Not staged(duh),but there could be real consipracy here. As you stated, these many mistakes make it seem like they wanted that kid to make that shot.
Local law enforcement has said the secret service has lied about the local cops responsibilities that day. Which is also worth side-eyeing.
can you post the link for the animation?
Bro it’s not even 10 mins before, like they knew about that an hour beforehand. By the time he got on the roof, they already knew he was there and then decided to stare him down for another 20 mins. Inside job doesn’t necessarily mean that Trump himself or the entire secret service/police personnel were in on it, just that the leaders and supervisors in charge of setting up the perimeters and leading those units did all they could for that shooter. That can’t be chalked up to just negligence.
One of the law enforcement sniper took picture of the shooter minutes before he fired. Crazy right?
What doesnt make sense is if someone wanted Trump assassinated then why hire a 20 years old amateur school rifle team reject to get job done rather than a professional?
Definitely secret service has lot to explain and regardless of their justification, people responsible needs to be fired with investigation on them.
And, I will share the link (nameless)