Character Discussion Is Conquerors Haki Mandatory for Mihawks Character?

Is it Mandatory for Him?

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+ Be okay hiding under buggy’s shadow to do nothing- Oda elaborated on Mihawks statement of wanting peace, it's to do with being chased by marines/WG, just like how WB ran away from marines and said it's not worth fighting them because more will be sent, Damn? that's not very "Conqueror" like of Prime WB is it? turning down a fight?. Anyone can spin some shitty argument to suit their view point like you're tryna do rn

+ Be okay being equals with someone like crocodile- Why does being a conqueror mean you have to be a retard who can't see the value in people like crocodile, who has the brain and assets to create a military organisation to fend off the WG? Imagine hating the idea of being equals to the smartest man in the world vegapunk because he's not a conqueror or something, completely ignoring his intelliegence, what kind of garbage argument is this

+ Given up on their original dream being to scared to to go after it again- Great, now show me where this is? what you gonna reply with? that databook showing moria doffy and mihawk? when the statements translation is not talking about those 3 in general having a dream to be pirate king?, the same databook that calls Mihawk the strongest man in the world? or are you just making more shit up and making more assumptions
WB didn't hide behind anyone to leave at peace

No conqueror in this series will accept Buggy and Croco as equals where he's being ordered around
Also some of y’all really got to realize that zoro isn’t mihawk he also isn’t Rayleigh or king or killer or nusjuro
They are all different characters

Mihawk is not as ambitious as Zoro especially not now
Y'all ironically minimize Zoro’s dream of becoming the wss is just because he wants to be stronger than mihawk. While yes mihawk is the wss and zoro will surpass him zoro cares more for the title than mihawk himself. If someone were to surpass mihawk before him or if there was secretly an unknown even stronger swordsman than him than mihawk is no longer relevant to zoro’s dream

Zoro’s dream is bigger than just himself. He doesn’t just want to be the wss just because his own personal pride. He’s not that self centered he wants to do it not just for him but to keep his promise to his best friend kuina and make his captain pirate king. Making his dream to become the wss even bigger than himself

Something mihawk can’t relate to

Zoro was able to put his pride on the side for Luffy and the crew in order to ask mihawk to train him
He also beat the monkeys

Something mihawk again can’t relate to

Mihawk was talking down on Zoro throughout most of their fight because he knew if things were reversed he’d be hiding behind usopp to scared to challenge the wss

I get using mihawk and every semi barely related to zoro to help wank him but again they are not the same character
Zoro is not mihawk and mihawk isn’t zoro

Back in the day they were probably pretty similar and hopefully soon once he starts helping buggy and cross guild go after the and piece he’d go back to his old self a bit. As on now tho mihawk is a loser
He might be stronger than zoro now but he isn’t half as ambitious and driven

Also some of y’all really got to realize that zoro isn’t mihawk he also isn’t Rayleigh or king or killer or nusjuro
They are all different characters

Mihawk is not as ambitious as Zoro especially not now
Y'all ironically minimize Zoro’s dream of becoming the wss is just because he wants to be stronger than mihawk. While yes mihawk is the wss and zoro will surpass him zoro cares more for the title than mihawk himself. If someone were to surpass mihawk before him or if there was secretly an unknown even stronger swordsman than him than mihawk is no longer relevant to zoro’s dream

Zoro’s dream is bigger than just himself. He doesn’t just want to be the wss just because his own personal pride. He’s not that self centered he wants to do it not just for him but to keep his promise to his best friend kuina and make his captain pirate king. Making his dream to become the wss even bigger than himself

Something mihawk can’t relate to

Zoro was able to put his pride on the side for Luffy and the crew in order to ask mihawk to train him
He also beat the monkeys

Something mihawk again can’t relate to

Mihawk was talking down on Zoro throughout most of their fight because he knew if things were reversed he’d be hiding behind usopp to scared to challenge the wss

I get using mihawk and every semi barely related to zoro to help wank him but again they are not the same character
Zoro is not mihawk and mihawk isn’t zoro

Back in the day they were probably pretty similar and hopefully soon once he starts helping buggy and cross guild go after the and piece he’d go back to his old self a bit. As on now tho mihawk is a loser
He might be stronger than zoro now but he isn’t half as ambitious and driven

You can explain this but they still think Zoro is a lone wolf, fight ducking and hiding coward as Mihawk is
so Zoro has it but Mihawk lacks it? nah ....
Katakuri has FS but BM lacks it? WB lacks it? X top tier lacks it?
Katakuri has CoC, and not Marco?

