Expectation : Mysterio and MCU Loki of OP
Reality : Extremely arrogant, obnoxious, ugly, loud, giant supremacist, perverted and a cringe fiesta.
I expect him to be like Road, Orochi, Hogback and Absalom but much worse.
I'd find it hilarious if he was really handsome but Lola rejected him still. He might be a really psychotic guy especially behind a clownish or innocent facade.
I rreally want to see giants with DFs and thus loki to truly have a powerful Df especially not a zoan ideally.
But i don't trust Oda especially after that absolutely unforgivable, shameless nonsense with the Gorosei.
I'm still confused as hell about Road too.
A guy getting rejected by Lola is a terrible look for an arc antagonist or villain especially in endgame of one piece and the (physically strongest) country and race in one piece.
I have very little hope with Loki at this point. I rather see Odin as an antagonist or villain.