What do you think was the best arc in terms of writing for each member of the Straw Hat Pirates, with how said Straw Hat was written and got character development and exploration, and how soldid and consistent their portrayal was during the arc ?
> The Marineford Saga for Luffy (including Sabaody) but Luffy also shined brightly during whole cake.
> There is not a good arc for Zoro as his moment in Shell's town is cool but to shallow. What counts with Zoro are his moments of shine. So I'd say that his best moments so far his the end of during the end of Water Seven. But if we are talking about one specific arc, I'd say Wano. His relationship with Yasue was cool.
> Nami obviously shined on Arlong Park. her character arc is still one of the best to date.
> Usopp shined obviously during Orange town, but he really performed during Water-Seven Enies Lobby. His evolution during this arc was amazing. And we can't forget what happened on Dressrosa
> Sanji had a LOT of good moments, but whole cake was just build different. The writing of Sanji during whole Cake, especially the first 3third was impeccable.
> Chopper's best arc is clearly Drum but he had really a good place in Punk Hazard especially concerning the realization of his powerlessness in front of the impact of Drugs.
> Robin's arc is water Seven and Enies Lobby, but her role during Skypiea and Alabsata were cool !
> Franky shined during Water Seven of course but he did very good on Dressrosa
> Brook shined during Thriller Bark obviously, but he was an MVP during Whole cake. He really took the cake there (get it ?)
> Jinbe most shined during the Marineford Sage but he was very interesting on Whole cake too.
> Carrot killed everything on whole cake but she completely blew everything away on Elb.. what ?