- I don’t know if it’s the Canadian blood in me, but I’ve always adored scenes in snowy environments. It was somber, yet weirdly romantic, to see the Scabbards mourning killing the traitor among them amid the snow. Kanjuro’s death itself was way too abrupt for my taste though. He was interesting as a menacing unapologetic psychotic villain presence. It sure looks like he’s dead for good, but we’ve been down that road way too many times, so we’ll wait and see on that one.
- Oda’s perspective shots have become brilliant compared to his older art. It’d be intriguing to see Kaido submerged, and explain surviving.
I believe that needs to be addressed since he must’ve tried suicide by drowning. Oden said if he fails to kill Kaido, it’ll be a long time before he’s defeated, I hope we get the secret behind his “immortality”
- After 985, I said I’d have liked to see Orochi’s men show Samurai pride and oppose Kaido. Thinking about it in the context of 986, they had already discarded their Samurai pride eons ago when deciding to follow the most un-Samurai Samurai ever. The question of what makes vassals truly loyal to their lord has been addressed throughout, but seeing the parallel between the Scabbards carrying Oden’s words 20 years into the future vs Orochi’s men being indifferent to his “death” was quite an eye opening parallel.
- Speaking of parallels, Momo and Yamato are still searching for their own identity outside of their fathers’ shadows. Momo being unfit yer desiring to become Shogun. Yamato being fit to become Shogun but explore the sea instead. She seemed to have held some faint hope of Kaido still caring for her, but nope. Handcuffs go boooooom!
- The old Wano isn’t dead just yet. SUNATCHI MOTHERFUCKER!

Kaido knows the weight of Oden’s words, to the extent he's still living rent free in his head
- Traditional battle cry to signal the war’s start is thematic justice. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to tradition, but in the form of isolationism, it’s self defeating. Outside assistance can go a long way. Luffy, as usual, instinctively recognizes the heart of the problem That’s probably one of Joy Boy’s inerited traits as well.
The locals will start it but the outsiders will finish it. That’s why you see the big players like Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Kid, Law, etc... staying behind for the moment.
- Toei are going to extend these 4 panels into 10 minutes of colorful aura orgasms, and I’ll be there for it :yasu::yasu:
- Who’s Who’s swag is effortless. The dude is getting to Ulti and Pay Pay level’s for me without having to do anything.
- I don’t remember Izo looking this raw before, the swiftness when he disarmed King
The Scabbards are super strong, but I have a feeling this’ll be next chapter