successful or not is another topic.
That's the good thing about capitalism. How would it be profitable if you have fixed goods? We saw how it escalated in communistic states. The higher ups and riches misused this system for their own greed and gains.
Plus, businesses make positions which you can apply to these. It's two sides of the same coin, it needs both sides. Employers and employees.

I can just say it over again but in comparison to other countries, especially the third world countries, the gap between rich and poor is significantly less over the last decades. Sure, there are still problems but you pretend like they are the worst. You can have no job, no education and still get money from the Government in Germany (it's called Bürgergeld). They also pay for a part of your rent in apartments owned by the agencies. They also cover your heating bills. If you can life with that money, it's another question but there are preventions that you're not ending up homeless. Health care? You're also secured if you apply to these agencies for Bürgergeld.

Its not at all because billionnaires are lobbying to negate workers rights or rightist people militing to suppress social servives or working conditions or refusing to give better wage...
Then it's better to address these issues instead of saying "Riches and Government = bad".
I'm all in for better wages, especially due to the recent inflation currently in Germany (honestly, the government fucked up our economy so much) but would I really change the system? Nope, because I think it's still a very good concept.
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This dude is such a weirdo lmfao.

He himself a descendants of Italian and Mexican but larps as pure white breed.
(He even called Poles as barely white and dislike them for not speaking English in America)

Many prominent *White nationalists* / Anti-immigrations like in Twitter for example are themselves immigrants/POC.

If not that, they are very likely married to an Asian or indians like JD Vance.

Why is this such a phenomenon I wonder
Not sure what figure you are referencing. But I see a lot of people labled white nationalist that most def are not. And people labled anti-immigration because they want legal immigration. So I think people use those labels loosely and wrongly.

America is a country immigration no one is truly anti-immigration we just expect people who want to live here to follow our laws and that starts with coming here leagally.


Hustlerversity Graduate
see a lot of people labled white nationalist that most def are not.
Like who? Give me example?

people labled anti-immigration because they want legal immigration. So I think people use those labels loosely and wrongly.
Often there's very little difference between the two.

Many don't just want immigration, but they want deportation as well

And in many cases the legal immigrants they talking about is strictly reserved for the Whites

America is a country immigration no one is truly anti-immigration we just expect people who want to live here to follow our laws and that starts with coming here leagally

Not True.

Many Americans Nationalist want just want gatekeep America and truly anti-immigrants
This dude is such a weirdo lmfao.

He himself a descendants of Italian and Mexican but larps as pure white breed.
(He even called Poles as barely white and dislike them for not speaking English in America)

Many prominent *White nationalists* / Anti-immigrations like in Twitter for example are themselves immigrants/POC.

If not that, they are very likely married to an Asian or indians like JD Vance.

Why is this such a phenomenon I wonder
Fuentes surely fell too many times on his head during his feeding time