People have used this argument for years and still don't learn

Yamato may have awakening while Kaido doesn't
Zoro having CoC has nothing to do with Mihawk


Kitetsu Wanker
Katakuri has FS but BM lacks it? WB lacks it? X top tier lacks it?
Katakuri has CoC, and not Marco?

People have used this argument for years and still don't learn

Yamato may have awakening while Kaido doesn't
Zoro having CoC has nothing to do with Mihawk
Tell us how Mihawk can be impossible to beat without having aCoC?
How is it possible that a guy with nothing but his sword and supposedly just COO and CoA can stand up to a monster like Zoro who has it all? :ihaha:
The are only to ways Mihawk does not have Conquerors, and I think both are pretty stupid, though I admit technically a possibility.

1) If you need to seal your conquerors in a sword to make it black. But seeing as I think Zoro will end the story with three black blades and even I doubt he will just have three times the conquerors Haki that Mihawk has I think that theory is stupid.

2) Achieving your dream/the cause that helped you unlock your conqueror robs you of it. But Whitebeards dream was getting a family, which he already had by the the time he and Roger almost split an island via conquerors so… yeah don’t buy that either.

Also I just think ever since Zoro got it its stupid to argue the guy who already has achieved the "kingly ambition" that enables Zoros own conquerors haki not having conquerors haki himself.
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Katakuri has FS but BM lacks it? WB lacks it? X top tier lacks it?
Katakuri has CoC, and not Marco?

People have used this argument for years and still don't learn

Yamato may have awakening while Kaido doesn't
Zoro having CoC has nothing to do with Mihawk
The situation is not the same. Arguing that Mihawk does not have conquerors while Zoro has it is not like arguing Big Mom must have future sight because Katakuri had it. Its like arguing Roger didn't have conquerors (prior to it being revealed he did) despite Luffy having it. Only worse since Oda later revealed becoming Pirate King aint even Luffys REAL main dream and goal after all.

Zoros "kingly ambition" is literally getting the title Mihaw already holds. If Zoro got conquerors for wanting to become the WSS, Mihawk who already IS the WSS thus logically should have conquerors. Its not that hard.

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Asking if Mihawk has CoC or not is like imagine We are in Skypiea Arc & you ask whether Mihawk can use Flying Slashes lol
Or Arabasta Arc & wondering if Mihawk can Cut Steel? or later on Fire? Is Mihawk's Blade a Meito? Does He even know what Gentle & Strong Blades are? Did He tame his Sword? ... etc
Asking if Mihawk has CoC or not is like imagine We are in Skypiea Arc & you ask whether Mihawk can use Flying Slashes lol
Or Arabasta Arc & wondering if Mihawk can Cut Steel? or later on Fire? Is Mihawk's Blade a Meito? Does He even know what Gentle & Strong Blades are? Did He tame his Sword? ... etc
People outright have speculated that Enma, a sword an entire grade lower and which is not blackened, is stronger than Yoru somehow all to downplay Mihawk. Some people honestly do not give a fuck about logic and will throw it actively out the window all for slander.
Long time ago there were some retards who thought Mihawk can't use haki at all so it's not surprising that there are still some retards who think he doesn't have coc.
People outright have speculated that Enma, a sword an entire grade lower and which is not blackened, is stronger than Yoru somehow all to downplay Mihawk. Some people honestly do not give a fuck about logic and will throw it actively out the window all for slander.
I explained this before, Mihawk is an Enemy of all Agendas because his Hype is for himself alone, not associated with anyone, unlike Admirals who share their Hype, Yonko, Gorosei, DF Users, Old Legends ... etc

This is why as the Story progresses, He is becoming more & more the most discussed Character,
Everyone will say anything to De-Hype him, and interesting part is that They can't just say "Mihawk is Weaker than this & that" cuz He has a Title & Position to uphold, instead They must redefine everything so that his Title means nothing

For example, They believe if Zoro in Baratie had Shanks Stats & Fighting Style, and used Divine Departure to beat Mihawk, He wouldn't become World's Greatest Swordsman lmao
Katakuri has FS but BM lacks it? WB lacks it? X top tier lacks it?
Katakuri has CoC, and not Marco?
Zoro goal is to SURPASS Mihawk

unless Mihawk a fodder and Zoro is already stronger than him ... he has CoC
but this idea is anti-climatic and won't fit the narrative therefore it's wrong

for fuck sake Jo, don't make me to defend Mihawk!
WB didn't hide behind anyone to leave at peace

No conqueror in this series will accept Buggy and Croco as equals where he's being ordered around
WB chose to not engage Kaido (debatable fight but above all unnecessary casualties leaving them open to BM/Marines)
WB would have left BB alone (if anyone else but Ace, the only one with CoC that could protect his family when dead)
WB ran from the marines (smart move, sooner or later some of his crew die)
WB partnered up with Buggy as an equal in Marineford (he beat Buggy by tending to his ego, basically winning allies with no punches)

