AL sama

Red Haired
This is what happened in Bangladesh for example. Policemen refused to turn their weapons on the civilians and therefore they disobeyed orders. This lead to a situation where the entire institution shifted rapidely because of the group effect that I explained here:
the army refused not to shoot cause they aren't bound to take orders unlike the police

wanna know why the army refused?? cause not all of them have same values or beliefs
Communism is simply a system to access socialism. "Socialist society" is the name of the post communist society AFTER communist is applied. That's why leftist took the name of socialists. Socialists as "against capitalism".

the army refused not to shoot cause they aren't bound to take orders unlike the police
Good point, I said the police, but you are right, it was the army. But yes. If an army is not bound by hierarchy, it's not an army.

But the point also applies to the army. If one person refuses to shoot, said person will most likely be fired or fingerpointed (or worse), but if a large enough group refuses to shoot, then a chain reaction will be created and the army will stop to be an institution following the power's order and a group of people following the interests of people.

AL sama

Red Haired
Good point, I said the police, but you are right, it was the army. But yes. If an army is not bound by hierarchy, it's not an army.

But the point also applies to the army. If one person refuses to shoot, said person will most likely be fired or fingerpointed (or worse), but if a large enough group refuses to shoot, then a chain reaction will be created and the army will stop to be an institution following the power's order and a group of people following the interests of people.
wanna know why the army refused?? cause not all of them have same values or beliefs
nicely ignored lol
Post automatically merged:

Pretty sure the entire deal with "loli" is that it is specifically underaged.

Flat chested adult women aren't lolis. They're adults.

Herrara was just a legit a pedo bro. It ain't an accusation when he flat out outed himself.
bro I m not wrong

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
This is a simple logical consequences.

The forces of the systems that you listed CAN'T - by nature - go against the system. This means that only people inside of those institution can choose not to follow those institution. If enough people do that, the institution do not exist anymore and something new is created.

Again, you can take the example of the cop refusing to follow the order to repress a manifestation. Alone, the guy will most likely be fired or get finger pointed, but if all the officers are doing that, it's the institution itself that falls and therefore the common political vision of the entire group will form something new in return.

As for political belief, you don't engage in certain profession if you have certain political philosophy.. OR it will mean that you will live in a world full of contradictions, which is possible.

For example, someone that consider the police as violent and systematically racist will have very few reasons to join the police.. on the other hand, if you consider that systemic racism is not something real in the police or that patriarchy doesn't have a strong grip on the institution.. then there will be a lot less reason to refuse to join that institution.

This creates a situation where most people in the police will be people who consider that society needs to be protected and not drastically changed.

And in some country... like France for example, you will find out that there is a hyperrepresentation of the far right vote in the Police. With the behaviors that comes with it.

Not necessarily. But they will have a lot more chances to become that, yes. It's simply due to the nature of the institution and the system. It has nothing to do with personal feelings.

On a micro scale, this might be true. On a macro scale you will see that it's most likely not the case.

And when it is (because miracles happens), you will see the ENTIRE institution shift and you will see workers go against their orders.

This is what happened in Bangladesh for example. Policemen refused to turn their weapons on the civilians and therefore they disobeyed orders. This lead to a situation where the entire institution shifted rapidely because of the group effect that I explained here:

Sadly for you. I understand a lot more than you think. That's why in this conversation, I'm the one providing the answer and not you.
You don't even know words by definition or basic economics. And today you showed you don't understand how miliary and policing works. You couldn't even be right about Carrot joining the SHs.
nicely ignored lol
This further my point...

What the shift of the army proved is that said army was actually not so protective of the system in place.

Again, this is something that I demonstrated with the science behind groups and crowds. The fact that officers choosed not to shot showed that the acceptation for change was actually very high in the institution.

All institution across different country do not have the same threashold and critical mass, this means that while in America, Policemen could refuse to shoot at leftist in the case of a very violent riot... Policemen in France could very be only be awaiting for the order.

It's important to understand that all institution have not the same opinion, but ALL are pretty much structured the same way. So the more the country will radicalize itself toward conservatism, the more those institution's threashold for the perpetuation of potential crimes will be very low.

