Ok last time, because I'm missing my program. I need to learn to let go.
Not existing, POSSIBLE.
We have the evidence in human sciences that the material conditions of our existence are the equations behind all of our systems and we know that both are the forges of our behavior.
This is a factual observation of reality.
You can debate this principle anyway you want, as long as you will believe that human can somehow be inherently evil, you won't understand how Utopia is possible and why we say that it's - in reality - achieveble quite rapidely in the scale of our human history.
I guess you need to live daily in an horrible situation to understand this.
While this is not so true for people in immediat live threatenning danger, like westerner living under capitalism, it's much easier to justify the impossibility of overthrowing capitalism than to jump in the void of a potential new system.
Anti-capitalism, antiracism, feminism etc. requires the knowledge of what is and what is not possible. And it's something even leftists struggle with. It's VERY scary to even dive into the potential of an alternative thinking. Why ?
Because it means completely rethinking our vision of the world. And this is highly unsettling when you are not used to the process.
Not existing, POSSIBLE.
We have the evidence in human sciences that the material conditions of our existence are the equations behind all of our systems and we know that both are the forges of our behavior.
This is a factual observation of reality.
You can debate this principle anyway you want, as long as you will believe that human can somehow be inherently evil, you won't understand how Utopia is possible and why we say that it's - in reality - achieveble quite rapidely in the scale of our human history.
I guess you need to live daily in an horrible situation to understand this.
While this is not so true for people in immediat live threatenning danger, like westerner living under capitalism, it's much easier to justify the impossibility of overthrowing capitalism than to jump in the void of a potential new system.
Anti-capitalism, antiracism, feminism etc. requires the knowledge of what is and what is not possible. And it's something even leftists struggle with. It's VERY scary to even dive into the potential of an alternative thinking. Why ?
Because it means completely rethinking our vision of the world. And this is highly unsettling when you are not used to the process.
"There's no evidence of there being a rubber sun god, but it can happen in the future thanks to future technology. Just have faith"