Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

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...But he did. The goal was stop Kuma from causing more chaos in Marijoa,
He wanted to finish him off yet he failed while using a named attack and what's funny is that a weakened version of Kuma whilst Kaido did it in one move against a stronger opponent in Luffy in Kuri:risitameh:
which he did as Kuma teleported away due to fearing HIM.
Kuma already wanted to leave even before even confronting Deskainu, he was halted by fodders who kept shotting him that's why he used ursus shock to make a way for himself :ihaha:
You don't even know what the fuck you're babbling about, clown.
Clown, Deskainu couldn't even finish a weakened mf in a direct clash using a named attack while Kaido did against a stronger YC.
Kaido ain't failing like deskainu at one-shotting ( stopping ) Kuma from going anywhere :risiup:
He wanted to finish him off yet he failed while using a named attack and what's funny is that a weakened version of Kuma whilst Kaido did it in one move against a stronger opponent in Luffy in Kuri:risitameh:
Because Kuma partially dodged the hit dumbass, are you retarded or what?

Kuma already wanted to leave even before even confronting Deskainu, he was halted by fodders who kept shotting him that's why he used ursus shock to make a way for himself :ihaha:
Somehow decided to only run after Akainu took a part of his head and instilled the fear in him lmao

Clown, Deskainu couldn't even finish a weakened mf in a direct clash using a named attack while Kaido did against a stronger YC.
Because Kuma partially dodged the hit dumbass

Kaido ain't failing like deskainu at one-shotting ( stopping ) Kuma from going anywhere :risiup:
Same Kaido who completely failed to tag an inexperienced Momonosuke with a named attack?

Kaido ain't going to protect you or Pisshawk, bozo.
Nerfed Kizaru literally had (at worst) a tie round with Gear 5 (even though it’s trivial to argue he won).

And people think Kuzan showed his full power on Hachinosu. It’s actual brain rot
"Tie round"
Was the one who got knocked down
While luffy fell due to his own df time limit

"Nerfed kizaru" as if he couldnt think properly or use his df /haki or was fatally wounded
Yes, so whom got killed by Shiryu in the first place? Do you not see that huge spiked ice around Garp's body when he's just laying there, laughing before he got frozen?

Yep, Akainu killed Ace > Shiryu heavily injured Garp > Kuzan who didn't wound Garp heavily > Kaido needing ACoC TB to KO YC Luffy (because he couldn't use FS due to being too angry).
So aokiji couldn't kill nor wound Old Garp which makes the analogy I said good :
Shiryu heavily injured Garp > Kuzan who didn't wound Garp heavily
So Shiryu has better feats than midkiji against Garp
Then you relied on COMPLETE headcanon because there is no way for you to know if Yamato used any techniques against Ace in the first place. Plus, she was thinking highly of Ace, so that proves that Ace was definitely not some small fry in comparison to Yamato.
We saw the clash and there was no usage of her DF and neither adv CoC just a baseless clashes like Drake and Zoro, tf are you smoking?
Prove She used her DF against him or adv CoC, I'm following what's shown :

Yamato's true power didn't appear until she combined the usage of her DF and adv CoC against Kaido.
So how much is Jinbei nerfed on land?
You realise he often fights on land, right? When was he truly fighting underwater? It was in WCI when Big Mom and her entire crew couldn't even touch him. So choose wisely if you use Landbe or Waterbe, lol.

So I'm gonna use Jinbei what he's shown for the majority of the panels instead of relying on other excuses to downplay his power.
Landbei said to Luffy this :
I hope I can be of help on land

Which shows he's nerfed on Land and a great portion of power gets lost also he was carrying a deadweight which you trynna ignore each time.
Landbe was pushed to mid diff when he wasn't at 100%. It quickly changed when Who's Who was being a racist to him and Jinbei decided to use his next level hardening, then cooked his ass. Don't kid yourself, Land Jinbei would easily match Jack as well or do you think Who's Who was that weak? He was compared to Lucci as a prodigy.