You don't even know words by definition or basic economics. And today you showed you don't understand how miliary and policing works. You couldn't even be right about Carrot joining the SHs.
Sure sure, keep saying that I'm ignorant. It sure will help your case.
"The society" includes everyone in society, "the system" only describes the institutions and systemics behaviors.

But it's funny that you think it's imaginary... It's telling more about you that about me :shocking:
Bruh, I ain't taking advice about what's real from your mental hospital escapee arse that once thought he could turn Super Saiyan through the power of retard screeching and when he couldn't, blamed Toriyama's "toxic masculinity".

Smeggin fiction logic doesn't even work out cause only those with Saiyan blood can turn Super Saiyan. Not humans. :milaugh:

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
This further my point...

What the shift of the army proved is that said army was actually not so protective of the system in place.

Again, this is something that I demonstrated with the science behind groups and crowds. The fact that officers choosed not to shot showed that the acceptation for change was actually very high in the institution.

All institution across different country do not have the same threashold and critical mass, this means that while in America, Policemen could refuse to shoot at leftist in the case of a very violent riot... Policemen in France could very be only be awaiting for the order.

It's important to understand that all institution have not the same opinion, but ALL are pretty much structured the same way. So the more the country will radicalize itself toward conservatism, the more those institution's threashold for the perpetuation of potential crimes will be very low.

Sure sure, keep saying that I'm ignorant. It sure will help your case.
I call you ignorant because you are. You tried scolding people about capitalism and economics, but know the basics of inflation and price gouging. You tried belittling us when we explained it to you. Think it was Daniel in that conversation.
"Young or young looking"

Mate, you just gave me a link that again confirms the metric is based on age, not body type.

Look, you can go onto NHentai, search up the loli tag for yourself and see if it is filled with doujins of petite adult women or absolutely depraved degeneracy involving minors. You can even look up Herrera's preferred "oppai loli" tag while you're at it.

Herrara should be put on a watchlist. Lol.
my point is flying over logiko's head
No. Once again, it's mine that is not understood.. I'm must be a really bad pedagogue.

Bruh, I ain't taking advice about what's real from your mental hospital escapee arse that once thought he could turn Super Saiyan through the power of retard screeching and when he couldn't, blamed Toriyama's "toxic masculinity".
You are sharing healthy content from me... WITHOUT me asking ?

I call you ignorant because you are.
Yes. It's true. I'm ignorant about a LOT of things.

But not the subject I'm talking about here


You tried scolding people about capitalism and economics, but know the basics of inflation and price gouging
You are showing me that you don't understand the point I'm making and once again, it could be because I'm a very bad instructor. or.. something else..

I did not even touched the subject of economy. I talked about the fundamental VALUES behind capitalism. Those are directing everything else.

On the other hand, I talked about production and the fact that those who create said production should be the one who profit from it and own it.

You can be ok or not with that, I do not care. But do not change the subject ;)

AL sama

Red Haired
"Young or young looking"

Mate, you just gave me a link that again confirms the metric is based on age, not body type.

Look, you can go onto NHentai, search up the loli tag for yourself and see if it is filled with doujins of petite adult women or absolutely depraved degeneracy involving minors. You can even look up Herrera's preferred "oppai loli" tag while you're at it.

Herrara should be put on a watchlist. Lol.
I can give you countless more links but lets agree to disagree on the loli thing

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
(Note: I voted for Trump over Hillary, hate Hillary more than him for turning Libya into a sex-trafficking state and murdering Gaddaffi, and did not vote in the last election. Trump has destroyed what was left of my family, and I hate seeing how he has destroyed so many families with his lies and constant victim-blaming.

I hate Trump. I feel bad for people who honestly believe in him, because they're being tricked. My father doesn't even think for himself anymore: he just believes what the radio shows tell him, while they try to sell him shit.

I don't like large scale Socialiasm, and am NOT being sarcastic. Trump is every bit the Communist dictator Nazi and Stalin were, who views himself as the state itself).

Comrade Kamala is such hilarious projection to me. What a GIGANTIC joke.

