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No dude... that's a bike...!!
I TOLD YOU she was lying. No idea why she would as town,none.
could be reaction testing like i said. i.e now she has info on who wud support ur lynch vs not

did u guys have her role and knew she was lying? looks like killing her became very important despite you not being mafia? seems off

why dont mafia let u get lynched then let us lynch her if shes lying



No dude... that's a bike...!!
gonna tinfoil and say ur faction had her role, knew she was lying, so killed her in order to stop ratchet from being yeeted

otherwise makes zero sense to kill her if she was lying and pushing town


fuck that explains it then,i'll come clean, melkor both those things were me, i tried to bleed Ultra but you must've been busdriven cause it ended on you, so i tried to bite you to hit him, but it still ended up being you.
The people i bite get told they have turned into a vampire and i know it sounds like it but it's not cult i am just town.
You were the only one so far who came clean about it. I bit 4 people so far RN,Lanji, Zemmi and Melkor.
This is also why i said lanji's claim about appearing as a vampire to invests sounds like bs because i am a vampire and i have no such thing.
So if i die, check those people.
@Ratchet @Flower @Underworld Broker
Can confirm not a cult. I asked questions to the host about what it meant. I thought it was Lanji. I was never told I was bleeding or anything like that. But was told I was a vampire. It appeared harmless to me and not worth mentioning.


The End and the Beginning
could be reaction testing like i said. i.e now she has info on who wud support ur lynch vs not

did u guys have her role and knew she was lying? looks like killing her became very important despite you not being mafia? seems off

why dont mafia let u get lynched then let us lynch her if shes lying

Who said Mafia killed her?


The Sol King
What a disasterclass beginning for this day. Plenty of town died during the NP (I'll have to look through those WUs for more info), then that Rat-Nat face-off was terrible.

1-We know Ratchet can only be affected by top posters at all, its something we know for a while now. Nat with her post-restriction couldn't have actually had that go through to Ratchet. By mech, Ratchet shouldn't be Queen at all.

2-Ratchet wasting that kill on Nat for her accusations is a terrible play. Even if she was 99% scum, we have people who are 100% scum like TAC. Who escaped via another game removal while the kill went to Nat. That is a valuable killshot wasted on a strong town role.

3-I don't think Ratchet is scum at this point either, the all-stars ability does NOT state that Kaido gets to know the alignment of his chosen all-stars. Even if we believe that the ability was tampered with, point 1 should still apply. Much like how the Flower-Adam "Nobody" thing happened when Charlie revealed it.
---[Active - All-Stars]--- At the beginning of the game Kaido may choose who his All-Stars will be, each player chosen will receive an attribute depending on the title they receive.
---King--- If the player known as King votes with Kaido in the same wagon their vote power will count for 2.
---Queen--- If the player known as Queen targets Kaido with an action they will also refill him.
---Jack--- The player known as Jack will receive an immunity to the first status effect that targets them in the game.

4-To further reinforce point 1, Nat was targeted by Ratchet with a kill, which according to her and the written ability should've given her a refill. Something she said she didn't get.
Never mind, Prof lied about me being refilled :milaugh:

Maybe I wasn't even shot, no idea.
I think this was just a gamble from Nat to try and out Ratchet since she scum-read him, with Ratchet being rather impulsive in his judgement.

I don't want to see town mislynch or get rid of another strong role. Atp we should focus on the already outted ones. TAC and Mango are removed, so unless someone can bring them back we have to look for new lynches.

Not sure why town seems to ignore Ultra is scum as well, but I want to look into other suspects before settling my vote on him.


The End and the Beginning
Alexis was largely consensus scum and agreed upon in the night chat, and we have reason to believe Alexis belongs to a Mafia team due to the census showing 6/5.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
if its town its a garbage kill and we all know.

if yall gonna continue hero shooting by all means have trolling the game alone ill be seeing u when it ends


The End and the Beginning
might be an indie killer since i recall that janitored no?
The Janitor presumably came from the one reviving them as the zombie cult. We know because my kill N2 was also janitored and as you can see from Gad's death, it doesn't janitor anything. So no, no evidence supports your assertion here.
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