[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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I will never forgive Oda
You need proper context for those quotes.
You seriously saying "confirmed towny" this early?
He's playing well, leaning town, but in no way confirmed townie LOL
You saying that cause he got a vote on you?
I’m saying here —⅃ was confirmed to me because I thought he claimed one of the biggest roles in the game. Until someone counter claimed, I was going to treat him like a confirmed townie. Which is reasonable. And me showing my faith in the player at the time. Not asking for L to claim when I thought he already claimed.


Ok, I have some 40 pages to read. This is gonna be a pain to read cause I'm on mobile.

I did view the thread a couple of times before, so I would say that Kiwi is a consensus town read, Gambit and TAC a couple scum reads that some ppl share, and then my predecessor was suspicious to several folks earlier. That's correct, yes?
You need proper context for those quotes.

I’m saying here —⅃ was confirmed to me because I thought he claimed one of the biggest roles in the game. Until someone counter claimed, I was going to treat him like a confirmed townie. Which is reasonable. And me showing my faith in the player at the time. Not asking for L to claim when I thought he already claimed.
I did read em Tac, i quoted you all back as well, bt i think you didn't get notified due to merged posts. Not just you, bt everyone engaged there.

Given L is most important role, its also expected they would want it confirmed or try to root out the real one, by calling Gambit the Real L. Your posts are on edge doing this same thing, along with Zara n Melon.

You really saying you fall for Gambit claim? Despite him saying he didn't say which L he was in very next post, bt here you were calling him L, confirmed townie.

It's good thing Real L didn't counterclaim. He shouldn't.
Ok, I have some 40 pages to read. This is gonna be a pain to read cause I'm on mobile.

I did view the thread a couple of times before, so I would say that Kiwi is a consensus town read, Gambit and TAC a couple scum reads that some ppl share, and then my predecessor was suspicious to several folks earlier. That's correct, yes?
Ok, I have some 40 pages to read. This is gonna be a pain to read cause I'm on mobile.

I did view the thread a couple of times before, so I would say that Kiwi is a consensus town read, Gambit and TAC a couple scum reads that some ppl share, and then my predecessor was suspicious to several folks earlier. That's correct, yes?
Kiwi the miller the consistent town read?

U confusing her with nat, the girl who convinced everyones shes town by breathing :wellwell:
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