Apparently theres been a conspiracy that Joe Biden died a few days ago since hed completely vanished. He did a phone call earlier today to prove he's okay, but he's speaking so fast and clearly that it sounds like AI lol
It’s no secret Biden was on cognitive decline and apparently the covid has put lot of stress on his health .

There are reports he is on his terminal stage of his life . Media is hushing it big time they don’t want to report President is on death bed it might cause bit of a chaos in dem.

Pelosi and Jill are transitioning the job to Kamala Harris . She is quasi President eitherway . But now entire Dem is rallying behind her now with Clinton’s and Obama backing her up .


It’s no secret Biden was on cognitive decline and apparently the covid has put lot of stress on his health .

There are reports he is on his terminal stage of his life . Media is hushing it big time they don’t want to report President is on death bed it might cause bit of a chaos in dem.

Pelosi and Jill are transitioning the job to Kamala Harris . She is quasi President eitherway . But now entire Dem is rallying behind her now with Clinton’s and Obama backing her up .
Doesn’t Obama want an open contest?
Apparently theres been a conspiracy that Joe Biden died a few days ago since hed completely vanished. He did a phone call earlier today to prove he's okay, but he's speaking so fast and clearly that it sounds like AI lol
They "deaded' him..Catching Covid was the first phase out. You'd think a video would have come out by now. Him not making sense half the time didn't stop him from getting on the camera for some time now.
Apparently theres been a conspiracy that Joe Biden died a few days ago since hed completely vanished. He did a phone call earlier today to prove he's okay, but he's speaking so fast and clearly that it sounds like AI lol
It's probably a measure to avoid another assassination attempt like on Trump tbh.

But Biden biggest enemy is him himself.
Bro is probably in a white room lol
With younger people don’t you have concerns about it just being normal teenage uncertainty about who they are?
You could indeed reasonnabily ask if a child knows about his identity.

Now, let me ask two things :

- As a girl when you were little, did you ever felt REPETITIVELY like you were actually a boy ?
- When you were little, I'm sure you broke something, an arm, a leg, right ? Well, did you really felt pain, or was it just an illusion ?

You see, you can indeed be reasonnabily cautious about such a thing in our conservative age. Its logical. But you have to ask yourself this: When a child shows you that they are really not OK ? Do you feel like this would be a rationnal thing to ignore their feelings ?

Well, that's what we are saying:

Children at least after 12, will not play with those kind of feeling. If they are ungoing a gender disphoria, they will be in PAIN. Not physical, but real mental pain. The kind of pain that will put them in silence, that will give them depression, that will push them toward suicide. That kind of pain is not something that we can ignore. And that is something happening to every people with gender disphoria to a more or less paintfull degree.

Gender disphoria is like a broken arm, but its a mental affection that must be treated. Not necessarily with a surgery (that will only happen with adults) and not necessarily with puberty blocker.

It can simply start by accepting the identity of your child and calling them by their choosen name.

Its liberating for a person (child/adult) to be simply accepted by their loved ones for who they are.

The daughter of Musk must have suffered IMMENSLY of the reject and transphobia of her father. Losing the support of your own father or mother is one of the worst feeling that exist on this planet.
So.. lets shows those children some love, and lets accompagny them in their journey instead of going against their identities.

Sex isn't about genitalia, its about your genes for fucks sake.
"Sex is a multidimensional biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. (These components are sometimes referred to together as “sex traits.”) All animals (including humans) have a sex. As is common across health research communities, NIH usually categorizes sex as male or female, although variations do occur. These variations in sex characteristics are also known as intersex conditions "

He was a man that was born with a genital deformity and was forced to live as a girl.
Yes. Precisely what I described. You are still not understanding that this scenario is literally one that LGBTQI+ leftists militants people are fighting against.

here are many people that suffering the exact same right now and people like you are cheering it
No. I literally told you that this is something that we are fighting AGAINST, ergo denouncing. Those are literally interphobic acts of torture. The fight against interphobic acts like the surgeries on babies at birth to make the baby have either a male or a female sex is one of the basis for LGBTQI+ militantism.

Now inform and educate yourself.
Bro spends way to much time on this shit.
Get a life outside of all this, seriously... go ask your caretaker to take you outside for a walk, enjoy the fresh air. Go eat a nice lunch and dinner, eat a baguette...
You are spending a lot of time reacting too mate

But I'm just waiting for my pasta to heat up , i'm gonna watch a One Piece after that


You could indeed reasonnabily ask if a child knows about his identity.