"Commie Donnie" Trump is everything wrong with Communism.

Commie Donnie stole from the poor and gave to the rich (himself).

A country is its people. A state, a country, is made up of people. For a "state" to rule, as with Communism, the real question is, what people are making up the state? Because those people, who rule the state itself, will be the true Gods of that state, not Christ.

Commie Dictator Donnie wants to lock up his political opponents for disagreeing with him.

Who else did that?

Commie Donnie buried his wife on a golf course.

Commie Donnie is so economically foolish, he fucked up owning a Casino. A CASINO.

If America was a Capitalist Free Market with laws to stop Communism, would a man with this many bankruptcies still be a millionaire?


Commie Donnie gets to play by a different set of rules. While he shits in a gold toilet, his buddies force kids to mine gold and diamonds until they die.

He doesn't make anything, but he can take anything, except a good joke. He can't take any jokes made about him, when he's the biggest joke I've ever seen.

I'm a fucked up goofball, and my family has plenty of problems, but I'm glad he's not like us. It's not that hard to be better than that.

You love the idea of Trump. The idea that a rich white guy actually cared and did the right thing, went up against the evil in the government and fought the good fight.

You want a hero to show up and save us, to drain the swamp.

We don't need heroes. We need good people. We don't need action movie heroes. Trump isn't going to pick up a machine gun and shoot Communism.

His entire life is built around succeeding through failing. He is the welfare state.

The rich always had Communism; like the Founding Fathers, Commie Donnie needs poor, broken people to do the work for him, to make him his Big Mac.

Commie Donnie can't cook, his hands are too small, which explains why his golfing is shit. Hole in one? Ask Stormy Daniels about a hole in one minute, that's how long he lasted. I hope she can find someone to exorcise her pussy.

Kamala is whatever on some levels, and I really like Walz. At the least, Kamala is a black female prosecutor (one of the most stressful jobs in America, especially with that race + gender mix) and Walz served in the National Guard (and got attacked for it by a brave man who loves "wresting" with couches - this is a joke Vance does not fuck couches - LOL I can't believe this fucking election cycle is real), taught High School, and as Governor did a ton to help out kids in schools.

Jesus wanted us to love one another, and share. Sharing isn't Communism. It's human decency. Giving someone what they need when you have more than you need is just WHAT NORMAL, GOOD PEOPLE DO. Look at atheist countries like Norway that have much better crime rates/way less mental health problems.

Communism is calling yourself "The State" and trying to rule over everything because you're too lazy to do your own work. What has Trump ever produced that wasn't created by someone else under his name? I don't mind socialism in small doses, but it is impossible for socialism to function is authoritarian centralized governments like all the crazy crap in Europe.

Lord, the British have been run my incestuous "child enthusiasts" for hundreds of years.

Donnie Commie cares about your life as much as he does an Arab child. Your support is just fuel to him. Disposable. He will always want more, and if you dare deny "the State" what he wants, he will try to find a way to take it. Like the election.

Fun fact: I believe Biden lost to Trump. And you know what? I don't fucking care, Trump and Biden should both be in prison for a mega-gazillion reasons. NEITHER SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO RUN, they are both criminals. Trump's worse, but, FUCK. Trump's Russia corruption, Biden is Ukraine corruption. It's not about "which government/nation is good", the US is ALWAYS playing both sides. Because we're run by rich Communists who pretend like we have actual free markets, when all the "free markets" are run by... rich globalists who openly steal from the poor.

The rich get comfy Communism, steal our money, and then tell us we're greedy for wanting to get paid enough money for work to live happy lives.

Harris and Walz are the closet to ordinary, hard-working, thoughtful people the US is going to get this election. Are they perfect? Hell no. Do they want to destroy America? Lol no, it's SO obvious who wants to sell out Jesus and who wants to actually feed the poor and heal the sick.

It's the people who want to feed poor children and heal sick children, not the people who want to make money off of them, that actually love God/Light/Freedom.

This isn't Capitalism.

This isn't a Free Market.

It's a spoiled fat orange man bitching about why people won't worship him as God, and a bunch of rich trash supporting him because they don't want to go down with his titanic ass.

