Using crackpots as an excuse to clamp down on speech in general is some Grade A bullshit when you got Western mainstream news outlets unironically claiming that a quartet of drunk Ukrainians on a private yacht commited the greatest act of industrial eco-terrorism in history in the most heavily monitored waters on the planet by diving down at least some 250+ feet and planting enough explosives to destroy a concrete reinforced steel pipeline of some 45 inch diameter iirc.

If any courts genuinely cared about public misinformation, they'd go after the BBC or CNN. Not some random Xitter user called Cat Turd.
Do you know what post you initially responded to? I think you're missing context here.
dumb troll.
@Bisoromi Bear modern day nazism is called wokism/communism/socialism.
8,800 dollars fine daily for accessing twitter with vpn in Brazil

This is so absurd
Its a judicial dictatorship down here. I'm preparing to move away. This place is done. Things will only get worse. Lula did nothing but the tax the shit out of everything. We are in debt once again. I'm not financing lunatics. Fuck communists.
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Yeah. I don't really get the fine on users. They are not responsible. This is really shady, a lot of people are using X by necessity.
That is Communism for you. Answering you question from earlier: YES,i'm living in fascist state. Brazil has being under an authoritarian regime for a while now.
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