Who did More to capture Garp?

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Attacking your crew is a act of violance.Luffy would be the biggest idiot if he dont act later on
Luffy always fight and beat pirates who are super bad against civilians around the world or in an island
people who killed someone precious to Luffy's ally

That's why even BM didn't get beat at tototland by Luffy cause civilians there weren't suffering badly
And also why luffy didn't heat her at Wano cause BM wasn't the one making wano suffer

Bartolomeo knew what was coming
Luffy didn't send him to do that.
Fair but it’s either going to be against shanks or buggy

Buggy and cross guild is more similar to foxy but I like the idea with shanks more

Yeah he’s definitely not evil. Doesn’t mean he and luffy can’t have a serious fight tho
They can't have

Even Wb vs Roger wasn't even that all serious . If they really fought seriously, the island would be devastated. They would be heavily damaged
Instead we only got few bandages

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I 100% believe the arc was gonna be ALOT longer than we got. Imagine Yhwach comes back down to the SS like he did and actually wins and combines all 3 worlds into one. That would end Part 1 of the Blood war and then we would get a big timeskip and start part 2 where we see how our characters are getting on in the new world and them trying to find a way to fix things etc.
Yeah doesn't help kubo was given 6 or whatever chapters to end it when it felt like the arc was only truly getting started. The Wano and Naruto final war of bleach but longer and better somewhat.

MHA was supposed to do something similar but horikoshi wasn't able to keep it going with his severe health issues and such.

I was expecting ywach to win and thus what you said happen, even leading into the hell arc.
Ywach was too important to go down that soon.

That would have been amazing if it happened.
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