We all deserve better, especially people who don't live in the USA, but have to live with the USA bombing the ever living life out of them.

Will Kamala end the War in the Middle East? No.

Will Kamala fix the economy? No.

Will Kamala make us all happy? No.

It is up to the USA, the country founded from two genocides by rich white men that made it legal to buy black girls and rape them, to stand up and demand better.

Instead of blaming one person for why we suck, we all, the people of the USA, need to stop sucking.

Enough is enough.

Trump is not God. He's the ugliest head of the Beast, and he deserves to be mocked as the weak ass incel he is, just like Imu.

God knows the mutherfucker will try to kidnap Stormy Daniels or some shit if he becomes dictator.

If you can afford to vote for Trump, I'm glad your life is going that well.

If he gets power again people I care about will very likely get imprisoned or die simply for being who they are, so we don't have the luxury of voting for the guy who (rolls eyes) "allegedly" beat up and raped a girl on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express.

If ya'll have enough time to bitch about Oda being gross, why don't you cancel the former World Leader confirmed to be connected to a rich child sex trafficker, who has openly simped for his own daughter?

Ya'll are better than Trump.

Be better than the dude who jokes about banging his own kid. Bro is like if Cobra went after Vivi rather than Nami in the Alabasta bath.

Commie Donnie deserves nothing but the most free product in the world: laughter.

No wonder he never laughs: he's the biggest joke in the world, and can't a single joke about himself to save his life. Nice Neo impression, though, Trump Matrixing a bullet is WILD, what a giant parasite infested cat crap of a year. Woof. Glad Trump lived, he deserves to lose to a black woman and get sent to prison for how he treats children.

God bless Ralph Nader, the Sun, Jesus and El, and Wano Act 4.

If you vote for Trump, I won't hate you, but Trump still will, because he just wants your vote and money so he can control and destroy people he hates.

Donnie Commie cares as much about you as Oda cares about Rootbeer's crazy ass Haki-coloring chucklefuck chicanery.

I love ya'll, even the really crazy ones, and ya'll deserve better than some Flaming Hot Cheeto selling the Bible while being unable to quote a single piece of scripture.

Trump is everything wrong with Christianity and the USA needs to go back to people who act like Jesus, like Fred Rogers/Mr. Rogers, instead of this Communist Dictator masquerading as a successful capitalist.

Proletariat Harris >>> Commie Donnie

Walz low diffs the shit out of Vance, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, Vance would be more relatable to me if he actually DID grind his cock up against a couch. We've all rubbed our shit up against furniture, it's only weird if you like actually stick your dick in the cushions or some shit, or start riding cowgirl on the couch armrest.

Can someone invite Vance to WWE so a wrestler can go at him with a fucking inflatable sofa?

Justice for Trump's victims. Every day they see their abuser praised, they suffer more.

The jokes not over until the punchline: prison. This isn't a joke anymore. This dude caused a man to die via an assassination attempt, by constantly inciting violence since the 2020 election.

This isn't the Wild West, we don't execute people. We prosecute them, to create a place where children don't have to fear people shooting each other to solve their problems. So kids can walk down the street without flinching when they hear a balloon pop.

Enough with the violence.

Put the Beast in their cage and let them rage to the sound of their own echoing ego.

This man is a Celestial Dragon. Commie Donnie has nothing to give you.

He'll give it to kids, though.

So that's why I'm voting Dem even though I HATE Biden's Roomba bitch-ass.

Thanks for dropping out Biden, I hope a toad pees on your lap and makes it look like you whizzed your pants, you child-sniffing freak.

And Mitt Romney: your hair looks like a skunk's rectum smells

This has been my roast of the 2024 American Election Cycle
(Note: I voted for Trump over Hillary, hate Hillary more than him for turning Libya into a sex-trafficking state and murdering Gaddaffi, and did not vote in the last election. Trump has destroyed what was left of my family, and I hate seeing how he has destroyed so many families with his lies and constant victim-blaming.