Sure, a 1 HP braindead, tortured Warlord is stronger than the Fishman Warlord on land whilst carrying Luffy, lol.
Lanbei was pushed to mid diff and he used his Ougi Technique + Full body armament with adv CoA to block his shigan attack.
WsW was just waffling about being a prodigy comparable to Lucci lmao, Lucci mastered the peak of rokushiki and pushed it to the extreme, and started using Rokuogan.

Landbei has no feats that put him on Jack level who went to clash against Dukes for days switching with each other and destroyed an army of mink in sulong form.

Yes, a 1 HP brain dead Kuma is superior than a Landbei carrying a deadweight like Luffy and I do wonder how Jimbei would dodge Ursus Shock .:zehaha:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Maybe not even WsW.
Usually Jack and the others should be free too, since King and Queen are free too.

Damn I noticed that this means Perospero is also moving around?
@Buusatan94 @JoNdule
Yamato solos the Beast Pirate remnants /s

I think King and Jack are underground looking for Kaido. Not sure about Queen, I could see him dipping out after squabbling with King.

Perospero is helping in the excavation efforts.

The Beast Pirates and Big Mom Pirates should all (the top officers) Vivre Cards for their Captains.

IMO, this is why Pudding was so cocky towards Teach's subordinates: she knows Linlin is alive.

And, if the Beast and Big Mom Pirates know that Kaido and Linlin are alive, their top officers should honor the deal between the two.

It's possible they already found Linlin and Kaido, too. Seastone is formed from water and lava mixing. There's a good chance Kaido and Big Mom's crater filled with water after the earthquakes, and that the water cooled the lava off into forming natural Seastone.

This is why the Beast Pirates are kidnapping craftsmen: they're trying to find someone who can actually carve through Seastone, as Wano is the country that knows how to meld it.

Fashion = Carve, here.

The Beast/Big Mom Pirates are trying to break their captains out of Seastone.

Who did the Beast Pirates kidnap? A carpenter with nails in his nose, when Hawkins explained that his Nails come from Wano working Seastone. They kidnapped Minatomo in hops he can help them out with the Seastone.

Man, re-reading Yamato's Cover Series, maybe she is Linlin's kid.

She sure as fuck eats like it.

The missing Soba girls are down there feeding Big Mom.

Yamato is going to be fat by the time this Cover Series ends.

Linlin eats Yamato?

Either way, this Cover Series should pick up once we get underground.

Still hoping Cross Guild shows up, too.
Because Kuma partially dodged the hit dumbass, are you retarded or what?
So Deskainu couldn't finish off a 1 HP Kuma who was heavily injured and tortured thus his reaction speed dropped enormously?
Somehow decided to only run after Akainu took a part of his head and instilled the fear in him lmao
Instilled fear? lmao Kuma was already running yet he got stopped until Deskainu came trynna finishing him off yet he failed :choppawhat:
Because Kuma partially dodged the hit dumbass
So Deskainu couldn't finish off a 1 HP Kuma who was heavily injured and tortured thus his reaction speed dropped enormously?
Same Kaido who completely failed to tag an inexperienced Momonosuke with a named attack?
Kaido ain't going to protect you or Pisshawk, bozo.
Why are you showing me a Dragon Kaido bozo?
Why not show me Base and Hybrid Kaido which is his combat form that he uses to clash and fight?
Wasn't Kaido using his dragon form against scabbards but when he wanted things to get finished off he used his base form?

Deskainu failed at beating 1 HP heavily injured, brain dead and tortured Kuma after using a named attack


Base Kaido one shotted a Healthy Luffy who's stronger than 1 HP Kuma with one attack.

Your deskainu being above Shanks and on WB level ain't gonna protect you since his fraud ass is getting exposed hard


I'm ngl bro. At some point in the story we're gonna have to address that luffy kind of was involved in a horrible prison break out,that released scum of society like Crocodile who planned to kill 1 million people 3. Even ivankov who's part of the revolutionaries helped them lol. And at the end of the day shanks stepped in to make sure all the prisoners who broke out get to leave peacefully. I never imagined nami would get involved in breaking out a criminal like this,though I don't think Loki is actually evil
they're pirates and luffy also knew he was too weak to break out alone and understood cross strength would be beneficial overall which it was.
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