When you say this:
The left constantly tries to paint everything as black n' white and force you to choose between an all or nothing package
You are literally explaining that leftist are bad for being leftist. Because yes. We consider that sometimes, the world IS black and white, not always, but a LOT of time. And that in those case, accepting to make compromises with toxic ideologies is not possible.
Liberals made you believe that rationnality was synonymous of being able to see the nuances in politics. That the right thing to do was to be able to pick and choose what was right and wrong in all sides of the political spectrum.
Problem : This ideology the result of a sophism : the middle-ground fallacy. The belief that the truth lies somewhere in between opposing propositions.
In reality, where you uses that ideology, you put yourself to the right side, simply because taking idea from the right and from the left will ALWAYS benefit the right side.
This is how you might think the political spectrum is:
With two side and a "rationnal" middle ground. But in reality, this is how the political spectrum really is:
Two sides, black and white, bright and dark, blue and red, with NUANCES but two sides that are NOT reconcilable !
Politics exist because of the opposition of values. If we start to make the opposition dissapear, we depoliticize the conflict and we lose the reason why there is a conflict in the first place without resolving the issues behind the conflict.
In other words, we sweep the dust under the carpet.
Centrism and depolitization only helps the status co.
In the name of life they preach abortion and euthanasia. In the name of freedom: Taxes,Regulations and Centralized Government.
Good stuff
Gun control and Orwellian like privacy violations.
Gun control = Good
Orwellian privacy violations is done by big corporation mate, not by leftists, we are literally fighting that, you are - once again - missinformed.
Censoring social media and creating "hate speech crimes".
Hate speech "condamnation" : which is a good thing, not hate speech "crimes". Where are you taking your informations from ?
Again, that's done by big corporation, leftist are actually against censoreship. Ignorant.
axing the shit out of anyone that creates jobs.
Those who create values are not Billionnaires but workers. Don't forget that Tatcher.
In the name of development: shit public services and schooling system meat to turn your kids into a left wing voter.
The left has always being a scam.
And.. no argument here.
there's no such word as "irrespect"
Good point, French strikes again. I meant "disrepect". Irrespect is the french word

For the same reason why Venezuela is such a shithole. Because of left wing politics or so called Socialismus/Communismus. First you people dump the truck and later you blame a other government. Typical narcisstic behavior and typical for shitlibs.
No mate, right no the problem is Milei sh*tting on poor people. The poverty rate rose from 45 to 57% once Milei took office.
You are not gonna make the "but that's because of those who came before" excuses with the situation and the politics that are currently happening in the country right now.
Centralization of power= Authoritarianism. It starts with social democrats demanding free stuff. Evolves into socialism with its crazy taxation and regulations. Finally, it morphs into distopia called Communism.
You are delulu mate.
Argentina was once one the richest nations in the World and so was Venezuela. The poverty and inequalities arrived in their lands ever since the left took over. You don't expect Milei to fix all that in just 4 years, do you?
2-The problem with Latin America IS exactly the LEFT. Decades ago, Communists tried coups and enganged in Guerrila Warfare in multiple nations in Latin America. The Modern day gun/drug/organized crime problem is a heritage from this period. Most of the left abandoned the idea of armed revolution, but did not abandon the idea of imposing a communist regime. They are achieving that through elections. They were sucessfull and most nations down here are neck deep into socialism. Cuba became a full blown communist dictatorship. Colombia is run by drug lords. Venezuela is a dictatorship. Brazil is under judicial dictatorship. Mexico is run by fucking drug cartels. Only a handful of nations down here don't have any of these problems. The situation in Africa is similar. American and Europpean private interests are the smallest of our problems. This place is run by Russia and China.
You missed that part:
Its not as simple as "the left = bad, capitalists = good"
1-Institutions are made up of people. Those people insulted every Christian. Death threats are immoral and illegal, but if you do shit like that, the crazies will go after your ass.
You remind me of those who blame women after rapes for wearing squirts
Same logic. Blaming the victim because of a so called provocation.
They also gender swapped the Penguin in the animated Batman series. You can't make this shit up lmao
And ? Does it ruin the narration ?
You can't treat them the same, because there are muslim radicals out there that will kill your people if their religion is mocked. Don't hide you cowardice by virtue signalling.
Did I talked about radicals here ?
Why are you talking about radicals when I'm only talking about the muslim community under oppression. Do you want an excuse to be islamophobic here ?
What violence? Has any of these people being physically harmed in any way? NOOOOOOOOOO!
Harrasment and death threat for you is not violence ?
you're saying that the Olympics should be about you and your message against another part of the population.
The olympic ceremony has always been a way to deliver a political message, its not news Einstein.
Secondly, disruption by itself has no value. Change must bring something good for society or it should be scrapped.
This one does, you are simply not understanding it
And become a mormon.
SW-The Acolyte (with the power of maaaaaany ) is the same DEI bs like Captain Marvel ,Dr. Who and Loki
Poor snowflake.. can't handle women running the show
Cpt Marvel was not interesting and The Acolyte had amazing idea (especially about this very thing you are complaining about) but was simply boring.. Loki and Doctor who on the other hand were awesome.
ah yeah DC and Marvel learned it the way that wokeness/DEI agendas are bad for business when pushed too much
it seems Marvel is finally trying to fix things after all their woke products horribly getting bombed in the last 5 years or so
They never pushed wokeness, they pushed pink washing and white liberal feminism..
If you want to watch Disney really push wokism, look at the last season of Doctor Who or Star Wars Andor.
This is what real wokism and leftist is :