I hate Trump. I feel bad for people who honestly believe in him, because they're being tricked. My father doesn't even think for himself anymore: he just believes what the radio shows tell him, while they try to sell him shit.

I don't like large scale Socialiasm, and am NOT being sarcastic. Trump is every bit the Communist dictator Nazi and Stalin were, who views himself as the state itself).

Comrade Kamala is such hilarious projection to me. What a GIGANTIC joke.

"Commie Donnie" Trump is everything wrong with Communism.

Commie Donnie stole from the poor and gave to the rich (himself).

A country is its people. A state, a country, is made up of people. For a "state" to rule, as with Communism, the real question is, what people are making up the state? Because those people, who rule the state itself, will be the true Gods of that state, not Christ.

Commie Dictator Donnie wants to lock up his political opponents for disagreeing with him.

Who else did that?

Commie Donnie buried his wife on a golf course.

Commie Donnie is so economically foolish, he fucked up owning a Casino. A CASINO.

If America was a Capitalist Free Market with laws to stop Communism, would a man with this many bankruptcies still be a millionaire?


Commie Donnie gets to play by a different set of rules. While he shits in a gold toilet, his buddies force kids to mine gold and diamonds until they die.

He doesn't make anything, but he can take anything, except a good joke. He can't take any jokes made about him, when he's the biggest joke I've ever seen.

I'm a fucked up goofball, and my family has plenty of problems, but I'm glad he's not like us. It's not that hard to be better than that.

You love the idea of Trump. The idea that a rich white guy actually cared and did the right thing, went up against the evil in the government and fought the good fight.

You want a hero to show up and save us, to drain the swamp.

We don't need heroes. We need good people. We don't need action movie heroes. Trump isn't going to pick up a machine gun and shoot Communism.

His entire life is built around succeeding through failing. He is the welfare state.

The rich always had Communism; like the Founding Fathers, Commie Donnie needs poor, broken people to do the work for him, to make him his Big Mac.

Commie Donnie can't cook, his hands are too small, which explains why his golfing is shit. Hole in one? Ask Stormy Daniels about a hole in one minute, that's how long he lasted. I hope she can find someone to exorcise her pussy.

Kamala is whatever on some levels, and I really like Walz. At the least, Kamala is a black female prosecutor (one of the most stressful jobs in America, especially with that race + gender mix) and Walz served in the National Guard (and got attacked for it by a brave man who loves "wresting" with couches - this is a joke Vance does not fuck couches - LOL I can't believe this fucking election cycle is real), taught High School, and as Governor did a ton to help out kids in schools.

Jesus wanted us to love one another, and share. Sharing isn't Communism. It's human decency. Giving someone what they need when you have more than you need is just WHAT NORMAL, GOOD PEOPLE DO. Look at atheist countries like Norway that have much better crime rates/way less mental health problems.

Communism is calling yourself "The State" and trying to rule over everything because you're too lazy to do your own work. What has Trump ever produced that wasn't created by someone else under his name? I don't mind socialism in small doses, but it is impossible for socialism to function is authoritarian centralized governments like all the crazy crap in Europe.

Lord, the British have been run my incestuous "child enthusiasts" for hundreds of years.

Donnie Commie cares about your life as much as he does an Arab child. Your support is just fuel to him. Disposable. He will always want more, and if you dare deny "the State" what he wants, he will try to find a way to take it. Like the election.

Fun fact: I believe Biden lost to Trump. And you know what? I don't fucking care, Trump and Biden should both be in prison for a mega-gazillion reasons. NEITHER SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO RUN, they are both criminals. Trump's worse, but, FUCK. Trump's Russia corruption, Biden is Ukraine corruption. It's not about "which government/nation is good", the US is ALWAYS playing both sides. Because we're run by rich Communists who pretend like we have actual free markets, when all the "free markets" are run by... rich globalists who openly steal from the poor.

The rich get comfy Communism, steal our money, and then tell us we're greedy for wanting to get paid enough money for work to live happy lives.

Harris and Walz are the closet to ordinary, hard-working, thoughtful people the US is going to get this election. Are they perfect? Hell no. Do they want to destroy America? Lol no, it's SO obvious who wants to sell out Jesus and who wants to actually feed the poor and heal the sick.