Apart from 5-10 super strongwilled guys in the series all the other conquerors strike deals with each other or other entities in order to live peacefully. However much I like Cross Guild as it presents so many opportunites for the series I would rather have seen Mihawk partner up with Shanks as an equal partner, more or less the same deal Law had with Luffy.
I explained this before, Mihawk is an Enemy of all Agendas because his Hype is for himself alone, not associated with anyone, unlike Admirals who share their Hype, Yonko, Gorosei, DF Users, Old Legends ... etc

This is why as the Story progresses, He is becoming more & more the most discussed Character,
Everyone will say anything to De-Hype him, and interesting part is that They can't just say "Mihawk is Weaker than this & that" cuz He has a Title & Position to uphold, instead They must redefine everything so that his Title means nothing

For example, They believe if Zoro in Baratie had Shanks Stats & Fighting Style, and used Divine Departure to beat Mihawk, He wouldn't become World's Greatest Swordsman lmao
Yeah, people have without irony began to Anime scale Shanks using a giant Haki Gryphon, with his sword named Gryphon, as prove that Shanks is a haki-man and this was him showcasing his Haki Susanoo via his haki wand.

According to those very same people, Zoro making a Haki dragon in both the Anime and Manga with Enma against Kaido is not a Susanoo though.

And even though Zoro LITERALLY manifests two extra heads and four extra arms via Asura, he is a swordsmen and not a haki-man but Shanks is a haki-man and not a swordsman despite demonstrably having less feats of using his Haki esoterically than Zoro. He sure as shit ain't growing his arm back like Zoro via just manifesting it into reality thus far has he? As far as I know, his literal only use of Haki in combat besides knocking out fodder is imbuing it into his flyign slash attack.

Mihawk is an enemy of A LOT Agendas no doubt, but he is by far the biggest enemy for people who refuse to call Shanks, the guy that used a sword as his primary method of combat for 20 years plus this Manga has been going a swordsmen.

Even though the main reason Shanks is famous in the first place besides being Rogers cabin boy is literally just because he was Mihawks rival. Even though calling out Mihawks “sword skill” being stronger than Shanks if Shanks is not a swordsmen makes no sense.

Since many people think Shanks is cooler than Mihawk? OBVIOUSLY he must be stronger.

And I would argue he is honestly unique in that his haters literally deny the reality of who the character even is supposed to be. Even the biggest Sanji haters and slanders on the planet don't call Sanji a shit cook or claim that every other cook in the series is better at cooking than him. Only Mihawk has to deal with literally every character that even vaguely looks strong and holds a sword being argued to be above Mihawk.
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Also some of y’all really got to realize that zoro isn’t mihawk he also isn’t Rayleigh or king or killer or nusjuro
They are all different characters

Mihawk is not as ambitious as Zoro especially not now
Y'all ironically minimize Zoro’s dream of becoming the wss is just because he wants to be stronger than mihawk. While yes mihawk is the wss and zoro will surpass him zoro cares more for the title than mihawk himself. If someone were to surpass mihawk before him or if there was secretly an unknown even stronger swordsman than him than mihawk is no longer relevant to zoro’s dream

Zoro’s dream is bigger than just himself. He doesn’t just want to be the wss just because his own personal pride. He’s not that self centered he wants to do it not just for him but to keep his promise to his best friend kuina and make his captain pirate king. Making his dream to become the wss even bigger than himself

Something mihawk can’t relate to

Zoro was able to put his pride on the side for Luffy and the crew in order to ask mihawk to train him
He also beat the monkeys

Something mihawk again can’t relate to

Mihawk was talking down on Zoro throughout most of their fight because he knew if things were reversed he’d be hiding behind usopp to scared to challenge the wss

I get using mihawk and every semi barely related to zoro to help wank him but again they are not the same character
Zoro is not mihawk and mihawk isn’t zoro

Back in the day they were probably pretty similar and hopefully soon once he starts helping buggy and cross guild go after the and piece he’d go back to his old self a bit. As on now tho mihawk is a loser
He might be stronger than zoro now but he isn’t half as ambitious and driven

Mihawk seems curious of Zoro’s drive. If anything it hints at him having a similar drive at some point and wanting to know more t
He certainly has it.

But in case he didn't for whatever reason, it'll become an even bigger W for him, because he can keep up & equal to Haki God Shanks without having CoC.

For example, Zoro is awesome because he (DF-less) can keep up with Luffy who eat a DF.