[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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We won't claim anymore. Us confirming each other is enough, as people already said, there is no way we are lying since that would just be dumb. Anymore info about our roles is just free info for scum that we're not willing to provide.
You have done more bold strategies Flower. I don't buy it.

If it can already be guessed by some, it can also by scum.

If you really don't wanted to claim, you should kept it secret. But you jumped in game town reading him and protecting him from one vote from Ali, that no one would have followed to vote Reborn.
You have done more bold strategies Flower. I don't buy it.

If it can already be guessed by some, it can also by scum.

If you really don't wanted to claim, you should kept it secret. But you jumped in game town reading him and protecting him from one vote from Ali, that no one would have followed to vote Reborn.
It's not easy to guess since there are more Mason possibilities when it comes to charas. Just keep your vote on me or whatever, just making it clear that a claim from either of us won't be happening at all. We've said enough and given the consistency on my part it should be clear it's the truth.
I am terribly sorry. A storm knocked out the power here yesterday and I won't be active today because I need to go to the doctor's office since I got a fucking eye infection and can't see clearly with my right eye.
hoping for your fast recovery fam, take care and stay safe.

We won't claim anymore. Us confirming each other is enough, as people already said, there is no way we are lying since that would just be dumb. Anymore info about our roles is just free info for scum that we're not willing to provide.
good call, I totally agree.


He has made a good observation in his last posts and the day is ending but you don't seem consider that. Your last vote appears to be an attempt to split the ties and you've been swaying votes depending on who currently owns the lead. You sure you're not coasting and wahoning? You're aallnoverthenplace too imo
Huh? Not really. What's wrong with wanting to see more of players observation.

I have good reason to sus Melontonin.

Doesn't contribute much.
After that she gave her reads and her read on you only followed Kiwipom's case built on you. I also sus her since her read on Poison also followed other player who sus her but she sus Posion since the start hence why I unvoted.

I voted TAC since he sus Reborn yet he didn't push the case to lynch Rayan, Melontonin, Poison who he sus. He only voted you since Kiwipom built case on you.

Then I voted you since you read TAC neutral but you still vote him. Then you said you unvoted then whn I searched, you voted Flower so makes sense your read on TAC is neutral.

Later I voted Natalija since she voted me out of the blue without building the case.

Then I voted Melontonin back since I realized She didn't mind player with character L to counterclaim you and that mde me to vote her back
It's not easy to guess since there are more Mason possibilities when it comes to charas. Just keep your vote on me or whatever, just making it clear that a claim from either of us won't be happening at all. We've said enough and given the consistency on my part it should be clear it's the truth.
Almost feel like you guys got something to fear, counterclaims?:catsure:

good call, I totally agree
Why that so? Explain.
I will keep my vote on Gambit. Not really a fan of how quick the lynch switched from Gambit to TAC. Feels like a derailing attempt that somehow worked.
Can you read the quote in the post below. It messed up, so you didn't get notified. And tell me why Gambit still could be scum.
@Light D Lamperouge where's you been brother. I get a strong feeling you are also a scum.

Tac/Flower. One is scum in there.

Drago n Melon, being other two.
Huh? Not really. What's wrong with wanting to see more of players observation.

I have good reason to sus Melontonin.

Doesn't contribute much.
After that she gave her reads and her read on you only followed Kiwipom's case built on you. I also sus her since her read on Poison also followed other player who sus her but she sus Posion since the start hence why I unvoted.

I voted TAC since he sus Reborn yet he didn't push the case to lynch Rayan, Melontonin, Poison who he sus. He only voted you since Kiwipom built case on you.

Then I voted you since you read TAC neutral but you still vote him. Then you said you unvoted then whn I searched, you voted Flower so makes sense your read on TAC is neutral.

Later I voted Natalija since she voted me out of the blue without building the case.

Then I voted Melontonin back since I realized She didn't mind player with character L to counterclaim you and that mde me to vote her back
So pretty much a weak case against Melon. I mean she could be partly coastin but as compared to others, she is less scummy but you opt to put your lynch on her. Your decision to change votes is not convincing at all.

Your vote on Nat is purely omgus and it reeks scum tbh.

I have watched uou played town last game and you were making sense back then but this time, every thing uou post is forced and your voting pattern doesn't hold any ground.

Are you somehow tryna make it seem that you are suspecting TAC by showing us that you voted her and later on cast it on someone else who's vote will have no bearing in an attempt to save a buddy aka TAC?
Bruh, there was advice AGAINST claiming and this is a Death Note themed game. Saying names is just dumb.
There's another methods to find you guys out, i just have a fear, it might not be late by thn.
I will let you guys for nw, read you next day phase to see where your alignment lies. So far i strongly feel, you both are scum
This seem reasonable opinion. But this can also be why she stated it outright, it was RVS vote, after admitting she know no meta to make any reads. About going after Neutral instead of em is legit, bt it was also not a serious vote or something.

Her reads are not bad per say. Bt on Tac, i find her reads weird. Almost like what she did last game phase with her scum buddies.

I think her sus on Poison is legit.

Only thing weird about her is now her role in L claim, and Neutral being Jester.

Changing Votes iz not indication of scum or Jester.

Still, she didn't deny being Scum but asks why she likely is one.

My case on Melon is weak, so i am not supporting her lynch. Let's see more of her next day phases.
I'm pretty sure I replied why I voted NW over nat/Zara or yo tan. I don't get it why is there so much fuss about just a RVS lol.
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