Yet PTs he does nothing important other than defeat the villains. At the very least Sanji does things that affect the plot...
- Saving Kinemon
- Deciding to help save Minks
- Baking the cake to stop BM from destroying everyone
- Saving Kinemon
- Deciding to help save Minks
- Baking the cake to stop BM from destroying everyone
-I kinda forgot FMI but I pretty sure Zoro saved some straw hats from Hody Jones, had he not did that he woulda killed him. If any straw hat dies, Luffy is frozen hence it halts the story
-In Punk Hazard he saved Nami and Nico Robin from Monet who both woulda been frozen to death. If that happens story gets halted and Luffy gets frozen
-In Dressrosa he saved King Riku and Usopp and Viola from Pica. If he didn't do that a)Luffy would be frozen, Doffy kills him story ends. b)Grand fleet won't be formed due to lack of morale. He also saved Nico Robin and Bartolomeo from Pica who had no means of defending them so once again a)Luffy freezes, Doffy kills him. story ends b)Grand fleet don't form
He also saved every injured Grand Fleet member from Pica, he nearly killed Chinjoa, Harjudin etc if they all died grand fleet won't be formed
-In Wano he saved Luffy and Tama from Hawkins
-Saved Luffy from dying at the hands of Apoo, can you imagine if Apoo kept dropping bombs when Luffy is already incapacitated
-Saved Hiyori, if Hiyori died, 9 scabbards would loose morale and not join the battel
Though why we debating Sanji's importance? You should probably debate with @Red Admiral regarding it who would probably tell you Shanks is more important than Sanji.
I think all straw hats are INCREDIBLY important with EB five being most important. Sanji has never not been important, I would never say he wasn't.