[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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I'm pretty sure I replied why I voted NW over nat/Zara or yo tan. I don't get it why is there so much fuss about just a RVS lol.
Your reasons for voting me? And who you sus beside me?
What do you think about Tac? And Gambit?
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You’re going to visit the dead chat soon if you keep trying to get our masons to claim.
:catsure:i will like you to try.
You are being lynched, how will you defnd yourself, Poison.
I can't defend myself cause I was afk. But my lynch might actually give you scum, the hard pushers you know you can definitely find scum in there. I'll look at my role again if I can see I would be able to give you any info before getting lynched.


So pretty much a weak case against Melon. I mean she could be partly coastin but as compared to others, she is less scummy but you opt to put your lynch on her. Your decision to change votes is not convincing at all.
It's up to you if you think like that.

Your vote on Nat is purely omgus and it reeks scum tbh.
AT least Reborn built a case before voting me unlike Natalija hence why I sus Natalija sine it looks like she voted me not to look suspicious when you flip townie

I have watched uou played town last game and you were making sense back then but this time, every thing uou post is forced and your voting pattern doesn't hold any ground.
I don't like to get strong town read. It happened twince and I got killed the same night. I want to change my play style.

Are you somehow tryna make it seem that you are suspecting TAC by showing us that you voted her and later on cast it on someone else who's vote will have no bearing in an attempt to save a buddy aka TAC?
No. I saw him pushed the case to lynch players he sus but not in this game. I also realized he also did that in kakegurui and he turned out to be townie so it's hard to judge his meta so I voted you since I thought you voted TAC and thought TAC neutral
There's another methods to find you guys out, i just have a fear, it might not be late by thn.
I will let you guys for nw, read you next day phase to see where your alignment lies. So far i strongly feel, you both are scum
I say give em a BOTD. Pretty sure we got invests who can prove otherwise. Lest, they will appear innocent. Why? If Nat's specs that they could be Light and Misa which make total sense then there's a chance that they are invest immune. There are multiple parts in the story that will.make them looks like innocent because Light is part of the detectives and they organize a play wherein the DN will be turned over to other son they won't remember any part of it.

If you into the flavors, no other couples will make part of the masons.


Ghost Princess
i can see why Gambit considering Tac sheeping.
Poison was asking her own question to Neutral.

@Kiwipom this was your case? I don't think him taking others opinion necessarily a bad thing. I have done worse things while scum hunting, i dont think about it this much. I usually act random, on these things. And Gambit actually started the Game with this, before it was only fluff.

Other than Meta, i find this case weak. And he's been honest about Meta when he could have easily lied it, which suggests to me he more likely is townie.

You have assumed few things from linear perspective. If you had not talked bout it matching previous game meta, I would have sussed you strongly for this.
Bt given your last game, i can understand why your thoughts ran in this way, without considering the possibility he might be scum hunting.

I want to look into this more, she's been leaning townie on her at start bt then been one of the highlight users who sussed Poison for Voting Neutral. And there's more on Melon.
You are actually passive on Drago, Kiwi. If you don't trust him, take his opinion with grain of salt, bt i see you being passive about it. Plus you acted content about Drago Mason claim at once, no questions asked, am i missing something here?

If that's the case, why not claim completely. It would rest my suspicions to rest @Flower .
Plus Fuji n Kiwi can guess your roles, it's only natural Scum can do the same.

If you are already Scum targets with this hint claim, why not claim it. If we believe you competly we can do something about it. Protect you guys.
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Someone give me filler.
A tldr for my case is:
1. Meta matches
2. The questions he starts by asking seems like scum trying to nitpick and find a target
3. The seeking for approval part
4. Following up with a wallie at the end when people started questioning why he casted the vote. like a “to get my bases covered” follow up.

About Drago, I trusted him because:
1. I townread Flower and my mistrust on Reborn was mostly guts feeling. So if Drago says him and Flower is a bundle, then I’m willing to believe their claim
2. Like a lot of people already explained, claiming mason as mafia seems like a bad idea

I will keep my vote on Gambit. Not really a fan of how quick the lynch switched from Gambit to TAC. Feels like a derailing attempt that somehow worked.
This, I agree with. But I’m conflicted, Gambit is a lot more contributive and calm now and he seems genuine. He sounds like a townie about to be mislynched than an outed mafia
What type of role are you?
It isn't anything specific but people targeting me would face consequences at night. Innocents will be spared from other's negative actions and stuff like that.
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You are not being lynched, not yet.

Bt it's bad you have nothing to give for voting for me.
And why is Tac scum leaning?
I'll go with my gut. Will read at night if Alive. What's the VC?
I barely read. My sus were nat/Zara and yo tan/light. NW town. Gambit null, TAC scum leaning.
Your stand?

You’re going to visit the dead chat soon if you keep trying to get our masons to claim.
You're dead on the mason claim and don't see a room for impossibilities? Also, your vote against me has no justification. Keep an eye on this one on my wake and thereon.
Oh wait, you mean the lovers thing? Never seen that in my mafia career. If so, it's very cool!
I've seen lovers many times before. And most of the time, they are both town or the other is scum.
It's up to you if you think like that.

AT least Reborn built a case before voting me unlike Natalija hence why I sus Natalija sine it looks like she voted me not to look suspicious when you flip townie

I don't like to get strong town read. It happened twince and I got killed the same night. I want to change my play style.

No. I saw him pushed the case to lynch players he sus but not in this game. I also realized he also did that in kakegurui and he turned out to be townie so it's hard to judge his meta so I voted you since I thought you voted TAC and thought TAC neutral
So the reason why you no longer on TAC was because I find him neutral? That's all? Sonyou went for pooor Melon instead who has no traction to the current poll? Lolililik

I kinda overdose with laughter hence the distorted laugh.
I say give em a BOTD. Pretty sure we got invests who can prove otherwise. Lest, they will appear innocent. Why? If Nat's specs that they could be Light and Misa which make total sense then there's a chance that they are invest immune. There are multiple parts in the story that will.make them looks like innocent because Light is part of the detectives and they organize a play wherein the DN will be turned over to other son they won't remember any part of it.

If you into the flavors, no other couples will make part of the masons.
The last line is literally so wrong...there are like a dozen people in the series that fit a Mason role. All of which are good guys. There is even a very prominent duo in the series that was very important and one half is an important Town role here. So cut the BS.
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