General Health and Fitness thread

I weight 55kg right now.I used to weight 65kg. I lost around 10kg of muscles mass. Doc said i need to take some supplements to not lose any more muscle mass. I have some disk protusions in my cervical neck that just make doing any movement very painful. I stopped with cardio and calisthenics around 2019-2020 due to breathing problems. i think they were a mix of panic attacks and costocondritis. I overcame that shit,but now i have a fucked up neck. Once i get all this fixed,i will go full goggins on fitness and martial arts. I want to get into my 80s fit.
Holy, 10kg of muscles mass is like a lot.
Wishing you a good recovery, brother.
I weight 55kg right now.I used to weight 65kg. I lost around 10kg of muscles mass. Doc said i need to take some supplements to not lose any more muscle mass. I have some disk protusions in my cervical neck that just make doing any movement very painful. I stopped with cardio and calisthenics around 2019-2020 due to breathing problems. i think they were a mix of panic attacks and costocondritis. I overcame that shit,but now i have a fucked up neck. Once i get all this fixed,i will go full goggins on fitness and martial arts. I want to get into my 80s fit.
Take care recovery is first thing . You are on the way .
I workout consistently
Started around 2 years ago because i needed to lose weight and i guess i've become obsessed lol
i've kept the cardio and lifting consistent
I lost the weight really slowly because the diet hasn't been very good. I'm down 31 kilos and i'd say i've got less than 10 more to go
I've been doing kickboxing 3 times a week these past few month + i lift 2-3 times a week
I do mostly cardio (45-60 minutes of running daily + cycling + shadow boxing etc...)
I haven't been to the gym in a couple days because i've been sick but i'll be back tomorrow hopefully

On Youtube i only watch Greg doucett or however you pronounce his name
Also Cardio is the most important part
It does the most for fat burning and don't forget your most important muscle is your heart so don't let some edgy teenager on a anime forum tell you diffrent
cardio over lifting anyday but if you do them together that's ideal
Exercise is just addictive when it becomes a habit.
I do not have a schedule for workouts. But I do ride my bicicle to work every day. This takes me about 30 mins.. And I stretch every day.

For my health I don't eat added sugar and refrain mostly from using wheat. I substitude it with spelt instead.

All in all I feel amazing! My taste buds have gotten really sensitive to a point, where an apple tastes super sweet, and I do not have those sugar induced glycemic lows, I had a few years ago.


Somebody tell me a way to gain 20kgs weight fast.
Are you still recovering from your illness, or are you fully healed now?

Just try grabbing a snack or two when you're bored and add more calories or eat a bit more during meal times.

You should be able to gain back most of your weight, if not more, since you were deprived of calories and nutrients for so long, and your body shed a significant 17kg as a result.
Are you still recovering from your illness, or are you fully healed now?
I'm discharged but still recovering.
- Food is tasteless
- So is water.
- On medication and Go dizzy sometimes
- Due to lack of appetite, I have been on IV drip for like twice every week.

Just try grabbing a snack or two when you're bored and add more calories or eat a bit more during meal times.
Trust me , I have tried but everything tastes to disgusting , " Metallic " to be exact. I can't even drink water properly because even that tastes disgusting.
My current source of all the nutrients and calories is Extreme salty Vegetable/Chicken Soups , Fruits and Fruit juices.

You should be able to gain back most of your weight, if not more, since you were deprived of calories and nutrients for so long, and your body shed a significant 17kg as a result.
Tough part is consuming , it's almost as if I have lost my apetite completely. I can eat once a day and be ok with it without needing to eat again or feel hungry.
Sometimes even 2 days , as sometimes when I was hospitalized All used to do was sleep , and sometimes , I simply kept sleeping for 2 days straight (Not continously but I did wake up in between but went back to sleep as there was nothing to do. But I do remember I didn't eat anything , and lied to nurses and took my medications only.)

I need to gain my weight again and it's extremely important as I simply don't have any energy at all. I do some task and I'm done in an hour or two.

Recently I went to Selection Board for my aviation career. But I cleared it , all the rounds , Medicals as well though but there wasn't any big issue. But I was given a temperary Rejection and have to report back to them in 2-3 months again as I was under weight by a lot of margin.
My BMI was too low they said , and there were many other factors they said.

My height being 192 cm
And my Weight heing 56 Kgs.
BMI score falls on like 15 - 15.5.