Seems like, you are the one with the fascist rhetoric though.
Only listening to source you deem worth listening out of your ass while not reading other sources from people who are indeed sociologist (but you've never read them or your side don't like them so they are not) and uses sociologist method to make their theories just like your God Bourdieu.
It's not me who isn't ready to listen, since I have listened to the people you talk about. I just don't think they are gods and that I should follow them as a religious group.
There is no fascist rhetoric in Todd's work or Clouscard's work.
There is more fascist, xenophobic and sexist rhetoric in Marx work that you didn't read but would praise just because some bullshiter on your side said so on a 10 minutes video on the video you were recommeneded to watch thanks to the algorithm that keeps feeding your one sided view as the ultimate truth.
So yeah, you're definitely not worth listening.
Again, (I really need to stop looking at those F. notifications), you are confusing listening and understanding.
As an example, you can read any story you want without ever coming close to understand them or WORST completely missunderstand them because of your own biases and reading grid. It's the same with any sources. It's good to listen, it's better to understand and it's even better to know.
This is why I don't try to act like I've seen all like you or van do. I know for a fact that I don't have a lot of culture, far from it even. But the things I know, I'm sure of them. Not because I constructed my "O
wn Opinion™" by searching the good in every sources like you did only trusting you own instinct and overpowered critical thinking...
But by listening to researchers and activists who are politically involved in the harsh reality of the world and therefore those who know and are confronted to the material reality of the world VS those who don't, in order to understand the material context of thinkers and therefore "trust" some while making sure to be critical of others.
This is a materialist approach.
What you do is the opposite. It's the idealistic idea that there is some truth in every rethorics, even in the most fascist ones. This is the mindset of liberals and people who are on the verge of falling into far rightism. This is the mindset of those who don't care about reality and only care about their own opinion on reality. This is the seed of the post-truth discourse and fascist rethorics.
That's why, I don't trust my reading skill in the case of science, but my sources. As I know, that I can't have all the tools to understand everything by myself. And in our case, all my sources are demonstrating how Clousard or even Todd have "reactionnary" positions. And Todd is not a sociologist, but an Historian.
As for you, the simple fact that you don't understand the concept of people risking their lives simply because they are existing, show me everything I need to know about your valuable opinion on sociology. Add the fact that you are valuing all your sources equally and it demonstrate how little you really understand politics.
Same as Van. You have a lot of confiture (in French dans le texte)...
But no flavor.
On this note, + 1 ignore.