Now, let me ask two things :

- As a girl when you were little, did you ever felt REPETITIVELY like you were actually a boy ?
- When you were little, I'm sure you broke something, an arm, a leg, right ? Well, did you really felt pain, or was it just an illusion ?

You see, you can indeed be reasonnabily cautious about such a thing in our conservative age. Its logical. But you have to ask yourself this: When a child shows you that they are really not OK ? Do you feel like this would be a rationnal thing to ignore their feelings ?

Well, that's what we are saying:

Children at least after 12, will not play with those kind of feeling. If they are ungoing a gender disphoria, they will be in PAIN. Not physical, but real mental pain. The kind of pain that will put them in silence, that will give them depression, that will push them toward suicide. That kind of pain is not something that we can ignore. And that is something happening to every people with gender disphoria to a more or less paintfull degree.

Gender disphoria is like a broken arm, but its a mental affection that must be treated. Not necessarily with a surgery (that will only happen with adults) and not necessarily with puberty blocker.

It can simply start by accepting the identity of your child and calling them by their choosen name.

Its liberating for a person (child/adult) to be simply accepted by their loved ones for who they are.

The daughter of Musk must have suffered IMMENSLY of the reject and transphobia of her father. Losing the support of your own father or mother is one of the worst feeling that exist on this planet.
So.. lets shows those children some love, and lets accompagny them in their journey instead of going against their identities.

"Sex is a multidimensional biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. (These components are sometimes referred to together as “sex traits.”) All animals (including humans) have a sex. As is common across health research communities, NIH usually categorizes sex as male or female, although variations do occur. These variations in sex characteristics are also known as intersex conditions "

Yes. Precisely what I described. You are still not understanding that this scenario is literally one that LGBTQI+ leftists militants people are fighting against.

No. I literally told you that this is something that we are fighting AGAINST, ergo denouncing. Those are literally interphobic acts of torture. The fight against interphobic acts like the surgeries on babies at birth to make the baby have either a male or a female sex is one of the basis for LGBTQI+ militantism.

Now inform and educate yourself.
Pretty sure we discussed this once but I was very boy like when I was younger and I didn’t particularly become more feminine until I had my daughter and gradually followed her lead lol because she is a princess. People joked with my parents I should’ve been a boy lol. The big difference is the idea I could be a boy was never a thing. And as more people are coming out with regret, especially girls who were like me, isn’t that concerning?
Pretty sure we discussed this once but I was very boy like when I was younger and I didn’t particularly become more feminine until I had my daughter and gradually followed her lead lol because she is a princess. People joked with my parents I should’ve been a boy lol. The big difference is the idea I could be a boy was never a thing. And as more people are coming out with regret, especially girls who were like me, isn’t that concerning?
The "tomboy" thing and the injonction for boys or girls to act according to their gender and sex, is a regrettable symptom of heteronormativity. Sadly, to end this, we need to bring patriarchy down.

Won't be able to do that anytime soon. Yes this is bad.

I'm just came across this twitter thread from @ChaykaHackso (A famous french youtube creator and trans woman speaking about critical thinking related to social behaviors, ) talking about the recent video of Musk translated from French :

<< Musk has vowed to destroy a chimera (which he calls "woke virus") and to fight against transidentity because his daughter is trans.
She is now an adult and - you guessed it - has cut ties with this father who considers her a "dead son".

Unfortunately, it is sometimes one of the consequences of our transitions: loved ones who now consider us "dead", as if we had become someone else, that this other had stolen their "son"/"daughter" from them. , friend, etc. Because deep down, these are people who consider their child like things, a possession which must correspond to their expectation/whim. Otherwise it's rejection. These same people who will then talk to us about child "protection", "woke" threats, when they are only neglectful, abusive parents, narcissists.

It's always heartbreaking when this kind of hateful rejection occurs (from parents), but imagine if that parent is one of the most powerful men in the country, and has one of the most popular Social Network in the world. This is Musk, this is the why of many of his choices as a business captain, owner of X which he made completely open to transphobic insults and harassment.

Strength to all children who have such parents, it is from them that we must protect you! >>

.. So i'm adding "partially inhuman" to the list.

I’d say the exact opposite :optimistic:
On all topics then?
On all topics then?
They're definitely racists. But uninformed, not necessarily.

Anyway, not calling far-right wingers racists is a fear that all politician created because they don't want to vilify potential people rallying them. You're not a politician, you don't need to pretend that the far-right isn't racist.
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I took it on @Pioneer101 's signature

That dude is definitely an alt by the way
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