General & Others Akainu never fought the Wbp + Croc etc

In fact, we can see numerous Marine soldiers right behind Akainu. In all the panels, it's not possible to see a single relevant commander in front of Akainu, like Marco or Vista, and we see other commanders focused on eliminating the Marine soldiers. So, it's not that 1 vs. all commanders fight that people blatantly lie about Akainu having done. If they want a 1 vs. all example, the greatest one is the monstrous feat of Kaidou vs. the 9 powerful samurais.

No admiral can solo a yonko crew, akainu with help couldnt in marineford despide there being 2 fellow admirals, greenbull couldnt finish 1 hp king, kizaru couldnt pass marco despide making it clear he wanted to end it fast, aokiji didnt fough katakuri and couldnt freeze pre timeskip whiryu.
No admiral can solo a yonko crew, akainu with help couldnt in marineford despide there being 2 fellow admirals, greenbull couldnt finish 1 hp king, kizaru couldnt pass marco despide making it clear he wanted to end it fast, aokiji didnt fough katakuri and couldnt freeze pre timeskip whiryu.
Oda had to make Green Bull face the leftovers from Kaidou and still gave enough justification for the Scabbards' poor performance, which was due to them being exhausted from the war against Kaidou and recovering from their battle wounds. He didn't even bother to have Inu and Neko in their Sulong forms, and people think he’s going to give a clown like Akainu the feat of soloing a Yonko crew? That’s being too naive.

WBP vs Akainu never happened; it was WBP vs. Marines, with Akainu included in that.

There isn't even a single panel of him fighting against the whitebeard's by himself. The only reason this got blown up was for agenda reasons, but I don't understand why people would lie or convince themselves it happened because it only makes their humiliation greater when the inevitable happens. They found that out the hard way the last few arcs.

Sengoku gave a clear order to split into 2 forces to attack both groups. The final panel we get before Shanks shows up is akainu and a bunch of marines charging towards Marco and his crew.

Akainu had one panel of standing in front of them and making a speech but if you think that means he took them all on by himself you should be hyping Luffy too, since he stood in front of all 3 admirals and attacked them whilst making a speech.

Just the logic is stupid enough, in your minds the marines just sat back and watched Akainu fight all these pirates by himself.