Super Role Madness Cinematic Mafia: Into the DC Verse


Yasheen has admitted to it Not being his own ability, now that is quite a ballsy statement as it can only mean one of two things (or 3 to be fair);

1) Yasheen is being framed by the Mafia (Cult with Lynch Stop seems a bit too out there, even for Aries). Town stopping this Lynch seems extremely improbable
2) Yasheen is part of the Mafia and is trying to play this off as some coincidence, as he has already claimed to be Indie (?)
3) Yasheen is the Lynch stopper, but is hiding that fact for (?) reasons.

IMO, #2 is what I see as the most likely scenario. Especially when you consider the fact that he was more interested in making a coverstory than naming his suspects. When I pointed this out he tried to claim that he was in fact talking about his susses - when that is quite easily disproven.

the way I see it Yasheen is more or less caught in 4K, now we try to find his mates.

also Unvote

@Luka since you claim to have read 3/4th of the game, give me your GTH reads if you would be so kind

broheim would you mind givingb me a tlldr


Argonauts, roll out!
what is this question/

the fact that scum is giving themselves uo easily but no one even cares says a lot about state of game
I wasn't really actively parttaking in the lynching of Yasheen, I was laregely MIA during the latter half of D1, but I think he probably slipped up - and now he finds himself in a impossible position
broheim would you mind givingb me a tlldr
Well, I don't have everything of this phase, and honestly we're not really too much farther than before, Yasheen on the forefront.

Personally I have Worst/ Pot as runnerups, I can't really make a very convincing case on it though however, but we are kind of starved for concrete leads.

Flower is back as allegedly a weak town role, and is currently on the move so haven't really done much yet.

No deaths - that I've made aware of

I got a bit of a mental blockade right now, I know there was something else I was going to say, but I can't remember lmao