One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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Luffy's goal is to surpass Shanks. It's part of their promise. Luffy isn't chasing Roger. As a matter of fact, Luffy has never once stated anything about being like Roger. Whenever Luffy and Roger are tied together, it's always by people on the outside. Never by Luffy himself.

Yes, his goal is to surpass Shanks. His personal goal is not Roger, it's Shanks. Luffy has never wanted to be Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea, and the King of the Pirates is the ultimate form of that.

Shanks not being the Pirate King has no relevance.

You're right, there is a difference between the two. The difference is that Shanks is the embodiment of Luffy's goal and Mihawk is the embodiment of Zoro's. That says enough right there. Never made any sense for Mihawk to be greater than Shanks given Shanks' importance and Luffy's own greatness over Zoro. Going "beyond Shanks level and achievements" doesn't mean anything in relation to Mihawk's prowess.
You don't get it, Shanks is not end game for Luffy. But Mihawk is end game for Zoro.

That makes a huge difference. If Shanks was the very last thing Luffy had to do to become pirate king I would agree with you. He is not pirate king and he's not pirate King level. Gol D Rogers is the person that Luffy needs to surpass overall to become pirate king. Shanks just one of many obstacles Luffy has left to pass.

Luffy's goal is to become pirate king. Gol D Rogers was the closest person to being pirate king so clearly he has to pass him to become pirate king. To say Rogers has no relevant is to ignore everything that the manga has been telling us.
Roger was PK and equalled wb
Shanks isnt... he isnt also equal to Kaido.

Shanks is top 5 but not Roger
That is why he gave he that away coz he knew he wouldn't surpass Roger
again ...

Roger , WB , Kaido , Big Mom , Rox , Garp

all have legit better claim than Shanks

I'm talking about what I think but if some one say any of them are above Shanks I can do nothing but say "fair and logical atm"


vivrecards are a lot different from movies.
It had a question mark and was mistranslated
its a lot different from being fed the information
The vc's so far have been pretty accurate . Take them as lightly as you want. I still see them as a good source of info.

Mihawk databook has something wrong
Made people think Mihawk is waiting for someone to surpass current shanks while in fact it is about high tier shanks whom he fought

Shanks databook has wrong info about when Yonko Shanks was crowned yonko
So are you telling me that the Whitebeard Pirates never took Marineford serious even though they were there to rescue someone that the Marines was going to execute and would kill them to stop them from rescuing Ace.

It looks like is fighting somebody who he knows won't actually try to kill him.

since when one particular event that involve individual can respresent whole community demeanor?
Let's take a look at what happened between both.

In the 12 years since Shanks lost his arm he traveled the Grandline, clashed with the other Yonkou and became one. Mihawk, as a Shichibukai, remained in Paradise and seemingly did nothing.

Why would Mihawk passively get as strong as Shanks, who is competing with top tiers?
Oda only said Shanks strength didn't decrease for the loss of an arm, he didn't said he became stronger with the lose of a arm.

Whatever Mihawk was doing would not be shown cuz he was Shichibukai so all goes under the carpet.

Any strong fight would have been mentioned for Shanks yet none were mentioned.

Any strong fight would not be mentioned in Mihawk cuz he is a Warlord.

As I say if you give one the "he become stronger" the give the other the same.
why making this about power level?

he would be WSS ... and above his goal Mihawk

Shanks is Luffy's end goal : Freest man on the seas

it's stupidly obvious tbh
That is a LIE my friend
Shanks is a stepping stone in his journey. Luffy surpassing him is ONLY fulfilling a promise among MANY promises he has in his journey.
Luffy's end goal is being PIRATE KING! This is completely different
But naturally, you all love to twist facts for Shanks favor.


Oda only said Shanks strength didn't decrease for the loss of an arm, he didn't said he became stronger with the lose of a arm.

Whatever Mihawk was doing would not be shown cuz he was Shichibukai so all goes under the carpet.

Any strong fight would have been mentioned for Shanks yet none were mentioned.

Any strong fight would not be mentioned in Mihawk cuz he is a Warlord.

As I say if you give one the "he become stronger" the give the other the same.
Shanks grew stronger.
Mihawk did but not as Shanks

Original Warlords are written as stagnant people who didnt grow strong
Whole Yonko are described as people who grew stronger: kaido and BM werent strong back then. It grew way beyond... Shanks grew , Teach is growing )
garp doesnt have coc
dealt with rocks regardless
pretty solid point you have there mate .
the vc reveals what it needs to and withholds information the story may later show. it is canon . sengoku having coc is canon. wb in rocks was hinted in his vc
he waits the day a swordsmaster will surpass his rival red hair is pretty clear. If you have a different translation, hit me up.
Who confirmed this? LOL
Let's wait for the god damn manga to prove it before stating Garp doesn't have it. Can we?
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