York's betrayal is entirely linked to Vegapunk and the value surrounding the seeking of knowledge.
Remember, Vegapunk his a very complex character and he splitted his personnality into 6 consciences and six people
- His good side : Shaka
- His bad side : Lilith
- His thinking process : Edison
- His Wisdom : Pythagoras
- His violence : Atlas
- His Greedyness : York
Now, look again.
His good side was shot by his greedyness.
His wisdom was crushed by his creation.
His violence and thinking side sacrified themselves
And his greedyness betrayed him.
Like I said. This arc is about the knowledge. The knowledge of the past, present and future, but also the knowledge of others and the knowledge of one self.
The point of this arc is simple : Vegapunk was the BIGGEST BRAIN on the planet and the most intelligent person on earth....
What Vegapunk thought to be his greedyness for things of life actually was his REAL greedyness. The greedyness that corrupts your brain, the greedyness that makes you betray your friend, the greedyness that comes with the seek of knowledge and most of all, the greedyness that doesn't want to share !
This is one of the biggest flaws of scientists and the scientific world today.
What Vegapunk thought was his bad side actually is the one that survived and was protected. But it was NOT bad at all, its just his most subversive side ! The side that seeked for the forbidden knowledge !!
What Vegapunk just saved through Lilith is his BEST and most UNPREDICTIBLE side !
That's what this arc is about !
Its about protecting the things that counts !