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Still don't know how to post the screenshots here if someone can help. Either way Ral is in the PM and liked Watson's message. I can just message him on OLF to refresh him if need be
You don't know how to post screenshots, but you are very aware of how doxxing works?... :seriously:

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and read that PM again, but as far as I can see from those screenshots, those were concerns that were spoken about from a collection of thoughts from all players who did not appreciate the way you and your sibling operate Mafia games, especially on OLF. If you didn't spend so much time defending yourself and your brother with complete horseshit replies, you'd find a way to prove you both aren't cheating, and we would be done with it. Instead, you've prolonged it for this long and even dragged it between two forums that people mutually play on. People like Ultra and Watson don't seemingly go after others at random either, especially in Mafia, if they didn't see eye to eye on a pattern that was picked up by themselves and others who have played games with you and your brother. Even I don't have enough Mafia game-playing experience, but I can still sense and feel deception bleeding off both of your characters because you both obviously cannot operate individually when you are playing in the same game. We can settle things professionally, which would be the ideal route, and only have one or the other play in a game either here or on OLF, and others can make a determination themselves if you show any signs of cheating or game information sharing. If this was already done in the past and others had picked up on the same behavior that's being discussed, then that isn't a mere coincidence that can be easily ignored. Watson's points in those PM screenshots are fair assumptions, and if I find that you only picked those specific messages to prove some kind of point in defending your and your sibling's actions, then I'm sure others will see the same.

by this excuse, i should be banned since i never go after juliet or flower or some of the people i like on this forum..

no one allowed to go easy on friends/family because mafia.. or your a cheater now....

Where the hell did you come from?... :rolaugh:

Ban it is... :luffyswat:

The IP address isn't the main issue
You made it seem like it was the main issue here because you were already provided the information needed to see that Whicker was the one trying to defend you, but here you are spewing cacamainy crap about doxxing and knowing where you both live. Like I said, no one cares where you live, nor does anyone care to go after you and cause you any harm. If you were threatened by someone as such, then those would be serious accusations that will not be swept under a rug so easily. I don't operate like that nor do I tolerate such levels of ill will, so if it's something that you have solid proof to stand on, I will address it immediately after such proof is posted. My PM box is both open to everyone here and on OLF, so there will be no excuse to why you didn't bother to reach out to me sooner outside of Watson reaching out to you herself to address concerns that she and others had about your perfromance in Mafia games on OLF.

So someone told personal information about me and in your capacity as a mod you

1. Believed it without investigating or talking to us
2. Decided to use privileged information to spread lies on OLF
3. Decided to go to other sites and reveal that privileged personal information and lies


That is the definition of shady
Again, if you have no solid proof nor screenshots of your IP address and any other personal information being shared, please stop bringing it up as a point of discussion and as a means to defend yourself from counter-accusations. This just goes to show that you are using any means to get people to side with you, especially by dragging me into this and trying to slander the members of my forum and my hard work put into OLF.

1. Watson literally PM'd you about her concerns. I read all four messages a minute ago, and you STILL haven't replied back to her. Why are you only showing people what you want them to see without including the most important details? You never replied back after you said you would when you calmed down, but you had enough energy a minute ago to snip part of that PM?? How can her concerns and issues be resolved if you couldn't have the decency to reply back and then use half-assed screenshots to try and prove to everyone here that you are free from guilt, and that we are all supposedly coming after you? Make it make sense to everyone in this thread painfully reading my tl;dr if that at all lol.

Here is the FULL PM for those who want to understand the full context of the screenshots that were posted here.

2. Once again, where is your proof? Screenshots my guy??
3. You really enjoy repeating yourself in order to confuse others and get them to take your side in light of this situation, don’t ya? ;)

I am done with you and your brother, my dude, and if anyone outside of the members you are trying to drag into the dirt to defend you and your sorry-ass brother can't see how much of a dramatic lying piece of shit you both are, then I don’t know lol. Y’all might want to get your vision checked and shit, respectfully.
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