It's the people who want to feed poor children and heal sick children, not the people who want to make money off of them, that actually love God/Light/Freedom.

This isn't Capitalism.

This isn't a Free Market.

It's a spoiled fat orange man bitching about why people won't worship him as God, and a bunch of rich trash supporting him because they don't want to go down with his titanic ass.

We all deserve better, especially people who don't live in the USA, but have to live with the USA bombing the ever living life out of them.

Will Kamala end the War in the Middle East? No.

Will Kamala fix the economy? No.

Will Kamala make us all happy? No.

It is up to the USA, the country founded from two genocides by rich white men that made it legal to buy black girls and rape them, to stand up and demand better.

Instead of blaming one person for why we suck, we all, the people of the USA, need to stop sucking.

Enough is enough.

Trump is not God. He's the ugliest head of the Beast, and he deserves to be mocked as the weak ass incel he is, just like Imu.

God knows the mutherfucker will try to kidnap Stormy Daniels or some shit if he becomes dictator.

If you can afford to vote for Trump, I'm glad your life is going that well.

If he gets power again people I care about will very likely get imprisoned or die simply for being who they are, so we don't have the luxury of voting for the guy who (rolls eyes) "allegedly" beat up and raped a girl on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express.

If ya'll have enough time to bitch about Oda being gross, why don't you cancel the former World Leader confirmed to be connected to a rich child sex trafficker, who has openly simped for his own daughter?

Ya'll are better than Trump.

Be better than the dude who jokes about banging his own kid. Bro is like if Cobra went after Vivi rather than Nami in the Alabasta bath.

Commie Donnie deserves nothing but the most free product in the world: laughter.

No wonder he never laughs: he's the biggest joke in the world, and can't a single joke about himself to save his life. Nice Neo impression, though, Trump Matrixing a bullet is WILD, what a giant parasite infested cat crap of a year. Woof. Glad Trump lived, he deserves to lose to a black woman and get sent to prison for how he treats children.

God bless Ralph Nader, the Sun, Jesus and El, and Wano Act 4.

If you vote for Trump, I won't hate you, but Trump still will, because he just wants your vote and money so he can control and destroy people he hates.

Donnie Commie cares as much about you as Oda cares about Rootbeer's crazy ass Haki-coloring chucklefuck chicanery.

I love ya'll, even the really crazy ones, and ya'll deserve better than some Flaming Hot Cheeto selling the Bible while being unable to quote a single piece of scripture.

Trump is everything wrong with Christianity and the USA needs to go back to people who act like Jesus, like Fred Rogers/Mr. Rogers, instead of this Communist Dictator masquerading as a successful capitalist.

Proletariat Harris >>> Commie Donnie

Walz low diffs the shit out of Vance, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, Vance would be more relatable to me if he actually DID grind his cock up against a couch. We've all rubbed our shit up against furniture, it's only weird if you like actually stick your dick in the cushions or some shit, or start riding cowgirl on the couch armrest.

Can someone invite Vance to WWE so a wrestler can go at him with a fucking inflatable sofa?

Justice for Trump's victims. Every day they see their abuser praised, they suffer more.

The jokes not over until the punchline: prison. This isn't a joke anymore. This dude caused a man to die via an assassination attempt, by constantly inciting violence since the 2020 election.

This isn't the Wild West, we don't execute people. We prosecute them, to create a place where children don't have to fear people shooting each other to solve their problems. So kids can walk down the street without flinching when they hear a balloon pop.

Enough with the violence.

Put the Beast in their cage and let them rage to the sound of their own echoing ego.

This man is a Celestial Dragon. Commie Donnie has nothing to give you.

He'll give it to kids, though.

So that's why I'm voting Dem even though I HATE Biden's Roomba bitch-ass.

Thanks for dropping out Biden, I hope a toad pees on your lap and makes it look like you whizzed your pants, you child-sniffing freak.

And Mitt Romney: your hair looks like a skunk's rectum smells

This has been my roast of the 2024 American Election Cycle
wall of text no mi. Did logiko hack your account?